Accessory Tuesday: Lennox Ballet Flat

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Black ballet flat

I love the look (and price) of these modern ballet flats.

This simple flat is an easy way to try out the square-toe trend. For all-day wear, these shoes have a cushioned footbed, rubber sole for traction, and pull tab for easy on and off.

These shoes will go with everything from A-line dresses to jeans. I especially love the gold ones for mixing and mingling during the holidays.

Open Edit’s Lennox Ballet Flat is $59.95 at Nordstrom. It comes in whole and half sizes 5–11. In addition to gold, it’s available in black.

Sales of note for 1/16:

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Posted earlier but I seem to be caught in m0d. It’s my first time doing the summer camp thing, and I’m trying to decide between city parks & rec camp and nature center camp for a 6 year old who isn’t very into sports (doesn’t like ball sports, enjoys running around but gets tired easily and that leads to frustration that she can’t keep up with friends). These two camps are generally seen as the best of limited full day camp options in our city. I’m leaning towards nature camp because I think the parks & rec camp might be too much like PE, which she hates (she takes after me in that regard). But I’m a little concerned the nature camp will be too much sitting at a desk like school. I’m asking local people for more info but thought I’d see if anyone here has thoughts or reassurance that nature camp doesn’t have to be too much like school. I think we would pick one for the entire summer rather than trying both, because most people seem to enroll their kids in one camp all summer and I think switching camps might be hard on her.

frustrated/stressed. my 5.5 year old has been in OT for 2 years, recently had a PT evaluation and is like a year behind where she should be for her age group. we’ve always known she was kind of weaker with both gross and fine motor skills, hence the OT. well the PT at the place where we go for OT only works 9-3. I understand it is a female heavy field with women who want to work part-time, but I also dont really understand how suggesting that I pull my kid from school once a week is a viable option. it would’ve been one thing when she was 3, but the logistics aside, from a social-emotional perspective this would be really really hard for my kid and seems unfair to her teacher. she is also already in speech and OT. she keeps asking to try some other activities and I feel terribly that she has to do all of these other things.

i know people often post on here worried about their kid’s quirks and what it will mean for later in life…well apparently my DH was petrified of the letter “V” as a child. Like hysterical at preschool, had to be picked up from school the day they learned that letter, wouldn’t sing it in the alphabet, covered his ears when other people did, skipped it in all alphabet puzzles, etc. this went on for over a year. to this day no one knows why…he now has two ivy league degrees and a fairly successful career so far, and is no longer scared of the letter

Maternity tights rec! I pulled a pair on and found holes in them, so had to resort to an emergency pair of L’eggs via Instacart last night. They’re giving me middle school dance energy. So ISO opague maternity tights I could order ASAP!
thanks as always!

DS is getting the Hape All Seasons dollhouse for Xmas. I am looking for a doll family that reflects our family at least somewhat. We are biracial (South Asian and Caucasian). Would like to include dolls for grandparents as well. Hape makes doll families that are Caucasian, African-American and Asian. Should I get all three families? It would be 18 dolls total which seems like a lot. There is an Etsy shop that makes custom dolls for biracial families but it is $$$. Are their other toy companies that make dolls in other races and sell them individually (a la carte, so to speak?) If not then I will just buy one of the Hape families.

Pokemon parents, help me out here. I’m trying to nudge my son away from the Christmas gift he really wants (a Switch), and his next idea is “Legendary Pokemon cards.” He doesn’t know a ton about Pokemon, but does know that some cards are cooler than others, and he loves the show and a big book he has. How do I go about getting him the “coolest” (most powerful? highest damage? rarest?) cards?

I know camp stuff is hyper local and I’m asking local people too, but I thought I’d also see if anyone here has any thoughts. It’s our first summer doing camp and our options for full day camp are limited. The two that seem to have the best rep locally are the city parks & rec camp and a local nature center camp. I’m leaning towards the nature center because my kid is pretty unathletic like her mom (hates ball sports, moderately enjoys running around but gets frustrated easily at not being able to keep up with the group) but I’m a little concerned the nature center will be too much like school and she won’t get enough physical activity. We notice sleeping problems when she doesn’t get enough exercise, although hopefully some of this can be mitigated by spending time outside in the late afternoons and evenings as a family. We plan to pick one camp and do it for the whole summer, because that seems to be what most people here do, and tr@nsitions can be hard for her. Any thoughts or anecdata about what your similar kid enjoyed?
(And before someone jumps on me, I definitely don’t label my kid as unathletic to her face, just using labels here because it’s the best way to convey the question.)

I also have a sleep question but for older kids. My kids usually go to bed between 8-830. The younger one falls asleep right away but my 8 year old often tosses and turns until 9/930, sometimes later. The problem is that she then has a very hard time waking up for school in the morning (needs to wake between 7 and 730). Is this morning grouchiness just unavoidable? Is the solution to get in bed earlier and hope the tossing is done sooner? I have never been a morning person myself, even as a small child, but for my kids this is a new phenomenon – up until a few months ago, they used to wake up at 7 am sharp and happily watch tv while I made breakfast and packed school lunch.

How was your nutrition in your last pregnancy? Did you feel informed and educated? Were you able to eat as you wanted or planned? I’m in research but asking more as a curious citizen expecting my first – I’m already noticing a huge gulf in optimal nutrition (as identified in research), professional recommendations that lag behind, and reality on the ground. What was it like for you?

My 7 yr old failed the annual hearing test in one ear at the birthday check-up. The ped wasn’t as concerned as I felt like he should be- he said a lot of times it’s a cooperation issue, or getting over an ear infection, or it’ll just clear up, and audiologists were expensive so he hesistated to refer us right away. She’s had several ear infections, one really bad outer ear infection in that ear, but that was in Sept and he said he could see the ear drum so it’s not like the ear was clogged. I was annoyed that he said maybe it was a cooperation issue, as she clearly understood what she was being asked. We have a follow-up with the ENT who treated the previous infection, but I’m wondering if anyone else has had hearing issues with their kids and any other possibilities. Google wasn’t much help- she’s not complaining of pain so I don’t think it’s a current ear infection, and I just don’t understand what else it could be, and it’s hard not to panic a bit.

Please help. My son is waking every night at 2 am and does not want to nurse. He just wants to wiggle and be awake. I’ve tried taking him to my bed (I am so tired), but that does not settle him either. He is 13 months old. He is up at 2 am, and doesn’t settle until 4:30 or 5 and then wakes for good at 545/6. I am so sleepy, please tell me how to end this. He naps from about 9-11 and 2-3 and goes to bed at 630.