Makeup & Beauty Monday: Dew Effect Highlighter

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If you’re looking for an “I-just-got-spent-the-weekend-at-the-beach” glow, rather than a “visible-from-across-the-room” glow, this is the highlighter for you.

I use Glossier’s Haloscope almost every day. On my cheeks, I use it both alone and with blush. I’ve even applied it on the bridge of my nose (a half-hearted attempt at contouring) and on my eyelids. This “crystal-infused highlighter” provides a subtle glow along with skin-conditioning moisturizers. It’s also fragrance- and cruelty-free.

This $22 highlighter comes in three shades: topaz (for a sun-kissed look), quartz (the one I have, a “universally flattering pearlescent highlighter”), and moonstone (a cool, “opalescent glaze”).

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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My in-laws put on Peter and the Wolf this weekend and my kids LOVED it (they love audiobooks). But my husband and I actually liked it too (we hate audiobooks). Does anyone know if there are similar kinds of things out there, where it’s like half classical music performance and instruments play the animals? Google didn’t lead us to anything good.

For those that haven’t heard it, I highly recommend.

For those of you who have flown recently, how have you handled sitting next to people? (I just realized that the practice of not selling middle seats has ended.) I will be flying in June with two vaxxed and two un-vaxxed (both kids). Do I sit me + two un-vaxxed or one vaxxed (middle) + one unvaxxed (window)? My 12 y/o (other vaxxed) will be about 4 days shy of full protection, but has historically sat next to the window because he gets airsick. Or am I overthinking this?

Help me understand the economics of daycare. I recently learned that in non-covid times, our most beloved daycare teacher also worked nights at a big box retail store to make ends meet. How is it that I pay $$$$$$ and yet teachers make so little?

Shopping help! I have a 7.5 year old 1st grader. Size 6x is too small. A 7/8 fits pretty well. 8 is too big.

She’s extremely muscular, build like a tall soccer player/skier. True skinny jeans and Bermuda shorts don’t fit. Shorts that run short are too short on her (she has a pair of 10 slim denim shorts from Justice that she put on and I wouldn’t let her wear them out of the house because she looked, well, *hot* in them and that’s just gross).

For tips, 6/6x is too short for her.

What are your 7/8 year olds wearing? She likes sporty stuff so we have Patagonia baggies and some athleta shorts that work, but she also wants slightly less casual stuff for school. A cute pair of jean shorts and a non graphic non sleeveless top would be ideal.

For those of you with older or adult kids, is there anything you wish you would have done differently in terms of work/life balance, whether staying more focused on your career, making a career change, or spending more time with your kids when they were little?

I’m have an infant and a 2.5 year old and am thinking through some potential life changes, and would love to have perspective from those who have made it through (or even to!) the elementary school age years. It seems like everyone I work with is either childless or in still in the daycare years.

Tell me about your favorite international trips with kids – places, ages, activities. My babe is only a few months old so we’re not planning anything soon, but I’d love something to daydream about!

DS will be starting preschool in August, a week after he turns 3. His new school says all kids must be fully potty trained and able to toilet independently. He does well with #1, but is just not there with #2. I know August is a long way off. Everybody I talk to says he’ll potty train when he’s ready…but I need him to be ready by August. What do I do?

I wanted to share a funny story since I don’t think my friend posts here. If she does, hi friend!

My friend has a 4 year old girl and 2 year old boy. They take baths together and have a favorite fish toy.

The other day, while in the bath, the 4 year old girl said “mommy, where is the f@cking fish?” Shocked, mom said “what did you just say?” 2 year old boy responded “she said, where’s the f@cking fish!” And of course, mom was rolling laughing while trying to explain that is not a nice word…

I’m bridesmaiding in a July out-of-town wedding that will include (at least two of) the bride’s anti-vax relatives. I’m fully vaccinated, as is my +1. We have a toddler who of course hasn’t been vaccinated and will be staying home over that weekend, and I’m newly pregnant. The bride does not know that I’m pregnant; when we spoke about this last time, she said that she knew it was touchy but didn’t want to put her parents in a difficult position with their siblings, and that she expected that immunocompromised people would likely decline the invitation anyway. (I know pregnant people are at greater risk for complications, per CDC… does that make me immunocompromised?)

I don’t know what to make of this or how much I can/should push for her to require vaccines (or masks for the unvaccinated), or if it’s too far to say forget it, I’ll stay at home — something I don’t want to do, but I really, really don’t want to bring COVID home to my kid or to catch it while pregnant. And I guess the anti-vaxxers may say sure, sure, we’ll wear masks, but then promptly ditch them at the first opportunity. My OB urged me to think hard about whether being there is worth the risk. I guess I’m not clear on what the risk is at this point. FWIW, this wouldn’t be a casual cancelllation: this is my best friend from college, and the wedding has already been delayed once.

What would you do?

I have this highlighter and I like that it’s not glittery and that it doesn’t need my fingers or a sponge. It’s particularly effective on webcam (people will text me like omg you are glowing today) but IRL no one has ever commented.

Has anyone had any luck repelling ticks without using DEET? My daughter is too young to use it, but it’s tick season again and she picks them up just playing in the yard. Lots of sites online push that essential oils will work, but I’m a bit skeptical.

Does anyone else with two little kids (sub age 5) feel like raising small kids is 90% terrible? It’s like intermittent reinforcement because sometimes it’s so joyful and meaningful but a lot of the time it’s just dealing with screaming, tantruming, comaining, eating, caretaking etc. It’s not fun a lot of the time and I feel like I’m doing something wrong that it’s not

Speaking of daycare transitions, my daycare told me they want to move my son up to the older toddler room when he turns 2 (in about a month). How should we prep him for this transition? A big reason is that in the 2+ room, they all wear masks. So we’ll be starting to practice with masks at home. But anything else we should do? Thanks!

Anyone done the research on when to get vaccinated in early/mid pregnancy? Where I live (not in the US) drs recommend getting the mRNA vaccine not before 13 weeks, to avoid any risks to organ development from running a fever. What’s not so clear to me is, is everything in the 2nd trimester considered ok? I’m wondering what “good” weeks are, to possibly have a fever. It seems maybe later is better, but I also have some work events in my 2nd trimester that will involve interacting with lots of people, so need to balance risks. (And yes, I asked my dr, but he just shrugged). Thanks!

My 3.5 year old transitioned up to the next room in daycare. She has been coming home talking a lot about Peppa Pig. We’re big Daniel and Elinor fans here, so she hasn’t had any prior exposure to PP.

It’s a Kindercare, so we get pictures throughout the day. The other day, you could see kids sitting around a TV monitor in the background of a picture of my daughter doing arts and crafts, so there are indications they’re getting screen time, but I always want to give the teachers benefit of the doubt first.

If this really is happening, I don’t love that she’s getting screentime during the day and I’m paying for it, but need some perspectives before discussing with the director. COVID restrictions are in place so limited access to teachers.