Accessory Tuesday: Ivy Ankle Strap Sandal


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Ivy Ankle Strap Sandal I am a big fan of Camper shoes. They’re always a unique style and super comfortable. I will admit that I find some designs a little too quirky, but in my opinion, when they hit, they hit. This pair looks incredibly comfortable, and a midway point between a heel and a wedge. I also like the color and the adjustable heel strap. The site recommends that if you’re a half size, order the next whole size up, and I have personally found that to be true of Camper shoes. The sandal is $189.95 at Nordstrom. Ivy Ankle Strap Sandal This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Venting: I am sick of this @#$! job. Client calls my boss complaining that they have been trying to reach me for two weeks and I have not responded and they are very mad and want their deliverable right now because it is overdue. In fact, client has made zero attempt to contact me and the deliverable is due in three weeks. Plus that I have already bent over backwards to satisfy a whole series of ridiculous demands. WTF?

just wanted to share that the blog frugalwoods has a really good guest post on prenatal depression. thought it might resonate with someone here

I’ve found that having a nice jacket, sweater, or some such topper makes heaps of difference in my casual outfit. I know the summer weather doesn’t always lend itself to layers, but I usually throw on a men’s white linen shirt, or an open weave cardigan (i’m kind of eying a short sleeve one for summer), or an olive utility jacket from Eileen Fisher over what I’m wearing. Then even if it gets hot and I take it off eventually, at least I feel like I arrive looking put together.

So I am lucky to work at an extremely family-friendly, relaxed-vibe boutique firm. My kid is 2.5 now, but I’ve been back at work since he was 4 months. I was chatting with a partner at the firm today about how I recently brought some business into the firm, and she made a comment about how it’s so nice to see that my “head has cleared” now that my kid is older and that she’s impressed by my new focus. This really took me aback, because … I didn’t think I was unfocused before? I did have lower hours the first 6 months I was back, because, well, pumping/new mom/no sleep/etc. But that was a while ago, and I had a great performance review this past year. I think she meant well but I am really concerned now that some thought I wasn’t performing well recently after all. Also, I’m probably going to start TTC again soon, so this makes me concerned that people with think that I’m “leaning out” again or something if I get pregnant again. Any thoughts? I don’t really want to talk to the person who said this to me, but if there are any recommendations for how to combat this perception next time around, I’d appreciate it!

Moms, do you have any techniques / resources that could be helpful for almost 17 month old toddler who is having issues with texture/ extreme pickiness? He will eat pureed table food without any issues most of the time, but if we offer him lumpy food (pureed but not smoothly) he will throw a tantrum and refuse to eat. Yesterday dinner it took us 2 hours to feed him his lumpy meal! He will also not eat bread, but he will eat crackers, pea chips, cheerios, cocoa crisps…. I a.m not sure whether this is a picky eater thing or texture thing? How can I get him to eat normal toddler food? (Mac and cheese, scrambled eggs and get away from puree?

I have the option of being induced (if I make it that far) any day the week of July 15. My husband’s birthday is July 15 – would you pick the same birthday, or a few days off? Selfishly, I want to do it ASAP because I am uncomfortable, and it’s my second, so I might not even make it that far, but he says he feels weird about consciously picking the same birthday. WWYD??

guys, I need some fun clothing for social events when I cannot wear the typical athleisure I live in while carting my kids around on the weekends. Flowy styles are not typically flattering on me so I have been having issues finding things that are slim fit and/or tailored that are still casual. Anyone have any “go to” fun outfits? TIA!

I’m flying next week with DH, and our 2 and 5 year olds. We’re taking two travel car seats – any tips on navigating through the airport with all of our stuff? I have seen the recommendation to bring a foldable wagon to haul stuff, are you allowed to gate check that like a stroller?

my initial post is awaiting moderation so i’ll try to re-word.

Anybody use a prescription retinol and experience shiny skin? I feel like mine is too shiny. Powder over makeup? or is the dewey look the goal?

question for people who have used prescription tretonin (Retin-A). I am about 6 months in and its definitely working wonders on my skin, but I feel like I have excessive shine on my face now. Do you use powder after makeup? is that the look I’m going for?? I guess it’s kinda dewy?

Any good tips for making an out of town mother-in-law feel included in the new baby process? I’m 8 months pregnant and my MIL has told my husband that she feels hurt that we’re not including her more, but I have no idea how to do that. We have weekly calls and have emailed registry ideas back and forth. Thanks!

I think I miscalculated the start day for this round of the pill and may be pregnant. Had some light spotting this weekend which NEVER happens to me, and some other period-like symptoms. I spoke to the nurse in my doc’s office and they think there’s the chance of pregnancy. My period is due this weekend-ish, so waiting before taking any tests and keeping it to myself.

Anyone have this experience before? We want another kiddo, but were hoping to start trying later this year. Maybe I’m just completely wrong and it’s something else (which kind of scares me…). Getting pregnant by miscalculating BC by a day just seems so…random.

Trying again today because I was stuck in mod purgatory all day yesterday….

Can’t believe I’m posting on this topic, but here it goes: DD is almost 14 months old. I had a tough labor (I was induced past my due date at 0 effacement/CMs), 4 hours of pushing, ended up using forceps and then had a pretty good tear (I forget stages, but one short of the full tear). I had about three weeks of intense pain post delivery. Today (and for the last 14 months), “gard ening” hurts and brings no joy like… at all. The pain is stinging more than anything – I think.. it’s a little hard to describe. Eventually goes away but sometimes it doesn’t. Also, my desire is next to zero. I have an appointment next week with my G YN, who is new to me as my former rockstar OB /G YN is now OB only.

In case it matters, a few other facts: (1) I went through pretty tough fertility treatments with lots of prodding and countless T-V ultrasounds. One of my working theories is the treatments/prodding comes in to play, at least mentally somehow… like fertility treatment PTSD. (2) Another theory is that there is some scar tissue down there from the stitches, (3) I recently had a small growth on my thyroid identified. It’s too small to biopsy but will be monitored every 6 months via U/S until (should) it get large enough to biopsy…wondering if that’s messing hormones up. This is a recent discovery and PCP doesn’t know about the painful gard ening / lack of desire so no connections have been made by anyone but me at this point. (4) No issues with incontinence.

I guess my question is, where do I even begin with this new person next week? As far as she’s aware this is a regular annual check up. And, has anyone experienced something similar? I don’t have to live like this, right?

FWIW, DH has been more than understanding but he’s urging me to get this sorted out for many reasons.

I have a strategic question for the hive. On maternity leave now, returning soon. I’m an in house counsel at a nonprofit. I just had my third baby and going back right now feels like… a lot. I’d love to go 80 percent and just do four days a week, and I don’t think it would have a big impact on the org. However, No one has done it and they tend to be strict with these things, so I think I’m going to get a no. (Probably a yes from my new boss who came from a law firm recently and seems reasonable and a no from HR).

Even knowing this, worth it to take a shot? Would you go ahead and try this request now/as you return or go back and give it an effort for a few months and then make the ask? I’m worried about returning on a negative note if I get turned down now. On the other hand, knowing I want to do it maybe should just go for it?