Maternity Monday: Lace A-Line Dress


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A woman wearing a Lace A-Line DressI had two weddings to attend while I was pregnant and I bought this dress to wear to both of them. My pregnant friend saw me in the dress and bought it herself as well. The neckline and the lace sleeves are very flattering, you can wear a regular bra with it, and it’s obviously a maternity dress but without screaming, “Hey look over here, I’m pregnant!!” When I bought the dress, it was at full price at $59.98, but it’s currently on sale for $29.97. With code FRIEND, you can get an extra 30% off, bringing it down to only $20.98. Even at full price, it looks way more expensive than it is. The lace doesn’t look cheap, and even the belt, which I had concerns about, looks nice and is inconspicuous. The dress is available in sizes S–XL. Motherhood Maternity Lace A-line Dress Two plus-size options are at Amazon and JCPenney. Building a maternity wardrobe for work? Check out our page with more suggestions along both classic and trendy/seasonal lines. This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 1/16:

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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I need recommendations for a few little gift ideas for my friend’s children.

I will be meeting her 5-month-old daughter for the first time this weekend and would like to bring a little something for her and 2-year-old brother. I’ll be flying in from out of town. The 2-year-old is an inquisitive little fella if that helps!

Thanks in no small part to all of you wonderful internet friends, I have a person coming over tonight to give me an estimate on housecleaning! I am so excited, this feels like perhaps the best thing that ever happened to me. My husband was always very opposed but I can’t take it anymore and he agreed to try it.

The person coming over to give me an estimate came highly recommended by a friend, so that’s huge. What other questions should I be asking? Anything else I should do to prepare?

I am asking this mostly to help balance out my urge to just hug this person and give her a blank check to fix my life.

What do they read these days?

And what movies are cool with this set?

The kid is mine — we are just in need of a book / DVD refresh for this summer. I feel like we have a ton of the “Who was” series of books (which are fantastic — Marie Curie, Napoleon, George Washington Carver, etc.). We may have 50. She has never been interested in Harry Potter (which I haven’t read) but is this about the age when they start reading them? What else is good?

Also no interest in: Nancy Drew, American Girl books.

Hi — we’re late in planning our summer vacation, but our plan is to visit Quebec in August for about a week (two adults, a college age teen and a preschooler).

I’m wondering if it’s better to do just Quebec City and Montreal, or include Mont Tremblant for a few nights. Current plan is to fly into Montreal, drive to Quebec City first, then head back to Montreal, perhaps via Mont Tremblant. Or possibly just do one night in Montreal (BioDome is closed this summer).

I’ve been to Montreal, but it was years ago, no one else has. I really want to see Quebec City, but open to the other locations.


All of the kid board games we have are collecting dust in our house. But my 5 year old LOVES playing Uno. He could play that for hours.

Any board game or puzzle presents for a 5 year old? My best friends daughter is turning 5 and I was told she really enjoys board games and puzzles.. preferably something I can order on Amazon! Many thanks.

Just a quick vent: has anyone else given up trying to get a free pump through insurance and just paid OOP? I’m 38 weeks, my insurance has given me the runaround 3 times and I still don’t have one ordered. The PISA is on sale at Target this week with a $30 gift card, plus I think I can use our registry completion discount… I’m super frustrated because this process is ridiculous (and I know this isn’t a choice everyone could afford to make), but ready to stop sinking time in what feels like a losing battle.

I think I’m bringing my three year old to a memorial service. It’s styled a “celebration of life” and there won’t be a body there (which addresses some of the concerns my husband had — he has a still-scary memory of an open casket funeral when he was 5-ish).

I want to bring my kid because it’s a service for my grandma, who was a very important part of my life, and who was getting to be an important part of my kid’s life too. Like we visited with her most weekends, my kid has grandma’s name as kid’s middle name, etc. Husband is concerned it’ll be upsetting and frightening for kiddo — it might be! — but I’m concerned about not giving her a chance to say goodbye. (The death was sudden: we visited on Saturday and left with plans for our next visit in a week, and on Sunday she went to bed and didn’t wake up.)

The plan would be for my husband to be free to leave with Kiddo if they needed to, so he wouldn’t have to chase/calm her, etc., beyond what he was up for.

Any thoughts or experiences to share? Thanks.

I have to attend a black tie optional wedding with my three month old baby. I’m nursing. Any suggestions for what to wear? I haven’t had good experiences with Rent the Runway but I don’t really want to buy a gown because my size is still changing and the dress is likely to get dirty (baby is a spitter). And what does the baby wear? A sundress is too casual, right?

My 11-year-old has been interested in dyeing her hair a crazy color for two or three years. She has asked to dye just the ends at the beginning of the summer, then cut the color out when school starts again. I think this is a reasonable plan. It may look silly, but it seems age-appropriate and the only thing the color will affect is summer vacation photos. It will be gone by the time we attend any formal events or big family gatherings in the fall, and in time for sports competitions (the season just ended and doesn’t start up again until October). And since she is 11, it’s not as if she’ll be interviewing for a job or doing a summer internship at a conservative company.

Her dad is 100% opposed. He thinks all haircolor is trashy and that it’s the gateway to tattoos and piercings. (He doesn’t even like the fact that I have my hair colored to hide the grays.) I think we ought to let her have a little autonomy as long as she’s not doing anything that is permanent, is not age-appropriate, or might affect her school or job prospects. I also think his opposition is rather hypocritical because he’s got a visible tattoo. I can’t decide whether to let this slide and let him have his way, or to advocate for her wishes. What would you all do?

At what age did you give your kid a pillow?

Does anyone know the logistics for how a kids birthday party at McDonalds goes? Do you pay to reserve space?

I feel like there has been a weird, tangy (?) smell in our bedroom that is really bothering me. I washed all the sheets and included the comforter, duvet cover and quilt for good measure. That didn’t do it. We’ve only lived in this house six months so I’m wondering if it might be something residual? It’s been painted and the hardwood floors were redone, so I can’t imagine what it would be. (house built in 1903) It’s still too cold to air it out with an open window, though I did do that for a few sunny hours a week or so ago before we plunged back into snow. Any ideas?

A relative has offered us their week at a Hilton Head condo. We would have to pay fees of about $700, so not free but much reduced. We have 2 under 3 and are within a 5 hour drive of the resort. The resort is on the intercoastal (so not beach side). We have taken the kids to the beach – but we had a whole house rental and could walk to the beach. Trying to think it through, I can’t figure out if staying in a condo will be easier or harder than a house. It also looks like we will have to drive to the beach. Has anyone here gone to HH with toddlers? Would you recommend it?

I’ve been invited to head back to my undergrad to speak at graduation next weekend and I really could use a new dress. Any suggestions? It’s been 15 years since I’ve been back to campus and I’d love to make a good impression. the campus is in the northern north east, so think early spring weather.