Nursing Tuesday: Gathered Loop Top


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Milk Nursingwear Gathered Loop Top | CorporetteMomsOoh: I love the look for this simple V-neck gathered top that is nursing friendly — it looks discreet, functional, and flattering. It’s available in coral, latte, and purple for $35 at Amazon, sizes XS-L. Milk Nursingwear Women’s Gathered Loop Top (L-2)

Sales of note for 2/14/25 (Happy Valentine’s Day!):

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Up to 40% off your full-price purchase — and extra 60% off sale
  • Banana Republic Factory – 50% off everything + 15% off (readers love their suiting as well as their silky shirts like this one)
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 300+ styles $25 and up
  • J.Crew – 40% of your purchase – prices as marked
  • J.Crew Factory – 50% off entire site and storewide + extra 50% off clearance
  • Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – Flash sale ending soon – markdowns starting from $15, extra 70% off all other markdowns (final sale)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Sigh. Just a vent. I worked from home yesterday because I was throwing up in the morning, and had a doc’s appt at 4:30pm anyway. Got a ton of work done. Was attacked this morning by crazy co-worker, accusing me of messing up negotiating a provision in a master agreement. She disagrees with my interpretation of a provision. I have a good relationship with counsel, so I emailed for a clarification, and they 100% agree with my interpretation. Got it in writing. Now crazy co worker thinks that isn’t good enough, and wants the contract amended to clarify an already clear provision. Double sigh. Makes us look dumb, and clearly this is “punishment” for working from home yesterday.

To make matters worse, I will now be reporting to her (she won’t have any knowledge of my compensation or benefits, but she’s now my “team leader”), and our CEO just announced his retirement. I just love him, and he is the one that hired me. Sigh again. I’m sure it will all be fine, co worker is annoying and sabotage-y but I think I can work with it (I just have to treat her as the narcissist she is, I can get through it) and I’ve already decided that she is 20 years older than me and I will just outlast her.

But days like this….

But I’ll hang in there because otherwise this is absolutely my dream job!

Just a quick vent – that’s awesome that you don’t let your under 2 y.o. child watch TV. That’s awesome that you don’t even turn it on in the house when they are awake and that you are super proud of yourself for following the AAP guidelines. That’s cool that you think I’m basically committing child abuse for letting my child watch a channel (Sprout) that appears to be designed for her age group. For the love of all that is good, stop posting it on your facebook page as a response to everything.

Does anyone have any experience with hypotonia (low muscle tone) in babies? One of my little guys isn’t pulling up, still crawls on his belly, and has astonishing flexibility in his hips (he does full splits on the floor all the time). The twins just turned one and went for their 12 month well baby yesterday. The doctor recommended we have him evaluated by a physical therapist. I have some people to call, but was just wondering if anyone had any experience with this. He was never a “floppy” baby, had no trouble feeding, and lifted his head right on schedule. But he’s never wanted to bear weight on his legs (and it doesn’t seem like he has any pain) while his brother has been trying to stand literally since he was 10 weeks old.

My pregnancy has been diagnosed with a single umbilical artery. It doesn’t seem to elevate risk greatly, but it does elevate risk to the fetus. I’m having trouble focusing on my work because I want to keep searching for more info. Anyone have any happy ending stories to tell on SUA? I could use cheering up with relevant anecdata. I’m going for an amnio next week, which seems like a long time to wait for me. And then it’ll be follow up ultrasounds for the rest of the pregnancy to look for problems.

I have decided I really, really need a total break from reality for a few days, and want to go on a short holiday. Unfortunately (in terms of getting a break) this will require taking my LO (almost 15 months) with me. I want to go somewhere warm, sunny, child-friendly and low-stress that doesn’t require a plane ride of more than 2 or 3 hours (from Vancouver, BC). I have convinced my mom and possibly my dad to come with me (my SO can’t get time off work).

The most obvious destination I can think of is Disneyland. I know my daughter is really too little to get anything out of it, but I figure it’s an easy trip and there is lots for her to do/see there even if she doesn’t go on a single ride. The nice thing is that if my parents come along, I may actually get some time to myself too. I know Disneyland can be super busy but I figure if we go in early May, during the week, odds are it won’t be too crowded.

Does anyone here have recent experience taking a toddler to Disneyland? Any other ideas for a 4 or 5 day trip that would get me what I want?

Thank you!

My 13 month old hates shoes. I don’t know what it is. She is fine with socks and those zutano booties, but I tried putting a pair of hard-soled shoes on her and she FREAKED THE F OUT. I don’t think she would have been more upset if I was actually physically harming her. I tried to show her the inside of the shoes to show her no monsters were hiding in there, I let her hold the shoes (and even put them in her mouth) to get used to them. No help. Any ideas why she’s so upset or ways to help her deal?

I decided to get my kiddo rainboots for her Easter basket, but I’m wondering if she is too young – by Easter she’ll be 15 months old, so the boots would be worn from 15 months through about 21-22 months. The reviews I’m seeing online are that toddlers have a hard time keeping rainboots on their feet, the plastic is too stiff, they have heels which are hard for toddlers to walk in, etc.

Anyone have experiences with toddler rainboots? She has been walking about 6 months and is pretty confident in her little sneakers (which we admittedly only put on her about half the time).

Also – toddler flip flops, what is up with those? I keep seeing them and I cannot imagine my kiddo keeping them on her feet.

My baby is due in about two weeks, and I still haven’t packed a hospital bag. This has officially made it to the top of my to-do list!

Does anyone have suggestions for anything to include? I have pjs and nursing bras and some basic toiletries, but I’m sure there are things I’m just not thinking of right now…

I was doing laundry this weekend and realized that I need to make a housekeeping/laundry confession:

I put no effort into laundry. All colors get washed together, in cold water, and dried together. If I remember, I’ll pull out any sweater knits to air dry, but that’s only 30% of the time or so. Whites get washed and dried together and I’ll throw delicates in with the colors. I only drip-dry my underwire bras (they don’t get washed in lingerie bags). Towels are washed with clothes if the clothing load isn’t very full. Maybe this is why I refuse to buy expensive clothing (all suits, etc. get sent to the dry cleaners).

Any housekeeping confessions from anyone else?

Have this top and love it! Convenient for nursing, not too low cut, loose (not clingy) thru the tummy so I find it very flattering.

Any favorite lactation tea or fenugreek supplement brands? My supply is waning a bit and I’d like to see if I can get it up a tad. Bonus if available on Amazon Prime. Thanks wise hive!

My husband has recently transitioned jobs – ok, twice in 6 months after a period of 6 months unemployment.
And I’m due this spring.
He is FREAKING OUT. Serious panic/anxiety attacks.
I texted my MD/therapist (she can prescribe meds & does talk therapy with me) for therapist/psych referrals for him.
Luckily he has made his own appointment at his regular MD today to talk about it.

Looking for advice, suggestions, anyone who has been through similar combination of spouse’s job transitions, new baby (2nd), and spouse being mentally/physically unable to deal. Thanks in advance.

I missed yesterday’s thread on moving but wanted to share what worked for us. We had a specific neighbourhood we wanted to stay in but needed a larger house. We identified properties not on the market that we would be interested in and sent out letters to the homeowners asking them to contact us if they wanted to sell. We sent thirty letters, got three responses and one of those turned into our new home. We are very happy we went this route even though closing the private sale was a huge hassle, having our ideal house in our ideal neighbourhood was so worth it!