Everyone Thursday: Browsing for Books Cardigan

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ModCloth Browsing for Books Cardigan | CorporetteMomsHat tip to editor Kate who found this cardigan — I like it so much I may have to buy one for myself. It’s made of a hand washable ribbed knit with an elasticized, cinched back panel. It seems like a great thing to wear over a sheath dress or with trousers whether you’re pregnant, nursing, or beyond. Another big plus: it’s $39.99. Nice. ModCloth Browsing for Books Cardigan Here’s a plus-size alternative.

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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lovely cardigan, perfect in my third trimester state and no guilt to be able to use later, so just ordered, thanks Kat!

I have to host a baby shower for my little sister in a few weeks. I’m in my first tri myself (and so tired!), work has been really demanding lately, and this will fall the weekend between having to travel and Thanksgiving, so I’m just really not excited about it. Sister has lived out of state for several years, so the guests will mostly be my mom’s middle-aged church lady friends (which sister and I grew up with, so that’s fine), and maybe a couple of her old friends. My mom lives out of state now, too, though she’ll be back in town a few days beforehand. I’ve never hosted a shower and, truth be told, don’t even really like going to them much.

What do I do? How do I get started on this? Any tips for making it nice? Any “how to throw a baby shower in 3 easy steps” website tutorials or something out there?

I was looking back on yesterday’s child care thread with great interest — no one seemed really in favor of a nanny or nanny share. For context, our family (two kids under 5) has used a terrific licensed daycare since our eldest was born. We’re happy with the center, but given the fact that my eldest will be in full-time school next year (and will therefore have different pick up/drop off needs) and that we have a third on the way, we’re seriously considering switching to a nanny. We’d need someone four days per week to watch the two younger ones (by then, a 2-1/2 year old and a baby) and to schlep our eldest to and from school. I like the convenience factor of having someone at my house and am assuming I’d get them to do a bit of kid laundry in addition to watching our shorties.

I didn’t see a lot of feedback on nannies in yesterday’s thread so am just curious to see if any of today’s readers have experience with nannies that they can share. This is somewhat complicated by the fact that we live and work in an area where nannies aren’t all that common, though I don’t think it would be impossible to find one via Care.com or word of mouth.

Do y’all ever feel like expectations are way out of hand for working mothers (and really all mothers in general) these days? It’s like we’re working more hours than ever before, but are still expected to parent like uber-involved SAHMs. I don’t know where this pressure is coming from, if it’s societal or from ourselves or both. My mom was really into being a SAHM, and she didn’t even do most of the stuff working mothers are expected to do these days.

For example, a couple weeks ago there was some conversation on here about making your kid’s baby food. I was shocked (shocked!) that that is something that people who have jobs do! I think it’s great, FWIW, but I just had no idea. Everything just seems so crazy-making and time-intensive, from interviewing multiple pediatricians to renting a bouncy castle and designing custom invitations for your kid’s b-day party. And pumping. Do you ever take a step back and think about what a huge thing that is to be expected to do? To attach a machine to your body multiple times a day for an entire year? To be clear: I think all of these things are great, if they are what you want to do. But oh my god. No wonder half the “overachieving” mothers I know are knocking back half a bottle of wine a night at minimum.

This might just be me discovering that I’ll probably be more of a “free-range” parent, as Pockets called it a few days ago. It just seems like expectations have definitely changed and not for the better.

I’m entering my third trimester and trying to figure out whether to plan to leave work before my due date. I’m curious whether other moms on this s i t e worked until they went into labor, or if they left work early, was it unpaid, or paid vacation or medical leave (and if medical leave, was your OB easy or difficult about writing a note?). If you’re comfortable sharing, I would love to hear. Thanks in advance!