Washable Workwear Wednesday: Half Placket Tunic Top


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I love this beautiful top by Club Monaco. It is a combination of so many elements that I love in a shirt: half button-up, no collar, waist-defining sash, and slightly longer in the back.

As if that weren’t enough, it has pockets!

I like how the sash is removable, so you can substitute a different belt to completely change the look. You all know that stripes are my weakness, but I am also loving the white — so nice and versatile. The top is $165.50 at Clubmonaco.com. Half-Placket Tunic Top

Looking for other washable workwear? See all of our recent recommendations for washable clothes for work, or check out our roundup of the best brands for washable workwear.

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Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Has anyone heard an official plan for the fall from their school district? Fairfax County (VA) just announced that families can choose to either have a) 2 days in-person, 2 days independent study or b) 4 days online instruction.

My smart, very verbal 2.5 year old daughter has suddenly become a tantrum monster. Any tips or advice for surviving this stage with her? She’s melting down at least once a day for 10-20 minutes each time. We’re still aggressively staying home, we have a new baby (8 weeks old) and she’s recently potty trained. I’m sympathetic to all of these big changes in her world but her behavior is totally unsustainable. Tips/advice/commiseration/survival stories appreciated.

Piggy backing on comments above about nannies etc … legit cried during a meeting yesterday about childcare. It’s impossible for us to plan. Toddler’s daycare can’t plan until mid August about what care they can offer because state early education regs won’t drop till then. It’s a preschool with early/after care and at minimum they will probably have a reduced schedule of one kind or another, but also fewer slots. Elementary kiddo also no idea what schedule will be but also likely not full day school every day, no idea what’s up with aftercare. Spouse also a teacher and no idea what schedule will be and therefore what childcare will be able to provide. Spouse has been doing most of childcare so far. Literally the only plan we could make would be to arrange a full time nanny we can’t afford (but it’s too far in advance) and then say “sorry no thanks” to the nanny if it turns out, as it likely will, that we don’t actually need 100 percent care. We could also look for another daycare now – a few are open full time and I am essential- but can’t afford that plus nanny for elementary school kid if we go that route and don’t need care till late August and need to save money this summer for whatever crazy care situation we need on the fall.

Talk to me about toddlers and bug spray. My 16 month old went back to daycare this week and I found a tick on her last night! Her daycare is on the edge of a wooded area, so now that she’s walking it seems like it’s time to send in bug spray for her. I need something with DEET for ticks, yes? I’m generally not anti-DEET – I know that’s what works and it seems to have a good safety record. But I still hesitate to have it put on her 5 days a week. What do you use regularly on your toddlers? Any good sites you can share to put my mind at ease?

Warning, vent ahead. My office is steadily increasing personnel on campus, for essentially no reason (they basically said “We’re paying for this facility, so someone needs to be in the office”). As a result, Covid cases among employees are skyrocketing (they literally doubled from last week – they’re sending weekly case updates). I haven’t seen a single person not social distancing, wearing a mask, or following hand-washing procedures. I get my temperature taken by a security guard before I’m allowed to enter the building. Management actually had the gall to send out a mail today saying they are “very disappointed in us” for not following protocol. What the serious eff. This is YOUR fault you bunch of tinfoil hats! My job can be done 100% remotely. I was already debating quitting, but this certainly feels like they’re forcing my hand.

What sort of footwear do babies who are not yet walking wear to daycare? My 9 month old is starting daycare in August and I have no idea what to put on his feet. We live in the SEUS, so socks in August just seem way too hot? He is always barefoot at home.

This happened to my friend’s kid and it turned out it was a rice allergy. Random and probably not the same issue in this case, but you never know. Rice is an ingredient in lots of food you wouldn’t expect.

Wanted to share this article about what daycares for essential workers have learned so far during the pandemic. Looks like there may be some good news about the low risk to children in group settings, when appropriate protective measures are in place. https://www.npr.org/2020/06/24/882316641/what-parents-can-learn-from-child-care-centers-that-stayed-open-during-lockdowns

Paging Pogo:

As an update, our daycare now may not open until 7/6 as they had the same problem of the application not being available on time and glitchy, and they needed extra paperwork. We’ll see.

My 5 year old still throws terrible tantrums from time to time. Not too often, but she had two last week. She totally loses control of her emotion and deep breaths, holding her, acknowledging her feelings, anything from Janet Lansbury doesn’t work. She doesn’t like to be talked to and covers her ears, which worries DH but she doesn’t have any other behavioral flags.

I keep thinking she’ll outgrow these and there are less, but they definitely still happen! Her two siblings do not have this issue and normal strategies work for them.

It’s really hard to get through to her in the moment or even as she’s eventually calming down (takes 10-20 minutes, I’d guess?) I’m wondering if meditation apps could help. Any good ones for a 5 year old? Or other suggestions?

We’re not saving any extra money. My hours and income are down. We paid 3 months tuition for “distance learning.” We got a refund for summer camps, but will likely spend most of it on outdoor toys, craft supplies, etc. We are spending more on food because everyone is home all the time, but it is balanced out a bit by less restaurants. DH works out pretty hard as his self care and seriously burns 3,000 or 4,000 calories a day. I gave up on trying to make adequate meals for him and just spend lot on healthy high calorie snacks while we have normal family meals. We go through 4 jars of nut butters a week. I’ve also spent more money than normal on house and garden projects. I think family life costs about the same right now. But in my 20s, I could see saving a lot by not going out and not buying new outfits for occasions.

is anyone else not saving extra money during this time? we’ve fortunately had childcare this whole time, so we are still paying for that and while we have only been doing takeout once a week, DH is home so much more. usually he travels for work at least once a month, or works late and work pays for his dinner, so our grocery bill is double what it used to be, so i guess it makes sense. all of my younger colleagues keep talking about how much money they are saving, making me feel like we are doing something wrong.

My 10 months old is eating solids pretty well but -seemingly- randomly vomits after eating, I would say average once a week for the past three months. I cannot detect a pattern, sometimes it is right after eating, sometimes a while later. We cut out dairy and eggs and the pediatrician did an ultrasound of his stomach and didn’t find anything unusual. Anything else that I should be looking into?

Looking for advice on weaning. DS is 11 months and I planned to start gradually dropping feeds soon. But now he seems to have decided he’s no longer really interested! I was originally planning on dropping a feed/pump each week but can I go faster than that? Any tips?

Have any of y’all read that article “This New Pandemic Phase Is More Stressful Than Lockdown”? It’s on scary mommy and ya hoo. It resonates SO MUCH, and I wanted to recommend it. She does such a good job describing the mental and emotional roller coaster of the last few months and the decision fatigue a lot of us have at this point.