News Roundup

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A woman wearing a Non Itchy SweatersSome of the articles of interest to working mothers that we’ve seen around the web recently…

  • Racked rounds up non-itchy sweaters and asks, “Why Is It So Hard for Women of Color to Buy a Nude Bra?” (image maybe NSFW).
  • The New York Times Well blog explains how to lose weight in a safe way while breastfeeding.
  • Speaking of breastfeeding, Above the Law reports on “Latham & Watkin’s breast milk-shipping program, “the first of its kind among all Biglaw firms.”
  • The Dallas News reports that many grandmothers today are opting out of being called “Grandma.”
  • New York magazine’s The Cut shares an essay from a mother whose baby has cystic fibrosis; she struggles with how or whether to tell people the news. Also from The Cut: an essay from the mom of a 3-year-old that contains this perfect section: “Do I really want to go out on an evening when I could be with her? Of course I don’t. Of course I do.”
  • Common Sense Media, which is a great resource in general, recommends 10 websites for preschoolers through high schoolers.
  • Benjamin Bergen writes in the Los Angeles Times about cursing in front of you kids: “[W]hen I happen to swear around my kid, I provide some coaching. I engage him in an honest dialogue about why some words are OK in some places, but not others.”
  • Last week we shared the photo of the marathoner using a hand pump while running — this week we have a photo of a “doctor who is 35 weeks pregnant and working as the team physician to a high school football team while carrying her 3-year-old daughter on her back.” (Her childcare fell through!)

Do be sure to check out the news update over at Corporette!

On Corporette Recently…

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That Latham breast milk shipping service isn’t a new idea. My employer (a Southern regional bank) has offered that to new moms for about a year through a company called Milk Stork. I took one business trip before and one after the service had been implemented. It was amazing not having to take your milk through TSA coming back. Such a great benefit that more companies should offer. I think it was only around $150 a trip.

Re: Grandparents opting out of “Grandma” and “Grandpa”. What a sad comment on our obsession with uniqueness and youth. So weird. Is the next step a bunch of 20-somethings who think they’re too young to be mothers, so call them Kiki/Lala/Coco instead?

I don’t get the problem with being called what you are. I grew up with 7 living grandmothers/great-grandmothers. I called them all Grandma, it wasn’t confusing at all.

(End of my crotchety old lady rant)