Weekend & Family Friday: Giddy Buggy Bug House

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Giddy Buggy Bug House I hate bugs. Hate hate hate with a (borderline phobic) passion. However, I understand that a lot of kids really like them. I’m trying not to pass on my fear to my son, so if he shows an interest, I’d buy something like this for him. My mother-in-law bought this for a cousin, and he loves collecting bugs in the summer. Recently, my son pointed and said, “Ladybug! No like it!” so maybe this product is not in my future purchases, but it has many positive reviews in Amazon for others who have interest! It’s available for $9.99 at Amazon. Giddy Buggy Bug House This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!
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Anyone have any tips for dealing with phantom smells in pregnancy? I had them pretty bad around weeks 20-22, and then they went away, but now around week 33 they are back. Different smells, sometimes like food garbage, sometimes like paint/chemicals. Just now, I got a bad stale cigarette smell. Very unhappy about it.

my partner and I live in a hcol area with two small kids and are considering moving to the suburbs for the space and potentially the schools. The suburbs we are looking at are 90% white. We are a mixed family and I want my children to grow up with other diverse kids. Have any of you regretted your move to the suburbs after kids? Anybody send their kids to city public schools? I refuse to send them to private school.

My husband is a truly wonderful co-parent and partner, but his job is waaaaay more demanding than mine. One way he contributes to the household is doing dishes every night. (tbh, I do pretty much everything else.) He is now complaining that doing the dishes takes too long. He has to work every night for over an hour and is getting less sleep because the dishes take him so long. This is for a couple of reasons – he’s legitimately overly thorough. We have a dishwasher but he loads the dishes in there almost entirely clean. He’s a little obsessive about grime. It took him 37 minutes last night. Usually takes him an hour plus when he also watches TV. You may be thinking, what are you cooking that it takes him that long?!! Last night, I made salmon in one pan, roast broccoli on a sheet pan, and mac and cheese in another pan. Add two plates for us and our daughter’s tray and high chair. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND. It would take me 10 minutes max to do what he does. Do I need to give him a different job? He’s tried being faster at dishes and somehow can’t do it. He does it every night and has been for over a year. I’m baffled.

Any advice on taming the toddler mullet? My 18 month old daughter was bald for so long and is finally growing some hair. She doesn’t have enough a ton of hair but what she does have looks really straggly and gets knotty and matted in the back, which then makes her cry when I comb it out. Her hair is too fine to keep a bow in and she rips headbands off after a few minutes. I’m currently hunting for really small elastics to hopefully make two teeny pigtails – any other ideas?

Mommastrong workouts – has anyone done them? Liked them? I’m eyeballing the post-natal workouts. I’m two months postpartum and wanting to workout again, but constrained by time, childcare, etc. TIA!

it’s funny I realized this weekend that I don’t know when that point is….. but one day you just notice “hey, I just gave my kid food on a normal plate and he just ate off of it and I didn’t worry about him throwing it on the floor for no reason!” I almost forgot that it was an issue (some point between ages 2 and 3 I would say). Except that i have an 18 month old and it’s still an issue for him.

as for what to put there…. baskets? coasters. My kids love to play with coasters. Magazines/books? they pull them out but i’m not worried about them breaking.

two questions: at what age do kids stop being interested in/realize they aren’t supposed to pull down things like picture frames from a console? and the second question is, we live in an apartment with built ins and open shelves that are reachable by our almost walking twins – we have a gated area so that they don’t have direct access to them currently, but they love being outside of their gated area and so i’d like to put something on the bottom shelves that are child safe – we already have plenty of toy storage in their gated area – what do people store in places that are accessible by little kids that are not hazards?

I just wanted to say thanks for your comment in the “toughen up” thread yesterday, about validating feelings but still enforcing behavior expectations. My son often either overreacts or shuts down when things get tough, and he acts out in unacceptable ways at school. He’s a very sweet, sensitive, helpful kid as long as things are smooth, but he goes from 0 to 100 in 2 seconds flat when something frustrates him. It’s actually on my discussion list for his ped. appt today because DH and I recognize we need some help or new strategies to fix these patterns. I feel like I do everything you mentioned, but probably not as consistently as would be ideal. Do you think play therapy has helped?

For those of you who use social media for posting your kids’ and family photos – at what age does it become less about posting your life (like, here’s my cute baby!) and more of a posting of someone else’s life who has his/her own opinions? I know some may say that this starts as soon as the child is born, but for me, I like sharing my little kid photos with family and close friends, being mindful that these photos may live on forever and don’t post anything embarrassing. However, I’m thinking once they are in elementary school or so, I’ll only post major milestones like graduation or family trips, and generally much less frequently.

Also, I was just thinking that so many of us here have little kids at the moment. I truly hope that this community stays around and that one day we will be asking questions about our teens and even adult kids!

How do you help build up a toddler’s outside confidence? My 3 yo is bright and funny and confident at home, but when we leave the house she is extremely anxious. Example – a playground near us has a really big slide. She asked for 2 days if we could go to the big slide. We talked about how fun it would be, she said she was excited to go down it. We get to the playground, she looks up at it, and says “hmm, maybe next time” and refuses to set foot on it.

This happens all the time. I’m not worried about the slide itself, but more how to help her feel strong and brave in the moment to do what she wants. In the past when we push her to do the thing, she just digs in and has a meltdown, and I don’t want to traumatize her. But just letting it go when she was so excited ahead of time feels unsatisfactory too. Suggestions?

Did you bring slippers/sandals with you to the hospital for birth? I can’t decide what to get, plus my feet are huge and swollen right now so nothing fits. I am probably way overthinking this and should just bring flip flops, right?

Another bday gift question — what are some ideas for an 8 year old girl? I have only a baby, and am so not in-the-know about what kiddos are into these day. Thanks in advance!

Really hope that anyone buying this for their kid is not allowing their kid to keep bugs in it indefinitely. What is that teaching the kid? To be cruel and uncaring. My husband has memories of shutting lightening bugs up in a jar in the summer – obviously they would eventually die. Horrifying.

Anyone having a rec for a baby hairbrush that’s vegan or humane? My newborn has a ton of hair and I’d like to get her a nice hairbrush that could also be kind of a keepsake. I’m having a really hard time finding something that isn’t boar’s hair, etc. Any recs?

Recommendations for certain baby gates for our small home? Part of the issue is the walls are made of concrete, so difficult to screw things into them.

Does anyone have experience with retract-a-gate? https://retract-a-gate.com/