Family Friday: Mozart Magic Cube

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Toys that play music — kids love them, parents not so much.

We received an older version of Munchkin’s Mozart Magic Cube as a hand-me-down after our son was born. It’s one of his favorite toys, and one I can tolerate (at least it’s Mozart). It includes five different instrument sounds (and an “orchestra” button that plays them all at once) that can be combined to make eight Mozart compositions.

The lights flash with the music, and the squarish shape is easy for babies to hold. I can personally attest to its durability since my son has dropped it countless times.

The Mozart Magic Cube is available at Target for $20.49 or Amazon for $20.08.

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Did anyone use cabbage leaves for weaning? Did it work and did the lack of supply encourage your LO to be less interested? Also, what a weird thing. I’m sure it has ancient roots, but how did women figure this out?

CDC just issued guidance that all schools should reopen in the fall, with some notes about looking at local data for rules about masking, distancing, ventilation, etc. I don’t know what the fall will bring in terms of variants, but I really hope that there won’t be repeated closures or hybrid schedules. I really want my K-er to have as “normal” a year as possible.

Anyone have the wayb pico car seat (or another one that sort of folds) and can speak to ease of use? I’ve sung the praises of the immi go here before and just went to buy another, only to find out that they’re discontinued! I know there are a ton of recs on travel seats and this isn’t a request on that general category, but specifically for something somewhat foldable like the pico. Kid would be three so not old enough for the mifold.

Clothing question for bigger kids: Where are you doing your shopping for elementary school kids? My almost 7-year-old girl is starting to turn up her nose at Carter’s/Oshkosh/Primary. Old Navy is okay for some things, but the quality can be hit or miss. So that leaves Target, I guess? Her tastes are fickle, at best. Let me just say that I don’t love that she’s already being influenced by her peers re: clothing choices; this is a big adjustment from my older boy.

So I know this was just discussed a few days ago, but it didn’t seem like there were a lot of replies. Any suggestions for a travel high back booster? It needs to have the 5 point harness option because kiddo is on the lighter side for her age. I’ve looked at the Cosco Finale, but some of the Evenflos look a little nicer for close to the same price (the Chase Plus and Maestro). I’d like to keep it below about $100. But I anticipate (hope?) this will get a lot of use over the next 2-3 years so don’t necessarily care about buying the cheapest option. I just want it to be safe and portable. Thank you!

Has anyone taken kids to an all-inclusive resort before? We’re taking ours, ages 6 and 8, to one in a few weeks. They’re wildly excited about it, particularly about concepts like the swim-up bar (resort is advertised as for families, so I’m confident they’ll have good kid -friendly options) and other treats. They’re good travelers who aren’t actually too bad about going overboard (and we’re pretty relaxed about treats and such), and my husband and I have visited the resort before, but I’m definitely wondering what it will be like with kids. Any experiences to share?

My almost 4 year old has turned to hitting himself when he knows he has done something he shouldn’t do. For example, he will punch himself (lightly) in the head if he throws something across the room and we remind him that we do not throw things. He will also say, “I’m going to hurt myself,” “I am so bad,” and “my parents don’t love me because I am bad.” Since this started we have really tried to reframe things so that they are not “good” or “bad.” I can tell that this happens mostly when he is tired, especially because he has been skipping naps. It is really disturbing behavior and I am not sure where to start. Asking him not to hurt himself in the moment just escalates things. I have tried to pull him aside when he is calm and say that hitting is never ok, even hitting yourself and remind him of how much we love him.

What is my new go-to clothing store for the fall? I’m cutting way way back at work, sending my two youngest to a part-time preschool, and will never need to dress business casual, but I’d also like to step it up from the Old Navy joggers and tshirts I’ve been living in the last year and a half. I’ve always been fine at business casual and ultra casual, but I need some nice casual-casual, if that makes sense. I’m 40, size 14. Will take very specific recs!

We’re going to visit friends next week with an 18 month old. I was planning to hit a local bookstore in our city and pick out a nice assortment of books for their kid. Is that a sufficient hostess gift or do we need to bring something else? I don’t know anything about their food or drink preferences and I’m not sure how well flowers would survive the trip (we’re driving but it’s a long drive). I’d personally much rather have books for my kid than some random item for our house that might just end up getting thrown out or re-gifted, but I just want to make sure I’m not way offbase here.

This past weekend we went on a trip with our soon-to-be two year old and it was… not great. He climbed all over the hotel room, cried a lot at night, woke up early and one room means everyone is up and instead of going out to dinner we ended up ordering take out every night, sitting in our hotel room.

Clearly this was our first trip since he was born with covid and all in between but is this really what travelling with a toddler is like? Any way to improve the experience?