Organizing Thursday: Hanging File Box

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As much as I thought working from home (aka living at work) was going to be temporary, it’s looking more and more like it’s not. The piles of folders I have lying around and the general file I’m throwing everything into on my home computer desktop, “COVID-19 Work,” need a more permanent and more organized solution.

I never knew that file cabinets were so darn expensive until I was browsing for a way to organize the files I took home from my office. Even the smallest and ugliest ones are approaching $100, and then you’re stuck with an ugly file cabinet in your house.

I found these plastic bins, and they solved my file organizing problem. They fit both legal- and letter-sized files (and you need to purchase hanging folders like these to use with it). I like how all of my files are finally in one place, and I can move the bin around to where I need it.

A single file box is $10.99 at Staples; a set of four is $39.99. Hanging File Box

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Anyone have a recommendation for an endocrinologist in DC? Bonus points if they take BCBS insurance. Thanks!

For those with toddlers, what does your bedtime routine look like? Our oldest just turned 2 and his bedtime routine feels like it just keeps expanding! (Mostly bc my husband is a huge pushover TBH.). We have a newborn at home so I don’t want to make any super drastic changes but I also know he needs a reasonable consistent routine.

Parents with multiple ages kids, especially if they are elementary school age- talk to me about bedtimes. Specifically, do your kids have the same bedtime and how/when did you make that transition if they do? We have three (8, 3, and 1 year) and they all have different bed times (8:30, 7:30, and 8pm respectively) and bedtime routines, and it is sucking all our time and energy in the evening. Understandably the baby will be on her own schedule for a while, but I would love to streamline bedtime for the older two.

Genuine question: If daycare has a Covid+ teacher in your room, you definitely keep the kid home. Kid has been taken for a test but it will be at least 3 days for results. Do you also keep home the elementary school sibling while you wait? A friend is navigating this right now and I have no idea what I would do.

ugh yeah West Nile and EEE bring a whole new level of complication to the pandemic. Now we can’t even have them outside! (being sarcastic, sort of….)

Welp, just had our first non-COVID runny nose at daycare. As always it comes from one of the other kids being with their cousins. I’m grateful it’s just a cold, and I’m not being required to keep my LO out, but it made me realize how no matter how much distancing you practice, wear masks, sanitize and wash constantly…. it’s still not enough. It’s scary, but I still don’t see how it’s possible to keep our LO home.

We also let our LO play with his cousins a couple times, so I really can’t fault the other parents. But it highlights all the risks and it just sucks. There is just no clear answer.

Same. Also, for us, it’s been used almost continuously, been sanitized many times, and is still in great shape almost 5 years later.

Thanks to whomever recommended sunlight as a stain remover the other day! I had a white toddler dress that was covered in tomato sauce stains and I left it on a windowsill and it looked as good as new in a few hours. (Also a powerful reminder that windows don’t block UV radiation so wear your sunscreen while driving!)

I see the keekaroo recommended here a lot. Why is it needed/worth the money? (10 days postpartum with my second and trying to simplify middle of the night diaper changes…)

Is anyone listening to Nice White Parents? I’m one episode in and I’m simultaneously fascinated and cringing in recognition. Our local school has a fairly bad reputation but here in Scotland, you either go to your catchment school or you have to go private, which financially just isn’t doable for us.