News Roundup

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A woman posing on a business casual attireSome of the articles of interest to working mothers that we’ve seen around the web recently…

  • Refinery29 has some advice for business casual workwear. (Some of it is a little out there, though — what do you think?)
  • Bloomberg looks at how motherhood is affecting women’s careers.
  • The Washington Post describes how hard it is for airline employees to pump while they’re on the job.
  • In The Atlantic, Liz Tracy writes about how moms-to-be make decisions about whether or not to keep taking antidepressants during pregnancy.
  • The New York Times tells you about Robin Hood Waldkindergarten and the other 1,500 waldkitas (“forest kindergartens”) in Germany.
  • NPR reports on a study that found that 43% of children who died in car crashes were improperly restrained — or not restrained at all.
  • Speaking of kids’ safety, Scary Mommy has info on the padded shirts and special pads that can protect a kid’s heart if he or she gets hit with a ball in the chest while playing sports.
  • Modern Mom shares the EWG’s recommendations for safe sunscreens for kids. (But read this too.)
  • At TIME’s Motto, Melinda Gates explains how she raised her son to be a feminist.
  • At, a breastfeeding mom writes about how the side-lying position for nursing is a huge help.
  • For the Recipe of the Week: Dutch baby pancakes (NYT) are fun to make with your kids, and they’re good for brunch parties too because they bake in the oven rather than on the stove.
  • For your Laugh of the Week, The Huffington Post shares a bunch of great Tina Fey quotes about being a mom.

Also, do be sure to check out the news update over at Corporette!

On Corporette Recently…

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I think you can mine the Refinery29 article for some April fool’s post ideas…