News Roundup

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Petit Pli Expandable Kids’ ClothingSome of the articles of interest to working mothers that we’ve seen around the web recently…

  • Fast Company reports that the unisex outerwear company Petit Pli has invented expandable clothing that fits children from 6 months old to 36 months, like this jacket and matching pants.
  • Working Mother reports that a mom has created a new fashion line for girls called Girls Will Be — the styles are longer and looser than a lot of girls’ clothing but feature a fit that isn’t “too tight, too boxy or oversized like boys’ clothes are.”
  • Parents shares the CDC’s new breast pump cleaning guidelines that were issued after an infant contracted the rare but serious Cronobacter infection.
  • The Cut shares the pumping experiences of 13 women.
  • NPR reports that most babies born in the U.S. now arrive Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.
  • KQED’s Mind/Shift asks if grades are “diverting the focus from real learning.”
  • The New York Times explains the risks of exertional heatstroke for young athletes.
  • The New York Times also notes that some antibiotics may increase the risk for birth defects.
  • PopSugar Moms points out that the LATCH system‘s 65-pound weight limit includes your child and the car seat.
  • At Quartz, Jenny Anderson writes that French moms aren’t superior to American moms — they just have it easier.
  • Recipe of the Week: We recently had an open thread about summer recipes for working moms, in which a reader shared this one-dish recipe from Williams Sonoma for chicken couscous with dried fruit that only takes about 25 minutes.
  • Laugh of the Week: shares helpful housekeeping tips, such as, “Instead of hiring a cleaning company, hire someone to rob your home.”

Also, do be sure to check out the news update over at Corporette!

On Corporette Recently…

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