News Roundup

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Some of the articles of interest to working mothers that we’ve seen around the web recently…

Coronavirus-Related News & Resources  

  • The Washington Post reported new findings on the coronavirus-associated disease called multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C).
  • The New York Times looked at disagreements among couples regarding coronavirus risks. 
  • Meanwhile, Emily Oster advised parents on how to mitigate and evaluate risk, evaluate benefits, and make a decision — for example, when pondering inviting grandparents from out of state or sending kids to camp. 
  • Vox recommended how to fight fear and anxiety when quarantine ends. 
  • Common Sense Media rounded up 15 virtual summer camps and classes, while USA Today wondered if virtual programs are worth the cost. 
  • NPR provided information on the safety of flying, air conditioning, and more.
  • Forbes offered a working parents’ guide to paid family leave in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.

In Other News… 

  • The New Yorker featured mother-and-child portraits by photographer Lisa Sorgini: “Behind Glass.” 
  • In The Washington Post, Imani Bashir published an essay called “Living Abroad Is My Way of Prolonging My Black Son’s Life.” 
  • Vulture noted that Lego pulled ads for police-themed toys and donated $4 million to fight racism and inequality. 
  • CBR rounded up the best all-ages comics for Pride. 

Also, do be sure to check out the news update over at Corporette!

On Corporette Recently…

Did we miss anything? Add ’em here, or send them to [email protected]. Thank you!

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I am 7 months pregnant and found out that my employer’s maternity leave coverage is shorter than I thought. My LTD policy will only cover 6 weeks for vaginal delivery and 8 weeks for C-section. I was hoping for 12 weeks of paid leave, and planned my work projects around my expected leave. Once I come back to work our office will likely still allow everyone to work from home, which might make the transition to work easier. H will get 6 weeks paternal leave, which we can stagger with my leave. I am weighing taking an additional 4-6 weeks unpaid versus sending baby to daycare a few weeks earlier than we originally planned. Welcome your thoughts!