News Roundup
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Some of the articles of interest to working mothers that we’ve seen around the web recently…
- Scary Mommy gave the lowdown on collagen supplements.
- Above the Law shared a piece by a mom about starting her own practice.
- The Lily noted that some big companies are starting to cover the cost of employees’ doula care.
- The Washington Post talked to infectious disease experts to answer nine questions about traveling with kids this summer.
- Working Mother shared parenting hacks for this summer.
- Parents talked to two pediatricians about the benefits and risks of using a SIDS prevention monitor.
- The New York Times encouraged parents to give their partners time alone (yes, sometimes easier said than done).
- At Refinery29, five single parents revealed how much they earn and spend.
- Romper offered 12 kid-friendly grill recipes for this weekend.
- Your Laugh of the Week comes from Frazzled, with “We at DILFS of Disney Are Back to Peter Your Pan.”
Also, do be sure to check out the news update over at Corporette!
On Corporette Recently…
- We discussed career advice that women should ignore.
- We talked about how to shake things up when you’re bored with life.
- Our new writer, Nicole, shared three things she wishes she’d known before 1L.
- We listed the best personal finance resources for professionals.
Did we miss anything? Add ’em here, or send them to [email protected]. Thank you!