Family Friday: Fashion Tape


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Fashion TapeI have one or two tops in my closet that I would not be able to wear were it not for this Fashion Tape. One shirt has a bow that just doesn’t lay right, and the other is a crisp white button-down where the buttons gape a little. I can keep these shirts in my rotation if I use this tape on the back of the bow or in between buttons. I also recently realized that I can use this on my bra to tape it to a low-cut shirt so that my bra isn’t constantly peeking out the top. To make the strips last longer, I usually cut them in half to only use what I need. I’ve even washed shirts with the tape stuck to them and it doesn’t leave any residue. Fashion Tape is $7.60 for 36 strips at Amazon. Hollywood Fashion Tape This post contains affiliate links and Corporette® may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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How long did your kids take to get over being weaned off the pacifier, and how old were they? I feel like kiddo (3) has suddenly become a bit of a nightmare sleeper after weaning off the paci – and that was more than a month ago. With it, we barely noticed when he woke up in the middle of the night, because he’d just grab it and settle back down to sleep. Without it, there is significantly more tossing and turning and fussing and getting in & out of bed (water, potty, etc.). The past couple of nights, we were all up from 1 to 3am, and my husband actually had to take him out to the living room and sleep on the couch with him so my 35-weeks-pregnant manatee self can get some sleep. And this seems to be happening at least once a week. Is it just due to paci weaning? Is it impending loss of only-child status? Do we just chalk this up to ‘being a 3-year-old who ought to have dropped his nap but hasn’t’??? And how can we all get as much sleep as possible before the baby arrives?

Same here. I used the old navy frost free puffer all winter when pregnant with my February baby. I found it to be a great value. You can also pick up stuff like this on Poshmark for a song.

Just wanted to thank everyone who took the time to offer up their recommendations for toddler books yesterday! I didn’t have a chance to respond until now, but I appreciate all of the suggestions and am putting together a reading list for my husband and me!

I lucked out with a not so bad winter with my first and I bought a waist length pea coat 1 size up from J Crew factory. (I still have it and wear it over blazers during the winter.)

For those of you who have been very pregnant during the worst part of winter (Jan and Feb), did you buy a maternity parka? Make-do with your regular parka and leave it unzipped? I’m in NYC, so do a fair bit of walking outdoors.

I realize this question is a bit premature since it is currently the middle of the summer…. Just planning ahead since you can sometimes find a bigger selection of coats at off times of the year. Thanks!

Best backpack for kindergarten? Kiddo is small but he will be going full day (packing a lunch) plus after care so need good capacity, plus side pocket that can fit a Camelbak Eddy Kids water cup.

Also, good iPad app for said 5 yo? He is interested in reading but can’t really read more than a few words yet.

For years I have used these “t*tty tape” strips for my Brooks Brothers button down shirts that gap right where you don’t want them to gap. They fit in between the buttons perfectly.

I just want it to not be 95 feels like 105 so I wear sweatpants for the rest of my pregnancy. I’m so done with showing my legs. *veins*

Just wanted to say thanks for everyone who has posted their experience with toddlers/constipation/Miralax. My 2YO has been pee-trained for two months but poop has gotten more and more difficult. She’s now withholding for 2-3 days and then when she does poop it’s a big production. I’m going to call the pediatrician today and ask about options. It’s definitely not a diet thing (before potty training she was pooping twice a day and her diet hasn’t changed) and I want to intervene before things get worse — right now she’s not actively afraid of pooping on the potty but I’m worried that will change if she keeps withholding and it starts to get painful. Anyway, thanks to everyone (especially CPA Lady) who’s posted about this in the past; it’s made me be much more proactive.