Maternity Monday: MAMA Viscose Dress


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A woman wearing a MAMA Viscose DressThere are a few things I really like about this maternity dress from H&M. My favorite is the sheer sleeves, which work in both a cold office and in transition to fall. Although fall seems a long ways away, there is something autumnal about the colors, and I can picture it with nice brown boots. I like that it has a v-neck and an elastic “waist.” Also in keeping with the sheerness of the sleeves, there’s a sheer overlay with lining underneath. For me, I always appreciate that type of style — hides all the lumps and bumps and distracts with a pattern. It also comes in black, which I can see using as a base for some fun accessories, though in this case, I do favor the patterned version. The dress is $34.99 and comes in sizes XS–XXL. MAMA Viscose Dress Pink Blush Maternity has a plus-size option. Building a maternity wardrobe for work? Check out our page with more suggestions along both classic and trendy/seasonal lines. This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 1/16:

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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With you. They may or may not close up but it’s fine regardless. Husband has a pierced ear and I would have never known if he hadn’t pointed it out (he hasn’t worn anything in it since I met him). OTOH I really wished I had my ears pierced as a young child and in the winter because taping up for soccer and irritation from the pool made the experience a nightmare when I had it done at maybe 10. I wanted to pierce daughter’s ears at birth but didn’t because I couldn’t find someone who would do it.

I constantly get blocked ducts and none of the usual massaging or heat gets them out. My Lactation consultant told me to stop messing with them, take ibuprofen, put a cabbage leaf on after every feeding, and rest. It has worked like a charm. Hope this helps.

I’m in a very rural part of the country with no pump and a very stubborn clogged duct. My usual methods of hot compresses, massage and frequent nursing are not helping and it’s going on 48 hours so I’m getting freaked about mastitis. I can’t dangle nurse because my daughter just gets freaked out and won’t suck. I’ve dangle pumped before but don’t have a pump and don’t think there’s anywhere around here to rent one. Any ideas?

From the depths of the sh%t you can’t make up files. I was the poster last week who was on a trip to visit family and kiddo got strep. I took care of her plus worked 1/2 time at my parents for half the week and then met hubby at his parents’ house for the second half of the week (where I still worked 1/2 time while caring for kiddo). Hubby was in a golf tournament that I let him continue to play in. I expected (and didn’t really receive) him to do most of the childcare for still sick kiddo after he arrived when he wasn’t at the golf course.

MIL (who normally isn’t so bad and is good with kiddo) had the nerve to make a comment about letting hubby get enough rest on his “vacation”.

I have no words.

Piggybacking off the mean girls discussion – I realized that kiddo keeps telling me about kids being “mean” to her at school, and I am probably not taking her feelings as seriously as I should. She tends to tell me these things when she’s already too tired, and then imputes terrible motivations to things that sound like accidents. I often ask her if it was an accident, and she always denies it…but then I don’t have anything further to say. Are there good strategies for helping her sort through these things? FWIW, it’s often her “best friends” committing the injustices, and she jumps in happily to play with them in the morning.

Thanks to everyone who posted in response to my question about the “mean kid” behavior that my daughter had been complaining about. I really appreciate all the thoughtful comments and commiseration. The Mighty Girl post was very helpful — I was able to find one of the kid’s books that was suggested in a link at the library.

I just need to put this somewhere.

My dearest girlfriend just had to cancel a weekend visit that I’ve been LIVING for. I am devastated to the point of crying a few times, because I am a working mom of a toddler and I have no female friends who I can be fully myself with.

The wonderful (though few) friends, old and new, that I have in this town (I’m lucky to have wonderful long-distance besties) see and are friends with parts of me but are uncomfortable with the rest. I have childhood friends with whom I share a past and candid fashion advice and work commiseration. They do not understand my mom world, do not have kids, find mine cute but kind of a drag, and enjoy activities like golfing, escape rooms, and overpriced brunch. We love each other but do not enjoy the same kinds of leisure pursuits. I’ve made some mom friends through painful internet dating style connections, and they are awesome, but being moms of kids the same age is pretty much the only thing we have in common. There are certainly cool women in this town, even moms, who share my interests in art and making music and alternative spirituality etc, but most of them are crunchy granola past a point that I am able to connect with. I read my horoscope and drink a lot of herbal tea and have tons of creative interests, but my world runs on the schedule of work and a toddler right now and will for the foreseeable future. I’m not cool enough for them, in other words, and I don’t have the energy, time, or childcare to go to art openings and poetry readings and bars trying to meet lady friends. I’m too old and I have too little free time and I like my own company and myself too much to chase around potential new friends. But I’m lonely.

I just want one female friend to escape to the woods with for a day, to do things like read aloud from Erica Jong or Cynthia Heimel and picnic and read each other’s tarot cards, and do all of this unselfconsciously, without having to wonder if I’m being too weird for that person. Just one day. My bestie will reschedule her visit, and life will go on, but I’m SO sad and feeling incredibly depressed about ever finding my people.

I had two kids, two years apart. Since the birth of baby #2, I have been eating a whole foods, plant based diet and am averaging around 30 miles per week of running. I incorporated weight lifting for the first time ever and I am loving it and the fact that I am able to quickly see changes in my arms. All this is to say that I feel like I’m doing a lot and my motivation is because I truly enjoy health and fitness.

I am carrying a lot of excess something in my midsection. I’m not sure if it’s more fat, excess skin, or a combination. My youngest is not quite a year old so I understand that some things take time, but I am wondering if there’s something more that I can do to target this area. It feels fruitless to try to tone when there’s so much… excess. Thoughts? Solidarity?

How do you sleep train when kids share a room? My 2 and 3 year olds share a room and the 2 year old has been waking up at night recently and loudly crying/yelling he wants to sleep with us (he’s in a crib). We grab him to stop the loud crying so he doesn’t wake up his sister. Anyone have experience here? This has been a tough phase!

My little one (3) has started expressing a ton of interest in my earrings and her friends’ earrings and getting her ears pierced. My husband comes from a culture where it’s normal to pierce girls’ ears when they are babies or young toddlers, so he’s ready whenever I am. My mom made me wait until 3rd grade, which made it a very exciting decision but I also hated having to wait for so long (anyone remember stick-on earrings? joy of my childhood fashion dreams?) and never totally understood why. Except:

1) it hurts (though kiddo is old enough to understand)
2) it’s permanent. Once you’re pierced you are gonna have those tiny holes forever. Should my three year old’s wishes determine her lifelong earlobe status? OTOH, I respect her agency and wishes, and I don’t really think her decisionmaking around this issue is likely to mature dramatically in the next ten years. Either you want your ears pierced or you don’t– none of my childhood friends ever changed their minds during the agonizing wait to whatever age we were allowed to.

Also, I wonder if I am being unconsciously racist. My views on the subject are filtered through my upper middle class WASP upbringing. My daughter doesn’t get nearly as much exposure to my husband’s heritage as we would like, and this seems like a good way to honor it. OTOH, this isn’t particularly important to him– if it were we’d likely have already done it. He just doesn’t really see why we wouldn’t do it whenever, and maybe a little wistful that we haven’t? He tends to defer decisions re “girl stuff” like ear piercing to me, which I don’t mind.

There is my saga, pros and cons. Thoughts? Please let’s be nice to each other.

What else would you add?

A dear friend of mine just shared that she’s expecting and it’s kind of in the midst of a lot of huge life changes for her – the biggest of which is that she is in the process of moving cross country to a state where her only connections are her finace who moved out there about a month ago.

She’s also getting married this fall and I really want to make sure that she is feeling absolutely loved and supported by the awesome group of friends she has formed who will now be living several thousand miles away.

So: item one on the list is to start her off with a ‘care’ package (shipped directly to new house) that contains all the stuff we would normally have dropped off when she told us she was expecting- So far we’re putting in some hand me down maternity clothes, a onesie for the niche hobby that we all share/bonded through, a tub of cocoa butter, some pregnancy-safe sheet masks… what else?

Confession: My son is at an age where when he gets excited/happy/wound up, his voice is very high pitched. I find his high-pitched voice incredibly grating. I try to remind myself that it’s my issue, he is just excited and not to tell him to keep his voice quiet, but I know that I snap at him more about it than I should. I’m grateful for my very quiet office space today.

Has anyone here bought a bra from ThirdLove? I am very intrigued, mostly on account of one of the illustrations of “types” being so spot on for me. Did the sizing work out? Was it so much better than your other bras? Has it held up? Are there coupon codes or other good deals to take advantage of?

Fun I said two tips and provided three. Yay monday.

I’ve introduced a bottle of formula here and there to my previously EBF 8 month old. It’s been, well…freeing to say the least! Using Plum organics, which my son sucks down like candy (and again, really makes me question the hell I put myself through to EBF…but that’s another post for another time).

Any suggestions on other good, “crunchy” formula brands? Would go the HiPP or Holle route, but want something that I can easily re-purchase (e.g. Amazon, Whole Foods, Target, etc.)