Washable Workwear Wednesday: Knitted Wrap Top


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I’m always on the hunt for wrap tops or dresses and this new-to-me brand has a lovely knit version.

This stretchy, fine gauge knit top has fitted sleeves, a defined waistband, and a flattering neckline that I’ll label a “V-boatneck.” This fine, yet substantial knit is perfect for layering, especially in the early spring — wear it under your favorite suit jacket, or turn a sheath into a skirt by wearing it on top.

Paisie’s Knitted Wrap Top is $128 at Wolf & Badger. It is available in sizes small, medium, and large, and comes in more colors besides gray, including green and navy.

Looking for other washable workwear? See all of our recent recommendations for washable clothes for work, or check out our roundup of the best brands for washable workwear.

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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I may repost tomorrow since it is late in the day, but wondering if any of you have successfully used a VPA and what tips/recommendations you have for leveraging that type of help. Context: I have a lot of non-billable commitments outside of work through civic groups, church, pta, professional organizations, etc. that require a significant amount of planning, budgeting, delegating, emailing, following up, etc. These are tasks I would give to an AA if they were work-related, so I’m wondering if a virtual PA could help me in a similar way. Would also be great if I could offload some home management and/or personal tasks like placing the weekly online grocery order. Is this a pipe dream?

Thank you to whomever on here shared the idea of a “disco nap” for older kids with me. Just worked like a charm for my cranky 6 year old who has a half day today and a late activity that she really wants to go tonight.

This child has not napped since she was 2.

My children were home sick from school last week with a cold. I’ve just come down with it in time to get on a flight to attend my grandmother’s funeral. Ugh. (I will be fully masked to try and keep from spreading it to others.)

I need a dress for a black tie optional event in about a month.

I’ll be 12 weeks pregnant with my third at the time. I lost a pregnancy at 18 weeks about five months ago. (I got pregnant again three months later.) And I don’t know if it’s because the pregnancies are so close together or what, but at 8 weeks pregnant, I already look PREGNANT. I don’t want a body-con dress (not at that cute perky bump phase yet…) but was thinking something more empire waisted.

Any suggestions? I’m also not necessarily looking to spend a small fortune…Thank you!

There’s a good chance you’ll look pretty much back to normal by two months. My baby weight was gone by 6 weeks with no effort- I was pleasantly surprised. It took another few months for my abdominal muscle definition to come back but that won’t be noticeable in a one piece anyway.

A total rant about summer childcare:

Despite my best efforts to NOT repeat our childcare situation from last summer, my older kid is going to a different camp nearly every week, with a few weeks of downtime built in, assuming DH and I can finagle our work schedules to be at home more. It’s so expensive, complicates our schedules, and kid is probably gonna complain even though he’s had input on which camps he’s attending. It’s the best I can do. Younger kid is able to do the same program all summer long, which is a total gift. (Older kid has aged out of the program.) We considered getting a sitter/driver, but that option wasn’t any less expensive than camps, especially for one kid. (We really wanted to keep the younger kid in her program. It’s where her buddies are at, she loves it, they do so many fun field trips, and the cost is low compared to camps.)

Anyone else feel some resentment about how NOT easy-breezy summer is for working parents? I never wish to be a SAHM, except in June/July/August. My mom is all “just let him stay home alone!” Well, yeah, that’s a possibility for some of the time, but not for 11 weeks. I guarantee he’d be on a screen the whole time because his buddies don’t live nearby. I should count my lucky stars because we are one year away from being aged out of even more options and he’s still too young to get a part-time job.

Sigh. Doing the best I can (and failing to please everyone).

I’m going on a beach vacation at about two months postpartum – does anyone have any suggestions on swimsuits that will not make me feel like I’m still pregnant? I definitely need a new one and I assume I’ll still be about 15-20 lbs above my pre-pregnancy weight, probably a size 12-14 and somewhat apple shaped. Adding to the challenge, I am tall and am probably a G so I can’t necessarily throw on any old one piece suit unless I want to look like I’m bring back ancient Minoan fashion trends.

Looking for anecdata from any moms here who had severe PPH during delivery: were you able to nurse and if so, when did your milk come in? I’ve been triple feeding with very very low supply and the general sense from my doctor and the pediatrician is that it may never work out given the blood/iron loss I had. We’re supplementing with formula, and will be ok if that becomes baby’s only source of food, but would love to hear others’ experiences too.