Weekend & Family Friday: Legally Addictive Crack Cookies

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Legally Addictive Crack CookiesI was recently at a CLE at a fancy conference center that had the world’s best selection of FREE snacks and drinks I’ve ever seen. I ate myself silly munching on high-end/organic snacks the entire time and was barely hungry for dinner when the program ended. These snacks caught my eye, and if they weren’t free I don’t know if I would have tried them. Well, I did, and they totally blew my mind. They also sell a sea salt version, which is a good entry point, but the Everything flavor is pro-level snacking. I’ve since ordered them for home consumption, but I am trying to ration them because they are pricey (but oh so worth it). They are available at Amazon for $29.99 (for a 2-pack) with free shipping. (Amazon also sells other flavors: The OG, Peppermint Crunch, and Surprise Party.) Legally Addictive Everything Crack Cookies This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!
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I am at the anon from yesterday who posted about help coping with an affair. Thank you so much to everyone who responded. All your support meant a lot to me. Took a lot of the advice and feel a bit better already (well, as good as it is possible given the circumstances). Hopefully we can heal whether we stay together or not without scarring our kids in the process.

I’m traveling next week for the first time since 2 sons were born a few years ago. I’d like to make a dinner in advance that my MIL can pop in the oven or heat up on the stove. I was thinking chili? Any other suggestions of things I can make this weekend?

Has anyone successfully convinced your doctor to give you a second dose of MMR early? I saw some AAP guidance that supports an early second dose (and says a third dose is fine if required for kindergarten entry) but my doctor is insisting on sticking to the standard schedule, which gives one dose at 12 months and the second at age 4-6. My daughter has had one dose, but I know that only gives something like 93% immunity. We travel a lot and in particular are supposed to go visit family in Brooklyn next month and I’m really nervous about it.

I’m feeling really down this week about the amount of time my 8 month old LO spends a daycare. He’s basically there 9.5 hours a day. It’s a great daycare, and I know he’s fine there, but I can’t shake the feeling that I’m missing out on so much time. By the time I pick him up at night, he’s exhausted and cranky and we pretty much go straight to bedtime.

At the same time, I’m not sleeping enough, not working enough, not billing enough, and constantly overlooked for guys several years younger than me who either have stay at home wives or no kids.

I know all the reasons to stay in the workforce, I do. And I’m not sure I even want to be home full time. But when I look around at my firm, it’s relatively “family friendly” but there are still so very few successful females partners, and only one with grown children who presumably survived and made it to the other side. I’m just starting to wonder if this is all even possible.

Not sure what I’m looking for here, but I needed to vent this morning.

The NYT story today on crazy hours being a cause of the gender pay gap really resonated with me. Anyone else take a big step back because of the hours?


These look delicious! Is anyone else rubbed the wrong way by the name though? Feels insensitive. Christina Tosi recently changed the name of her famous crack pie.

Doing our first daycare visit today! Anything in particular to look for/ask?

What are your kid (or non-kid) plans this weekend? We’re meeting some friends for brunch and a walk in the country park on Saturday and hanging out on Sunday. Going to do some meal prep and prep for the week in hopes things will be slightly less stressful.