Nursing/Postpartum Tuesday: Miracle Blanket

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Miracle BlanketSleep is very important to me. I could probably write a novel on the pros and cons of every type of swaddle I’ve tried — and it would be a long novel. Our baby really, really loved being swaddled, as most do, but was also very talented at escaping them. The one that lasted the longest for our little Houdini was the Miracle Blanket, which after all the money we shelled out on swaddles, was actually the one lent to us by a family member. (It’s $29.95 at Amazon.) It’s a little hard to describe how it works, but the “miracle” part of it is you’re wrapping your baby’s arms down in the fabric and the fabric goes under the baby — the baby’s own body weight keeps it from coming undone. There’s no Velcro or snaps. Once he was strong enough to break out of even this one, we moved on to the Merlin Magic Sleepsuit, but that’s the next chapter of the novel… Miracle Blanket Swaddle This post contains affiliate links and Corporette® may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 2/14/25 (Happy Valentine’s Day!):

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Up to 40% off your full-price purchase — and extra 60% off sale
  • Banana Republic Factory – 50% off everything + 15% off (readers love their suiting as well as their silky shirts like this one)
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 300+ styles $25 and up
  • J.Crew – 40% of your purchase – prices as marked
  • J.Crew Factory – 50% off entire site and storewide + extra 50% off clearance
  • Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – Flash sale ending soon – markdowns starting from $15, extra 70% off all other markdowns (final sale)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Having trouble with threading – but one thing you can do with regard to the family separation nightmare is support the frontline workers. The lawyers, social workers, nuns, etc.are also traumatized and exhausted. Reaching out to a local or national organization to support their work or send them lunch, cookies, or a nice note means a lot.

My 4 YO is dry most (19/20) nights. I’m staying at an AirBnb, they know that I will have my kids with me. Do I need to specifically ask if they have a sheet protector for the bed, just in case?

Pogo – remind me tomorrow and I’ll do some digging. Where are you headed?

Pumping in Europe – tell me your stories.

Did you have any issues with getting your milk through security? Did you find any hotels that had fridges in you room, or fridge/freezer that you could use? Was it hard to explain the situation when you don’t speak the local language? Can you use your regular adapter for the pump or should I buy a Medela power cord with the European plug style? Do European offices ever have lactation rooms?

I’m considering pumping and dumping because I’ll be in different hotels and driving all around and it seems like a bunch of hassle I don’t need. But pouring that milk down the drain is so emotionally difficult!

Prenatal development question: when do unborn babies develop melanin? Specifically, does Baby Center’s endless parade of pale pink babies mean they’re only illustrating white babies, or is that just what all babies look like in utero?

Does anyone know of a place to get a mail order subscription of diapers, wipes, and other baby stuff that isn’t Amazon? I’m looking for something that will send me Pamper’s Swaddlers at first, and then Earth’s Best or 7th Generation or some other fragrance-free brand later on. Not interested in Honest Company. Thanks!

This is a dumb question, but something I haven’t encountered before. How do you have a babysitter contact you if your home doesn’t have a landline, and the sitter doesn’t have a cell phone? Leave one of your cell phones with him/her? Get a prepaid phone to have around? Have him use Google Hangouts or Google Messenger from our computer?

In case it wasn’t obvious, the babysitter is quite young — easily the youngest we’ve had — but I’m OK with trying it because he’s a big brother-type figure to my kids and has taken the babysitter certification course. Most importantly, his family lives two houses away and his parents (close friends of ours) will be home the whole time for backup.

Someone on the main page recommended the blog “Raising Boys and Girls” as a resource for kid development. I went there, and just a few posts down was a section on how boys are “just wired differently” and that’s why they are physical and can’t sit still. It made me recoil and dismiss the entire blog. But it also got me thinking…

Am I wrong for totally rejecting this idea? Like, I get there are biological differences in boys and girls, but I don’t think they’re so different to create a statistically significant difference. I think it’s 99% social.

I think boys don’t sit still because they aren’t forced to do so. They’re not put in dresses as crawling infants, so their movements aren’t as limited. They’re not told to sit quietly and play kitchen. I think boys are more physical because that’s shrugged off as “boys being boys” – watch any group of preschoolers in the park and the girls will get immediate interaction if they fight verbally, but the boys are allowed to actually wrestle for a while before anyone intervenes. Those types of social interactions are prevalent before kids can even talk, so they must be having an outsized influence on behavior.

Is this wrong? Am I rejecting “science” in favor of my anecdotes and beliefs? My family is pretty conservative and I hated hearing “boys will be boys” my entire childhood, so am I just reacting to that? Any of you smarter women have more educated thoughts on this you can share?

For Insect Repellent question from yesterday – look at the insect repellent clothes and clothing treatment options. I’ve got a big can of clothing treatment stuff I plan to use before we go camping; probably on one pair of light-weight long pants and a light button down shirt for each of us. They sell pre-treated clothes though. Apparently they are very effective.

Did anyone else have weird hormonal stuff going on at 3/4 months postpartum? I’ve felt pretty awful for a couple of weeks now. I had a terrible migraine for the first time since getting pregnant, and since then have felt generally nauseous and run down. Kind of like early pregnancy but I’m definitely not pregnant. Before getting pregnant I often got pre-menstrual migraines, so I thought I might be getting my period back, but it hasn’t showed up (and I’m EBFing so this would be pretty early, no?)

This is kind of a ridiculous question, but is there any way I can stop my 1.5 year old from pooping in the middle of the night? It wakes him (and the rest of us) up and requires a diaper change. We’ve tried letting him cry it out, but it rarely works and often winds up with a horrible diaper rash. I figured he would grow out of it once he started eating more like a toddler and less like a baby, but it hasn’t happened. He has a big appetite, eats three square meals and a couple snacks, and drinks a moderate to low amount of milk. Help?

Baby monitor question – we are still using the same baby monitor from when my daughter was an infant, and it works fairly well. But the range is no longer working for us. For example, if I’m solo parenting and need to quickly run the dog out at 11pm, the signal dies 5 feet outside of my apartment door and I still need to go down 3 flights of stairs. The place we’re living in has a roof deck, and I’d love to be able to sit out there after my daughter goes to bed, but I want a monitor that will work.

Would the Nest cam work for these purposes? Any other suggestions?

How do you handle displaying family photos? I like to have professional ones taken at least once per year, but then I’m not really sure what to do with them. I love the look of canvas photos on the walls, but getting those made is not cheap so I don’t want to regularly take them down and put up a new one, and I also don’t want to just keep adding a giant canvas to our house every time we take family pictures. (My parents have every square inch of their walls covered in family photos and while I think it’s sweet, it makes me claustrophobic. I’m much more of a minimalist than they are). I feel like we have “enough” photos on the walls, but I also want to keep taking photos because my daughter is growing and changing all the time. But at the same time, taking the photos feels like a waste if I don’t display them prominently in our home.

For those of you who are lucky enough to have parents with vacation home–how often is too often to ask to use it? Does that change if there are lots of adult children and stepchildren involved? We have gone to my in-laws’ vacation home twice in the past two years, after not being there in a decade. My daughter absolutely loves it there and has been asking to go back. I’d like to use a short trip as a reward to bribe her to accomplish some goals this summer, but I’m heistant to impose on my in-laws’ generosity. At least one of stepmother-in-law’s kids goes every year, but the siblings on our side rarely go there. What do you think?

Not sure what I’m looking for other than maybe suggestions on managing my feelings and reactions…I’m feeling physical sickness when I see photos of migrant children screaming and crying. I could throw up, I get goosebumps, I feel a little dizzy. It feels disingenuous and wrong to avoid the coverage, but I literally feel like I can’t handle it. I’m trying to balance being informed and learning what I can do to help these families with the feelings of anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. I know it’s the ultimate privilege to be able to look away from something like this, and I don’t want to ignore it, but I feel like I can’t – for example – listen to the ProPublica piece. I’m so sad and angry that this is our world.