Maternity Monday: Farrah Maternity Body-Con Dress

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A woman wearing a Kimi + Kai Maternity Farrah Sheath DressPolka dots and grown ups: yea or nay? I tend to kind of go back and forth on the issue, but I do really like the shape of this maternity dress (its muted colors of gray and black) enough to submit it for your consideration. I particularly like the high neckline, the elbow-length sleeves, and the belly-friendly ruching — and it’s only $88. Nice. It’s available in small, medium and large sizes, at Nordstrom. Kimi and Kai ‘Farrah’ Maternity Body-Con Dress (L-all) Building a maternity wardrobe for work? Check out our page with more suggestions along both classic and trendy/seasonal lines.

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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I don’t think you need to stop drinking while you are TTC. At the very least there will be parts of your cycle where you know you are not pregnant (the two weeks before you ovulate). And even during the days after ovulation, a drink or two is fine. The placenta doesn’t form right away, so you are not sharing a blood supply with the embryo for several weeks. I would recommend checking out Emily Oster’s book. It will make your experience of TTC and pregnancy 100% more pleasant and less anxiety inducing!

HELP! Recently started TTC and am wondering how people handled work happy hours. I didn’t think we drank a lot of my firm until I stopped drinking. At big events I’ve been able to get away with sneakily asking for a mocktail or fizzy water with a lime, but now I have a small welcome happy hour with my group. How did you guys handle the not drinking thing? I’d rather not have people start asking questions and its a tell-tale sign that someone is knocked up (or trying) when they just stop drinking.

Car seat question: does anyone have clever ideas or products they use to keep books/toys/snacks close to a kid when they are sitting in a convertible car seat? My car seat is great, but it has cup holders and wings, so kiddo can’t reach out of it to grab things sitting next to her (which I found out 3 hours into an 8 hour car trip after I placed a big box of toys next to kiddo and found myself handing her items from my center console).

Alternatively, does anyone have a favorite lap desk or car seat tray? Kiddo loves to color, but we couldn’t keep the crayons and markers within reach for long enough.

Just got back from a week-long family “vacation” (i.e., trip — see amazing HuffPo article re the difference – Google Huffington Post trip vacation) and ugh the whining! My 2.5 yo twins are now talking, but they haven’t gotten to the point of understanding that just because they can ask for something they can have it. For example, driving to the airport yesterday, B dropped his sippy cup. “Drop milk” he says. I tell him we can’t pick it up because we’re driving. Cue “DROP MIIIIIIILK! WANT MILK WANT MILK” screamfest. My other one isn’t quite as verbal, so he just makes horribly annoying whiny/fussy noises (very loudly) at me when he wants something, and flails at me. They’re also at the age where they want impossible things, like for me to “close” the banana I’ve peeled, and an “open” banana is actually visually painful for them (or so it seems from the screaming). Any tips for keeping sane? I’m so grateful to be at work today. I think the kids are grateful, too. I was not my best self by bath time last night, I’m sorry to admit.

Birthday present recommendations for a four-year-old and a five-year-old? Preferably stuff I can Prime? You all have been so great with present ideas before, so I’m outsourcing….My kid can’t give me specifics/preferences about either one except that the five-year-old likes it when she spins him around on the tire swing at school.

IVF rant…

I’m super bummed, I think I might need to adjust/delay my transfer due to a cyst. I’m doing kind of a weird protocol because I had OHSS and I also have a rare blood condition. Anyway, it was just barely going to work out with my work schedule (two very important meetings coming up at the end of the month, one requiring me to fly out for the day, plus a week in Europe next month).

I was already getting paranoid about having to skip one of my meetings if the transfer ending up being that day, especially bad if it was the day I have the flights. Now I don’t know what to say about Europe next month. I’ve pretty much given up asking this clinic for any “estimates” because the nurse always chirps “Every cycle is different! You need to be here the whole time!”

So, I’ve stopped telling them about my travel because by those rules I’d never get pregnant. But I realize if I’m delayed by a month, I can’t very well try a transfer cycle in a month when I’m supposed to go to Europe.

Plus, it’s now two years (this month) we’ve been trying. So bummed.

Ideas for a birthday gift for my stepmother, in the $50 range? She likes walking, Body Pump classes at the Y. Not a big drinker or eater. Lives in FL half the year.

Has anyone made a childcare switch from a good situation to a potentially equal/slightly less good option, for cost reasons and had it work out well?

My daughter is currently in a large center that we generally love. Sure there are things that could be better, but we love her teachers, and we think she’s learning tons, and they have so many activities. An upside is that it has a preschool so if we don’t want to deal with figuring out preschool + nanny, we’re all set. The huge drawback, however, is the cost.

We potentially have the option to move her to a group home daycare. It costs about 1k less per month, they provide meals, it’s a small setting, and it’s marginally more convenient to our house. But she’ll be with kids 0-2 (she’s 15 months), and I worry that she’ll be bored. Once she moves to the 2-4 location, it’s actually less convenient to both our house/work. I also worry about how she’ll deal with the change. Plus it’s not a preschool and we will have to figure out preschool plus a nanny.

Writing this all out, it seems like the obvious choice is to stay with our existing center, but giving up the potential savings stinks. I would appreciate any tales of experience, good or bad!

How do folks handle making dinner during the work week when your kids eat quite early? My kids eat at 6 pm and I don’t even get home until 5:45 pm, in general. When I’m organized enough I will cook in the morning but that’s not always possible. Make things over the weekend and freeze?

My younger one is STARVING by 6 pm (even with a hefty snack) so I can’t push the dinner time any later. My husband and I usually eat later, after the kids.

We just planned a trip to hawaii leaving our 4 1/2 month old and 22 month old with grandparents for five days. We havent done a trip just us since before number one but I am so nervous! The baby will be so small! Hawaii is so far! Tell me Im not crazy?

I’ve always bought my toddler stride rites, but not much is striking my fancy this fall and she’s about to outgrow all her shoes. Does anyone know if pediped is pretty equivalent to stride rite in quality and fit? She has wide feet and a very high arch.