Baby Tuesday: Milestone Baby Cards


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A baby smiling on his first birthday photoshootI spied these baby milestone cards over at Nordstrom a few weeks ago and thought, aw, what a great idea. When J was little we created our own little signs that we held up next to him; and at that time the “milestone stickers” were big, for you to stick a huge sticker on your kiddo that said, for example, “2 Months Today!” I like the idea of these cards much better — they’re not blocking whatever cute outfit you’ve got, and they look a heck of a lot cuter than our little printer signs. (Another pro: I might have actually used these with my second kiddo if I’d had them laying around.)  The cards are $24 for a pack of 30 cards. Milestone Baby Cards Illustrated Cards (Set of 30) Update: note that Amazon has similar, more affordable cards for pregnancy, in Spanish, and more. (L-all)

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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I am feeling totally despondent about my housekeeping arrangements and need ideas. I work FT in BigLaw in a major West Coast City. Husband works FT in a job that has biglaw hours for a nonprofit salary. Two kids. Keeping up with my house is just defeating me. Just keeping up with the daily inflow of mail and kid crafts and art projects and backpacks and breakfast dishes and dinner dishes and laundry and magnatiles all over the living room floor and shoes all over the hall — it’s just too much. I can’t do it. And I feel like I spend so much time on basic housekeeping that I never get to do the bigger projects, like sorting through old toys or cleaning out the closets. I’m spending all this time on the kinds of housekeeping projects that give me the least amount of pleasure or satisfaction, and it’s frustrating.

We have a housekeeping service once every other week, but I feel like I need more help than that. We used to live in NYC and outsourced laundry, which was hugely helpful, but it’s not as easy to do it in our new city.

Help. What would you do?

So, we have just introduced solid foods to our 6 month old over the last few weeks, and though we’ve offered some cereals/purees, we are really enjoying the baby led weaning approach. The baby makes a huge mess and probably doesn’t ingest much, but she’s definitely enjoying different textures and tastes.

My question is this. We’ve started daycare this week, and are sending the baby with breastmilk only (the idea of figuring out solids at the beginning was overwhelming to me). If we don’t want to send cereals and purees, but rather actual finger food for the baby, does anyone have any recommendations as to when we should start sending food? And once that starts, any ideas of good, not-too-messy options? And has anyone found daycares resistant to this approach?

Anyone here originally want one kid and decide to have a second one when their first got older? I always thought I wanted two kids, but now that I have a baby (currently 4 months old), I think one may be the right fit for our family. My husband has told me multiple times he doesn’t want a second child, but is willing to have another one if I want to. I didn’t mind being pregnant and absolutely love being a parent, but don’t have a strong desire to do it again. I’ve decided to table the decision for at least a year, but was curious if anyone else felt the same way and changed their mind later? For added fun, both of our families would be vehemently opposed to us only having one kid, and have already told us that it would be selfish, that we would ruin our current child, and that our child will grow up to be weird. Obviously they don’t actually get a say in the decision, but still yay for family pressure!

Talk to me about your sleeping co-sleeping arrangements. I am just exhausted.

I have a 3.5yo and a 1.5 yo and we all sleep in the same room. 1.5yo is in her crib in the next room and the 3.5 yo has such anxiety that she tells me that she need to sleep with mama every night. I have to hold her really close when she sleeps. And this kid still reaches to touch chest for reassurance. Nights that I sneak out into my guest bedroom she will wake up at 4-5AM, cry out for me and run around looking for me and in doing so wakes up Kid2.

Dad sleeps in another room and does not have to handle any of this as Kid1 does not want to sleep with him. He’s got very early mornings and is pretty loud so sleeping with him isn’t an option.

We had a family discussion asking Kid1 how we can resolve this problem if Mommy wants to sleep by herself and Kid1 wants to sleep with mama. She teared up during this duscussion and got really upset at the prospect that she would need to sleep alone or even in the same room as her sister.

I just need some outside perspective.

My milk supply has decreased by about 1 oz per pumping session. Not a big deal when I am home with the baby but makes getting bottles together more of a PIA since before i would generally pump a solid 5 oz each time, which is exactly what baby eats when I am not around. This has been happening for only a week or so and I suspect it has to do with some cold meds I took while I was sick. OTH, may be just natural drop off around the 7 month mark. Has anyone experienced something like this and did you find your milk supply resumed in time? Or is this just the new normal?

In August we are spending a vacation week with family that includes 5 and 7 year old boy cousins that little TK adores. He will be 2 1/2 by then. Is this week the perfect or the worst time to double down on potty training? Pro: he loves his cousins and wants to be like them in every way. Con(s): away from home, away from typical routines, need to always know where a toilet is at all times while on vacation. Thoughts?

Any moms out there with “breath holders”? My son has been having episodes that I thought were seizures, but after a few trips to the ER and a visit with a neurologist, it seems they were breath holding episodes. So while that is good news in one sense, he is still passing out with enough frequency to frighten me. I feel like I am in a constant state of anxiety worrying what is going to trigger the next spell, and not truly believing its fairly harmless. I never understood why people turn to the internet for these questions, instead of medical professionals, but now I get it – yes my doctor has explained things, but I want to hear from people experiencing this for real, not just in a clinical sense. Seems like kids grow out of it by age 7, but he is 2 so I’ve got a long ways to go. TIA

After a brief “vacation” this weekend. I am EXHAUSTED. Other than the waking up at 5am to get to work on time, I am so happy to be at work and get a break from chasing after and entertaining a very mobile 8 month old who is teething.

Just wanted to toot my own horn for a minute– I went out of town for three days/two nights with my 21 month old alone. And we survived! I’m so proud of myself. I’m the sort of person who will not do anything I’m afraid will be a hassle, but we did a lot of stuff, including going to a parade, and it was hard and frustrating at times, but went well overall. Especially considering the house we rented was probably the least childproof house I’ve ever been in. Did not think that one through, but I’ll do better next time. I’m so pleased with myself.

Urgh. I never did stuff like this with my kids and am in general feeling like a major failure at documenting their lives. We have three shorties (age 6.5, 3.5 and 1) and I have thousands of disorganized digital photos, a baby book for the youngest that’s gone untouched her entire life, and all kinds of other tasks I’m behind on. Any tips on trying to get caught up (or even “good enough”) on these types of projects?