Makeup & Beauty Monday: Miracle Complexion Sponge

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Despite my best efforts at skincare, some days I need foundation to perk up my complexion.

This makeup sponge is indispensable for smooth, flawless coverage. It’s perfect for blending foundation, concealer, and even tinted moisturizer. I like to dampen it for a dewy look, but you can use it dry for a matte finish. It’s even safe for sensitive skin and easy to clean with a little soap and water.

Real Techniques’s Miracle Complexion Sponge is $8.29 for a two-pack at Target.

Sales of note for 2/14/25 (Happy Valentine’s Day!):

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Up to 40% off your full-price purchase — and extra 60% off sale
  • Banana Republic Factory – 50% off everything + 15% off (readers love their suiting as well as their silky shirts like this one)
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 300+ styles $25 and up
  • J.Crew – 40% of your purchase – prices as marked
  • J.Crew Factory – 50% off entire site and storewide + extra 50% off clearance
  • Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – Flash sale ending soon – markdowns starting from $15, extra 70% off all other markdowns (final sale)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Not sure what I’m looking for other than commiseration. After a traumatic post partum period (including an unexpected surgery under GA at 5 weeks postpartum), I feel like I’m seeing clearly for the very first time, in my late thirties, that my mom just truly lacks empathy or the ability to be there for me, and is a narcissist. She is masterful at playing the guilt card, playing the blame game, is constantly martyring herself and jealous of the energy I put into friends and in laws, etc. She lives 5 minutes away and was not supportive at all during my maternity leave. She practically raised my niece but hasn’t watched my son for one single day since he was born (but is offended if I go visit my in laws with him). I don’t feel like cutting her off is an option but I’m also done with metered visits that are followed up with a nasty email or text because I don’t see her enough. What do you all with unsupportive local family do? I can’t help but feel jealous of friends whose parents are emotionally supportive and help out with the baby all the time. I could even do without the help if I didn’t feel like I was just an emotional punching bag for her. I work full time in biglaw and it’s just taking up so much real estate in my head.

Looking for something to send to my friend who just had a second baby. She lives in the dc area and had 2 under 2. Second c-section. She’s well taken care of- grandparents, meals delivered, massages scheduled, etc. what would you send? I’m across the country.

One of my best mom friends told me she’s leaving the workforce. I am happy for her to do what’s right for her family. It makes me sad, though, to lose someone I could talk to about all of THIS. I am glad this community exists.

Any recommendations on sectionals that hold up well to kids and pets? We purchased one from Wayfair a few years ago that works great in our space but has seen better days. Looking to replace it and can spend a few thousand dollars, but I’m overwhelmed by the options. Has anyone found anything they love and that’s durable?

My oldest turns 5 this month. I’m thinking about getting him a nugget or a pickler triangle. My question: will either of these prevent him from using my couch as a launch pad/pommel horse? I also have one year old twins so if either of these would be useful for them, that would be nice to know. TIA.

Googling other parents – is this a thing you do before playdates?

What are you doing to maximize your time with out of town grandparents? My parents came to visit recently and I realize how old they are getting. Neither is ill, but both are aging – we’re talking 70s here. The knowledge that they won’t be around forever hit me hard. So, now I’m trying to think about what I can do to make the most our time together (given the constraints of living in different cities, full time work for me, kids getting older and therefore more involved in school/life). Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Baby is here! Born Friday afternoon and we came home on Saturday. Birth went well…induced at 40+2. Took 32 hours to go from 0cm to 5, then 1.5 hours to go from 5 to to baby in arms. VERY glad I advocated for an epidural the second I hit 5, even though they said I still had “plenty of time.” (My last baby followed the same pattern and I did not get the epidural in time). We are all adjusting well. Very thankful for my amazing mom and MIL, who tag teamed to watch the kids. 5yo is over the moon, 4yo is struggling…I suspect I’ll be back soon to seek advice on that front! I’m just so happy she is here and excited for everything that comes next.

I feel like my just turned 4 year old has very extreme reactions to disappointment or frustration. For example, the other day we were driving home from school and she dropped a toy on the floor out of reach. She demanded I pull over so she could get it and when I said I was sorry she dropped her toy but I wasn’t going to do stop so close to home, she went ballistic, screaming, crying, kicking the seat and eventually trying to unbuckle herself from the carseat to get it (she stopped this last one under threat of timeout, at least). I feel like this is completely normal behavior for a 2 year old, but not so much for a 4 year old – am I wrong about that? I’ve read 1-2-3-Magic and How to Talk to Little Kids and I feel like we implement the techniques, but nothing seems to be improving.

My 3yo takes three of his stuffed animals EVERYWHERE. To school every day, to the grocery store, etc. He also carries them around the house during the day so that they’re never too far away.

I’ve talked with his teachers, and they aren’t concerned. They expect that he’ll grow out of it eventually.

The problem is that it’s increasingly annoying to deal with them. Partly because there are three, they are constantly getting dropped in dirt, spilled on at meals, etc etc, because it’s a lot for him to juggle. Tracking them down and cleaning them has started to feel like a part-time job.

Is there a way to strongly encourage him to cut back to one stuffed animal, or maybe none at all, without setting him up for a lifetime of therapy? Every time we suggest letting some portion of the crew stay at home, he freaks out.

Does anyone feel like their illnesses are lasting longer these days? Our son started daycare in August and has gotten sick on the regular since. At least once ever two months, we’ve also gotten sick. I know all this is par for the course (we have a 6 yo too who was also in daycare) but what seems out of the ordinary is how severe the illnesses are and how long they last. Rather than dissipate over 3-5 days, they are taking 8-10 days just to start feeling even a tiny bit better. And my husband and I are generally pretty healthy–active and eat well, and I hardly ever drink. Our sleep could be better but see, kids above. :) Is this happening to anyone else? The long term, severe colds are killing us.

Hunger Games salute to all the other moms out there who loved the half-time show, then stayed up way too late doing valentine’s things and now need motrin and caffeine to make it through today. McSweeney’s excellent valentine’s post in a comment to follow.

Any fave nursing tops? With my first kid I just wore nursing tanks or stretchy normal tanks with nursing bras and a cardigan or loose button up on top. But I remember all of them feeling sort of cheap and boring and overall just feeling really schlumpy for that whole period, which wasn’t helpful for my overall mental state. Maybe that’s just inevitable but interested in any suggestions for ways of dressing or specific items that work well for nursing but you still felt somewhat like yourself.

Piggybacking off the sleep training post the other day- we are thinking we will Ferber our four month old soon. She goes to sleep independently so long as she has her pacifier. It’s getting old waking up 3-4 times a night just to stick it back in. How awful was it? She’s really attached to that thing and I’m dreading nights of screaming.

Feeling in a real slump re: friendships lately. I’m a new mom who lives in an area with lots of SAHMs so there are tons of mom/baby clubs, outings, etc. taking place in the middle of the workday and never outside of those hours. Adjusting my work schedule to attend any of those isn’t an option. I already struggle with guilt about working (even though I like and am good at my job!) but am feeling isolated about making friends with other parents given that it seems like there isn’t anything out there for working moms, and I’m wary of social media initiated contact. Is this an “it is what it is” kind of situation? Would appreciate any advice you have!