Nursing Tuesday: Layla Maternity/Nursing Dress

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A woman wearing a Layla Maternity/Nursing DressThis really cool black shift dress from Loyal Hana has very interesting zippered nursing access panels — I haven’t seen anything like them, and they’re very discreet. If you’re looking for a dress for maternity as well as into the nursing months, do consider this one, which is machine washable. It’s $115 at Nordstrom — it’s almost sold out, but it’s also at for $150 in sizes XS-L. Layla Maternity/Nursing Dress Two plus-size options are here and here. This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 1/16:

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Might be too late in the day for answers, but I’m hoping to get some good suggestions from you experienced moms about my daughter’s piano lessons. Daughter just turned 7, is in first grade, and is taking piano. She was interested and asked to do it; I also think it’s very important for lots of reasons. She is not particularly musically gifted, but she’s doing ok.

However, I am losing my mind at how to help her take ownership of practicing. She won’t do it unless a parent supervises, and when she does, there’s often a lot of whining/moaning/complaining/explaining that she’s terrible. Once we get through the whining and moaning, she does great and seems genuinely to enjoy it — and most importantly, she actually improves, and feels authentic pride in the fact that she’s worked hard and gotten good results. It’s growth mindset in practice! But it’s so brutal to get to that point.

Other details: I am only home with the kids 3 nights per week; the nanny has them the other two. Kids are in school from 8:15-6 every day. So there’s just not a ton of time at home to do the practicing, about which I feel terribly guilty but there’s not much that can be done. I also feel a ton of anxiety every Tuesday when we get to lessons time and she hasn’t practiced. I’m clearly not doing a good job of letting her be in charge of this.

I took piano lessons for 12 years and was never very good, but it was extremely valuable to my own development, particularly with respect to things like growth mindset. And today, I still value the ability to sit and play piano for myself. I’m really trying to make this work and don’t want to just let her quit.

Any thoughts/suggestions? Am I just projecting my own issues on her? Should I let her quit? Help.

Kiddo is starting a new school! Teacher turnover (and corresponding student turnover) sealed the deal for us. But the new school doesn’t feed lunches so we’ll have to pack lunches and snacks. I think I’m going to pre-pack lunches on the weekend. Any favorite pre-packed kid lunch ideas?

They have a fridge and we can send peanut butter because nobody has allergies right now. I don’t know whether they can heat food. Kiddo is down to less than 10 foods she’ll eat (pizza, cheeseburgers, chicken nuggets, yogurt (but only in pouch form, no fruit chunks), peanut butter, pears, potato chips/french fries, and pepperoni/sausage), so I’m just going to send whatever I want with a side of fruit, and let her be hungry if she chooses to eat only fruit. *shrug*

Would you take a babysitter to the beach with you? We have two under two and we are planning our first trip to the beach this summer. One of our babysitters offered to come with us. I think its a great idea – but am I missing something? We would certainly pay her (although we need to negotiate the amount). We are renting a house, and she would have her own room. Thoughts? And any other suggestions on beach trip with toddler and baby would be much appreciated!

First time flying with 16 mo son coming up… I see people posting about which car seat to use for flying, but we were thinking of just holding him for the 2.5 hour flight and then getting a car seat from the rental company. No? Please enlighten me! :)

Buying a convertible carseat to fit in our 2015 Subaru Outback. Anyone else with this car that can point to seats that definitely fit well (or definitely do not)? Thank you!

A dear friend of mine moved to DC a few months ago and knows pretty much no one. She just had a baby a week ago and thinks she is having some supply problems. To calm her down, I suggested she see a lactation consultant, but there’s certainly a range of quality in LCs, from the supportive and accepting, including that supplementing with formula is totally ok, to the super crunchy militant EBF kind. I’m looking for the former – any recs?

Also, recs for Georgetown-area new mom groups (facebook, IRL, etc) would be great too.

Another carseat question — any recommendations for carseats that fit well in small cars? We have a Honda Fit and have been putting off getting a new carseat (she probably has about a month left in the infant one) because we aren’t sure what will fit. It will go behind the passenger seat, and I don’t want the front passenger (who will mostly be me) to have their knees crammed up against the dashboard.

How do you have the emotional labor discussion with your partner without letting it devolve into a fight? DH’s instinct reaction is to get defensive whenever I bring stuff up. The last few weeks at work have been very stressful for him and he has had to unexpectedly travel a lot (job usually doesn’t include travel). The last few weeks for me have been very stressful at work AND I’m picking up all the slack at home for him being busy and traveling. I sat him down over the weekend and made a family schedule for this week which shows everyone’s activities and who is covering what (got the idea from the day in the life of a mom post last week) and attempted to get the buy in from him. As usual, he looks at it and agrees that it is great, but that is the end. I asked him over the weekend to print it and put it on the fridge for our nanny. Of course that didn’t happen. So this morning, amazingly all kids were sleeping in and I asked him to print it (he was sitting in bed playing a game on his ipad). He told me his ipad is old and a piece of junk and can’t print wirelessly and he doesn’t understand why it needs to be printed. I tried explaining to him that I field multiple text messages a day from the nanny while I’m working and I’m hoping that this would alleviate some of it. So I went downstairs and got my laptop and printed it. Not a big deal, but again, just another thing I had to do while I’m running late and he is playing games. The games are obviously a trigger for me and I know that. So then I got upset that I do everything and we got into a huge fight about how busy he is. Every time I bring it up when I’m calm, he just yesses me to death and things don’t change. If I bring it up when I’m not calm, we just fight. Am I approaching this wrong?

Just got the all clear from our pediatrician to let the baby swim. We have a pool and all safety features and can adjust the temperature for him. Also, he loves the water – LOVES bath time, doesn’t mind being splashed in the face, etc. So given all of that, any tips for first time in the pool?

Hi this is Rainbow Hair!

Someone recommended this seat on this board a few weeks back, as a backup/travel seat. I bought the Cosco Scenera one that people recommend for that and I haaaaate it, so I’m wondering if anyone can compare those two, or speak to the things that I hate about the Cosco one for this one.

Straps — the Cosco one is extremely hard to tighten and loosen, and it makes me worried I don’t have a good fit.
Installation — I can never get the Cosco one in tight.

It would be for traveling (airplane and then rental car when we get where we’re going) and for grandparents’ car/backup for our car in case of puke.

PSA for those of you doing the target car seat trade in – drop off was at guest services at my local target, they still had loooooads of the coupons left, and of course I spent $100 on other random things I needed while I was there to run ‘one quick errand’…

I would probably give something small. It doesn’t seem worth causing any kind of stink and it’s worth a little $ to take the high road. Continue the discussions with the daycare – they’re really the ones you should have the beef with.

One of the teachers in my daughter’s infant daycare room is expecting. She due pretty soon and they’re having a shower for her and have asked parents to contribute. I would usually donate generously, especially knowing how little daycare workers make and that this teacher doesn’t have paid leave.

The problem is that I really don’t like this teacher. She’s assigned to a different classroom, but is responsible for the combined class for early morning drop offs. She is always parked in a chair and lets the babies do whatever while she ignores them. Usually they are happy playing, but she will not get up even if they are screaming. She just sits. She doesn’t manage a smile for parents dropping off and just mumbles if you ask her a question. She won’t intervene if a baby melts down when you’re leaving. Basically she’s a warm body in the room but isn’t a caregiver. I’ve complained to the daycare manager many, many times about her behavior to little effect. They tell me that they’re “working on it.”

Do I bring in shower gifts for this teacher? I know she’s probably in for a tough go of it as a young single mother with a baby, but I really don’t like her. I’m having a hard time mustering any generosity. Blah.

Any nice sweatpant recommendations? All of the ones I love are literally 15 years old and from places like Abercrombie and Aerie (clearly I was a teen when I bought them, ha). They are, for obvious reasons, starting to get thin in places. All of my attempted replacements have ended up pilled within a few washes or shrunk within a few washes.

Do they just not make sweatpants like they used too?

Ugh, my long reply got eaten. Short answer: when she is a little older, a music class that teaches solfege (do re mi) and a dance or martial arts class where the kids have to line up, take turns, listen, and bow or curtsey to demonstrate respect for self and others.