Maternity Monday: Long Sleeve Dolman Dress

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A woman wearing a Long Sleeve Dolman Dress.I often forget how great the maternity selection is over at Gilt — but they have a ton of great stuff, including this pretty empire dress with dolman sleeves. Even better, it’s only $88, and available in sizes XS-XL. Nice! Ingrid & Isabel Long Sleeve Dolman Dress Psst: Boden has a huge sale going on — prices up to 70% off for women, men, babies, boys and girls! Also note — the big ShopBop sale has started, including a few maternity picks. Building a maternity wardrobe for work? Check out our page with more suggestions along both classic and trendy/seasonal lines. (L-all)

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Interesting thread on the main site re: Ivanka’s declaration that ‘being a mom is the most important job that any woman can have.’

As a mom who considers her role as a parent more objectively important than her “job,”, I still find this statement very offensive.

We have a great babysitter whom we love. We pay her an hourly rate. We ask her to come to our house, first, do some chores, and then go to pick up the kids after school.

She ends up coming to our home about 15 minutes early each time and she includes that time when she sends us her total hours for the week. Obviously we don’t know when she gets there because we aren’t home.

This isn’t a huge deal but I was wondering how typical it is for a sitter to charge if she comes early?

Is Gilt still only final sale? I’m going to be in the market for maternity holiday party dresses – this seems like a good option (for this very short lady). Anywhere else I should look when the time comes??

Home today and trying to put my daughter down for a nap for the last 58 minutes so I can shower and she is exhausted but just.f-ing.refuses. Honestly excited to go back o work tomorrow. I don’t have a question. Just needed to get that off my chest.

I want to do a calendar of cute kid pics as a holiday gift this year. Does anyone recommend one of the online paper companies? Shutterfly? Snapfish? I get lost in all the many options. Quality matters a little more to me than price.

I received a very large gift card to JC Penney. I never shop there. However, I am in desperate need of new suiting separates, so perhaps I can revamp my wardrobe for free.
Does anyone know if their Worthington line is worth (pardon the pun) buying? Other suggestions?
I’m not a lawyer, just a professional looking for a one-suit-a-day type wardrobe regimen.

Lunchbox for mommy’s morning out dropoff: Our nanny is going to take our son to a drop off center at a local church once a week to help him have a chance to socialize. I’m trying to figure out backpack/lunchbox situation. Was going to get this lunch container and just stick it in his diaper bag but my hubby said he thinks it should be insulated:

Should I get something insulated? Any suggestions?
Should I send him with a diaper bag or a backpack filled with the same stuff (maybe a zippered back pack is easier to keep up with for the staff)? He’s a big 18 months.

I’d wait and see what everyone else brings, but chances are I’ll never get to do that because of my work schedule, so I’m grateful for the hive on this!! Once I figure this out, I have to figure out what lunch foods he can feed himself (that’s what they’ve requested). I assume they wont put a bib on him…

I recently started doing a bit more exercise — yay! But for vigorous exercise (in this case, single tennis, with lots of running and lunging and jumping), I am finding that I am a bit . . . leaky. I am not otherwise (although I make a point to squeeze before I sneeze). I had two v-deliveries (and for the first, I probably pushed for longer than I should have), but they were back to back and I attributed my having to go all the time with being pregnant (with #2), not the delivery with #1, but now I’m wondering if that’s not true and if I have a problem to warrant discussing with my OB (or b/c it’s just a strenuous exercise problem, if I should just wear a pad or something).

Advice? Thoughts?

This was buried in the weekend comments on the main s!te, but I’m now obsessed with I want to somehow teach my kids (boys and girls) about all these awesome women. Any ideas on how to do that? Print it out or buy the book and read them as a bedtime story? Incorporate it into pretend play?

I took my 3yo to a friend’s house this weekend, and the girls played with a castle – the princess was stuck at the top and the knight came to rescue her. The princess was saying things like “Oh no! Some boy come rescue me! I am pretty and I need help!” I know that doesn’t mean anything by itself, but I’ve tried so hard to give my kids the message that boys AND girls can rescue themselves. Yet this messaging of a damsel-in-distress has clearly sunken in. I didn’t say anything in the moment – should I have? And what? I don’t want them to think girl stuff is bad, but I also don’t want them to think being pretty matters, or that only boys do the adventuring.

Argh. Parenting is hard.

Small victory in parenting over the weekend– kiddo only gets her pacifier for sleep now. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be, except her screaming “paci” hysterically the entire way to church yesterday and then lying face-down on the church nursery floor for the better part of an hour in enraged protest. Other than that debacle, she was fine and easily distracted by her lovey or other toys the rest of the weekend.

But seriously, having a pacifier-addicted 2 year old is what I get for thinking “why don’t you just _____ ” about so many parenting things I knew nothing about before I had a kid of my own.

Do my eyes deceive me or is this dress obnoxiously short? The way it looks on the model, there’s no way it’s suitable for my work environment.

Any suggestions for Bar Harbor and Arcadia, Maine? (Or can someone post the thread where this was discussed, since my googling has failed?) Looking for low-impact walks we can manage with a toddler in a backpack, toddler-friendly places to eat, and ideas of other fun things to do. Going this weekend!