News Roundup

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a white square with text \"weekly news update,\" surrounded by a border of frost

Some of the articles of interest to working mothers that we’ve seen around the web recently…

  • The New York Times offered tips on preparing kids for Daylight Saving Time. (It starts this weekend!)
  • Harvard Business Review gave advice on lowering your risk of PPD when returning to work.
  • Parents listed what to bring in your hospital bag for a C-section.
  • Working Mother suggested what parents should share with teachers in parent-teacher conferences.
  • The Washington Post reported that toys focused on social and emotional development have become popular during the pandemic.
  • A writer for WIRED stated, “I find it shocking that it’s become acceptable to tell kids that they will die from climate change. Not only is it a terrible thing to tell our children, it’s also not true for most of them.”
  • Today’s Parent recommended some small, easy items to pack for your next family vacation.
  • Romper summarized a Reddit post (from r/AITA aka Am I the A**hole?) that was written by a babysitter who called the police (non-emergency number) when a mom, who had repeatedly been late, was late once again and unreachable.
  • Book Riot looked at the classic children’s book Love You Forever and asked “sweet or creepy?”
  • Your Laugh of the Week comes from The Belladonna, with “Another Gut-Punch Round-Up Of Parental Leave Stats From Around The World.”

Also, do be sure to check out the news update over at Corporette!

On Corporette Recently…

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