News Roundup
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Some of the articles of interest to working mothers that we’ve seen around the web recently…
- Romper looked at why it’s still hard to find COVID vaccines for babies and toddlers.
- Parents shared important information about postpartum PTSD.
- Disability Scoop reported on a new bill that would require schools to notify parents before their child’s first IEP meeting each academic year of their right to invite experts and other third parties.
- The Washington Post explained how homeschooling in the U.S. has changed, “transforming a group that has for decades been dominated by conservative Christians into one that is more racially and ideologically diverse.”
- The 19th reported that Florida and Kentucky are losing educators to extreme anti-LGBTQ+ laws.
- The Cut asked 65 teenagers how they feel about being online.
- WIRED reviewed Momfluenced: Inside the Maddening, Picture-Perfect World of Mommy Influencer Culture by Sara Petersen.
- Culture Study talked to author Amanda Montei about her new book, Touched Out: Motherhood, Misogyny, Consent, and Control.
- Your Laugh of the Week comes from McSweeney’s, with “The Geriatric Pregnancy Hero’s Journey.”
Also, do be sure to check out the news update over at Corporette!
On Corporette Recently…
- We talked about changes to make when you want to save money.
- We discussed phone etiquette in 2023.
Did we miss anything? Add ’em here, or send them to [email protected]. Thank you!