Family Friday: Kids’ Warm Padded Washable Parka

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A girl wearing a lavender winter coat, striped shirt, and black pants

It’s starting to get downright chilly here, especially mornings at the bus stop. Here’s a lightweight parka that will keep your kids warm in the early morning.

This unisex parka has a water repellent finish to repel rain (you’ll have to re-waterproof it occasionally with a special detergent), detachable hood, and zipper tabs for easy up and down even when you’re wearing gloves.

It comes in seven colors ranging from neutrals to brights so your kids will find the one for them.

Uniqlo’s Warm Padded Washable Parka for kids is $49.90 and available in sizes 3-4Y to 13Y.

Sales of note for 12/30:

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Can I whine for a minute? I have a long-scheduled day off today with my kids in school and I was so excited to have an entire day with the house to myself for the first time in forever.

DH informed me yesterday that he was taking today off for no particular reason other than to “get things done” (he gets tons of vacation and does this randomly all the time). So he’s here too, somehow managing to be in every room I want to be in and listening to podcasts on speakerphone while doing all sorts of productive things.

I’m trying so hard not to be mean or want to kill him. I know it’s his house too, I just wanted to do yoga and watch some daytime Netflix in peace with no judgment. It’s not even like he took the day off so we could do things together; he’s just here. I have a bad cold so I can’t even really go shopping or hang out at a coffee shop. I know I’m the worst for being mad about this but ughhh.

Help! Need a gift for a 6 year old boy’s birthday tomorrow. Preferably something I can get at Target tonight. This is a former classmate so looking to spend $15-20. My kid can’t tell me anything about the birthday kid’s interests or personality. Apparently two months is enough to completely forget a person when you’re 4. I feel weird doing a gift card because I’m not sure how that would be received in our area. We haven’t had many parties b/c of Covid.

For the twin mom asking about baby dolls yesterday. My twins are very different- one likes chocolate ice cream, one prefers vanilla. One is supper cuddly, one is not as much etc. but apparently they have THE favorite pair of underwear and of course for whatever reason this is the design we only have one of and the design i expected them to care the least about…so this is why when possible for smaller ticket items i get two- it’s for my sanity!

We have appointments to get both kids flu shots this afternoon. Kid 1 woke up with a fever and threw up so he’s obviously not going. Do I take kid 2 who is still fine? Or cancel since he will probably also get sick soon? Waiting on doctor’s office to call back but they haven’t been too helpful about this kind of stuff in the past.Covid negative to the extent it matters. Kid 2 is currently in school.

With the price of everything increasing is everyone decreasing what they are saving into retirement or 529 accounts or pulling from savings? I’m trying to cut expenses where we can but paychecks don’t go as far as they used to.

We live in Massachusetts and plan to go North to Maine, New Hampshire, etc. Looking for best snowsuit for my soon to be one year old daughter. Thanks in advance for any advice want to get outside as much as possible.

We are having a classmate birthday party for my soon to be 6 year old in a week. The RSVP date was yesterday. There are about 13 kiddos that we haven’t heard from (classmates in Kindergarten so I don’t have parents contact info). Should I just assume they aren’t coming. Trying to plan for cupcakes and goody bags :) Thanks in advance. This is our first friend party.

For those of you following Little Pogo’s kinder adventures, he’s been bringing his little soft doll (his lovey) to school and keeping her in his bag “so I can feel her love” when he is sad. Yesterday he told me “I taked Baby out, but my teacher didn’t see!” and I was like, Oh, why’d you take her out, you know you can’t have a stuffy at school! and He said, “Because [Friend] had a tummyache.” Guys, he wanted his friend to have his lovey because she wasn’t feeling well.

How the heck do you all manage childcare with two or more kids without going insane? Public schools are closed or have early release on random days and daycare is closed on others. Currently our K-er has before/aftercare at toddler’s daycare, but the quality of the daycare is lacking (mainly because they aren’t paying close enough attention to the kids). We are considering changing centers, but this is the only one that is open until 630 (which we need with our commutes/work obligations) and does before/aftercare for the K-er’s school. If we change centers we will have two drop offs/pick ups and have to juggle the closures of three schools. We could do a nanny, but that would be an even bigger financial burden. Why does this have to be so hard???

Does anyone know any good books for three year olds that explain Halloween/are Halloween themed?

Background story: We (from the US) have a three year old and live overseas, so Halloween really isn’t a thing here. We have been invited to another American family’s halloween party but our son just doesn’t understand the idea of Halloween. I have asked him what he wants to dress up as and tried to talk about trick or treating but that doesn’t seem to do the.. trick. I worry that he will be totally freaked out at the party with all the costumes so I am looking for a book that we could read together.

I know it’s early, but can we start a gift idea thread? I was thinking about this after reading yesterday’s comments.

I think I might finally get my oldest a Nintendo Switch (it will blow his mind), my daughter will hopefully get my childhood dollhouse which I’ll deck out, and the littlest will get a pikler triangle.

But what on earth do I get for the grandparents? Experience gifts are hard, consumables are my go-to but they often save for a ‘special occasion’ and then they go bad, and my attempt at a grandchild photo shoot was a spectacular disaster.