News Roundup

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a white square with text \"weekly news update,\" surrounded by a border of frost

Some of the articles of interest to working mothers that we’ve seen around the web recently…

Coronavirus-Related News & Resources  

  • The New York Times reported that Moderna will begin testing its vaccine on kids (ages 12–17).
  • NPR answered the question “Should I wash my kid’s clothes every day after school?”
  • Vox explained how to find fitness motivation right now.
  • At The Guardian, a working mom wrote about trying to be grateful for simple things.

In Other News… 

  • Parents offered advice on keeping your baby’s skin healthy during wintertime. 
  • Today’s Parent featured 5 photo gifts kids can make.
  • Working Mother highlighted the 21 best books of 2021 for working moms.
  • The Washington Post told the story of a 10-year-old girl who was worried about wearing glasses during remote learning until her mom, a news anchor for ABC 7 Chicago, wore hers on TV.
  • A Twitter thread about a friendship between a “fairy” and a 4-year-old girl went viral this week.
  • Your Laugh of the Week comes from The New Yorker’s Daily Shouts, with “2020 Gift Guide: Something for Everyone on Your List!”

Also, do be sure to check out the news update over at Corporette!

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ISO of advice for 2.5 toddler sleep help. She started having what I think was a regression, and has now started sleeping in our bed the past week. She used to lie down quietly and play in her bed while falling asleep. Have had strong bedtime routine, nightlight, hatch light, and white noise machine since she was a baby. Did cry it out after 18 month regression and have always been strict about sleep. During this recent regression nothing worked and we formed this bad (for us) habit. Don’t think cry it out will work again b/c we’re at the “big emotion/lack of regulation” phase but I’m open to help. Has started to fight naps but will nap at daycare. Don’t think it’s teething as OTC meds don’t help. Open to all suggestions. TIA!