News Roundup

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a white square with text \"weekly news update,\" surrounded by a border of frostSome of the articles of interest to working mothers that we’ve seen around the web recently…

  • Refinery29 offered 8 beauty gifts for giving — or for treating yourself.
  • The Cut interviewed a CEO who left finance to focus on clean beauty — including her own beauty suggestions.
  • Motherly discussed whether CBD-based products are safe for pregnant and nursing mothers.
  • Forbes suggested how employers should respectfully address working parents.
  • Forbes also reported that 59% of working parents have to cut back on essentials due to the costs of childcare.
  • Fast Company shared Apple’s new policy for new parents returning to work.
  • Huffington Post explored Sen. Kamala Harris’ proposal for a longer school day to help working parents.
  • Parents explained what led a mom who was always the “default parent” — even when she was at work and her husband was at home with the kids — to get her husband to step up.
  • NYT Parenting shared actress Casey Wilson’s account of what it was like before she and her son’s doctors figured out why her toddler was tired all the time.
  • Slate asked why there are so many feminist baby books, and if very young children can understand their messages.
  • The Washington Post warned parents of the dangers of knockoff car seats.
  • For your WTF of the Week: Working Mother reported why a mom went viral after she called out a photographer who offered to retouch children’s school photos.
  • For your Laugh of the Week: McSweeney’s shared an 11-month-old baby’s discrimination complaint filed with HR.

Also, do be sure to check out the news update over at Corporette!

On Corporette Recently…

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