Family Friday: Kids’ Costume PJ Sets

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babyGap Costume PJ Set

Here’s a cute costume your toddler will wear long after Halloween.

If your child likes to make-believe that they’re a vet, firefighter, or construction worker, these pajamas have their name on them. Made of soft, 100% organic cotton, these long-sleeved pajamas will keep your kids warm and cozy while they dream what they’ll be when they grow up.

babyGap’s Costume PJ Set is $23.00–$29.95 and comes in sizes 12-18 months to 6 yrs.

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

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All of a sudden kiddo is refusing to nap at daycare and daycare’s only solution is for me to pick him up. They have checked him for fever and he’s good; he’s probably stealth teething but has been since well before this all started yesterday. Help me use my words?

I just saw a therapist for the first time ever, mostly to have someone to vent to about mom stress and strategize getting services for my autistic child. She was really nice, but a lot younger than me, and a lot of her contribution was just affirming me and saying “you got this mama!” type stuff. Should I look around for someone that I click with better? Or is this just what I should expect for coming to therapy with no specific “problems”, just looking to vent and strategize about parenting and family issues?

My K-er has started recognizing words in the wild! I think they’re mostly sight words they’ve memorized but it’s still cool.

Adhd moms! I posted a lot in the spring about my 1st grader who was really, really struggling I’m the poster who was having to deal with near nightly meltdowns that were impacting our entire family and she wasn’t sleeping, always fidgeting, etc. We met with her ped who had us do the Vanderbilt forms. Between our parent eval and the teacher eval she clearly qualified as adhd. Our ped told us she could prescribe meds if we wanted. We decided to hold meds until after doing a more detailed eval and see how the summer went.

We booked an appointment with a neuropsychologist after doing a quick phone call with him. There was a huge wait and the appointment is in early November.

You guys. Since we went on vacation at the end of August, we are no longer in what I call crisis mode (ie last spring). Her personality still is more…sensitive? Irritable?…than typical, and she’s definitely the most “IDGAF” of all my kids. She still gets “stuck” (thanks to the poster here for that language!) on things sometimes. But she’s been much better about basically everything; it’s as if we put her on meds.

Reports from her teacher are night and day. We haven’t given her 2nd grade teacher the Vanderbilt forms (yet) but we already know it will be entirely different. Kiddo reports she never uses a fidget; her teacher has reached out and told us how well she’s doing, that she is always on task and focused and a model student. Her learning has been explosive this year and she’s able to read books in ways we never thought possible last year (she couldn’t attend to the book).

So my question is….should we keep our neuropsych appointment? There isn’t really a question of if she has strong adhd components to her personality. We have worked on managing her behavior and parenting her in a way that works for everyone (thank you all for the tips!!). We booked the appt originally to (1) get a gut check before starting meds and (2) get the groundwork in place if/as she needed supports in school. We are no longer considering meds and at this time she’s excelling in school.

Thoughts? We are also thinking about calling the office to get their thoughts as well. If we can slide the appointment out until like December that would be ideal but I’m not sure that’s an option.