Family Friday: Girls’ Striped Three-Quarter Sleeve Boat-Neck Tunic

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Girls\' Striped Three-Quarter Sleeve Boat-Neck Tunic It’s nice to see that Amazon is expanding the number of lines they make themselves and carry — and this one, Scout + Ro, is designed for little girls. They’ve got a ton of affordable pieces that are getting a lot of good reviews. This boat-neck tunic top comes in three different colors of stripes and has a really lovely Parisian/French vibe. It’s got a 4.4/5.0 rating from 30+ reviews and is $12.50 (with Prime and free returns). Scout + Ro Girls’ Striped Three-Quarter Sleeve Boat-Neck Tunic This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!
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Another horrifying story about a toddler crushed by a dresser in today’s Washington Post.

We are not planning on staying in our tiny place once baby is mobile, but just in case when do I need to have a calendar deadline as to securing all furniture if we aren’t yet moved. 6 months?

Thoughts on freezer stash building after recovering from a bout of mastitis?

I was pumping 1-2 times a day to work on my stash (I go back in about 6w, and have prob 80oz right now). After a slow start to this breeding gig I now have a near oversupply and that coupled with LO starting to go longer between feedings = mastitis.

On the advice of friends & LC I stopped the pumping to keep the oversupply in check. Should I just call it quits on building the stash, since it’s a healthy size? Should I pump but only a “half-pump” to discourage more oversupply?

I have this mentality like I need to stockpile ALL THE MILK but I don’t have a real reason behind this (I made it clear to work that I wanted them to reimburse if I had to ship milk home from a long trip, so realistically a couple days supply is fine). Any thoughts?

Just realized part of my mental perspective is that they live 6-7 houses away, depending on if we take the shortcut. To me this is just so close! Maybe I’m even overestimating the walk. It’s acre zoning tho.

I think this won’t thread right but..:for those saying no- why?

If the kiddo wakes up and I’m in the shower, I let her cry. She’s in a crib, not a bed. She’s not an infant. I nap or go into the basement where we get no monitor reception for 10+ minutes at a time. Our house is in an extremely safe town/neighborhood. And I would be sending the kid into the yard and waving goodbye, not going in.

Neighbor offered to come pick her up already, this is just more of a theoretical because this happens a lot (my kid sleeps 12:30-4!) and I am just generally curious about how/why this would be so unsafe vs other scenarios.

Did anyone see the discussion yesterday on the main site about kids protesting at school? It started with a mom posting about her daughter wanting to learn more about the NFL protests (kneeling during national anthem). There was a small discussion about whether parents of girls, specifically, should dissuade their daughters from engaging in protests out of a fear that they might be ostracized by their peers. I will try to be generous to the posters who were advocating for that point, and interpret their statements to mean that parents should tell their kids that it’s okay to protest (or advocate certain social justice views), but that they might be ridiculed, bullied, etc. because of it.

Anyway, because this is the Moms site, and I love the Moms site, I wanted to see the views on that issue over here. I’m pregnant with my second right now–a girl–and have pretty strong views about how I plan to raise her. I guess that, although of course I don’t want her to be bullied, I’m much more concerned with raising a strong woman who advocates for others and stands up for what she believes in; even if it makes her unpopular. Is that bad parenting? Should I instead try to protect a kid from mean girls, and push her away from things (activities, beliefs, clothes, etc.) that will make her “unpopular”?

What’s your favorite robot vacuum? We had a neato a couple years ago, but it kept dying (after 3 months). I’m also going to hire a housekeeper – any tips? Just use care dot com? I live far from my work colleagues so they are not really good resources.

I know its really early for this, but if I don’t start now I’ll never get it done. What christmas/holiday crafts do you have your kids make for grandparents/caregivers? I’m looking for easy projects that a 2 year old and 4 year old can do and can easily ship. Thanks in advance!

My 4 y/o has a play date with a neighbor. It’s just far away enough that she can’t walk alone (it’s down a busy (sidewalked) road and a few houses into the neighborhood).

It’s when my baby should be napping. It is at absolute max a 10 minute RT walk, probably more like 6.

I’m thinking of leaving the baby (16 months, sleeps like a log, for hours in the afternoon) in the house and walking my kid over. I’ll have the monitor and it’ll be maybe only 5 min that the monitor is out of range. This seems I worse than going outside to weed the far part of the yard.

Is this completely irresponsible?

We have a several cats. One in particular is extremely shy and reclusive (he will find the most obscure hiding spots in our house–right now his favorite place is inside our hide-a-bed sofa). He has occasionally peed on clothes in the past and is doing so again, which we think is at least partially related to stress from baby-related changes in the house. The vet has cleared him of UTIs. However, my husband has a strong aversion to some of the solutions we’ve been offered and particularly does not like the sight of an uncovered catbox. He has a stronger sense of smell than I do, so he notices odors before I can and I worry that he thinks I’m willing to live in a smelly house (which of course I’m not). He also never really bonded with this particular cat.

We’re going to try brand new boxes, an alternative litter option (we currently use Feline Pine clumping), at least one box in another place in the house, enzyme sprays to clean afflicted items, and Feliway. However, I can’t help feeling like the cards are already stacked against the kitty. Has anybody been in a similar situation and made it work? I really love this cat, but I’m worried about this becoming a lasting issue in my marriage.

leg cramps: My 3.5 year old has struggled with these. Ped recommended and seems to really work: making sure he is hydrated. Stretching before bed. Motrin.

7 1/2 year old has OPINIONS on what to wear to school. As long as it fits, is weather appropriate, and is clean I let it happen.

Turns out her classroom runs very warm once the heat turns on and she ended up changing into a spare t-shirt mid-day yesterday. My new solution is to just keep an extra t-shirt and sneakers in her backpack so she can change into them if necessary. I’m thinking that the best way to learn how to set up a versatile outfit is (supported) trial and error. (To add to the fun – I didn’t buy the majority of these clothes for her. If I had, they would be much more layer-able).

Anyone have any other magic solutions to this or is this the best one.

Silly question of the day: Kiddo’s daycare has show-and-tell on Friday. The teachers say it helps their confidence to stand up and talk about something to their friends. Today, Kiddo firmly said “No” to a couple of my ideas and wanted to bring the same toy that he brought yesterday. I immediately said fine and started gathering stuff to head out the door.

When I talked to DH later, he said he wanted to push back but didn’t because I had already said yes to Kiddo. I told DH that it doesn’t matter if Kiddo brings the same toy every Friday for a year–I guess I meant it doesn’t matter to me, but I also don’t see how bringing the same toy hurts Kiddo or detracts from the goals of show-and-tell. DH thought Kiddo should branch out. Does anyone have an opinion on this?

Crossposted from main s!te: Do I need to get multiple quotes for life insurance? If so, do I just ask local friends for recs or do some online calculators? Is there a benefit to coupling it with other policies?

I am way behind on this and want to get it done ASAP.

Does anyone know the name of the Facebook group where readers of this site sell clothes? I have an Isabella Oliver maternity suit to sell.

This is cute! I think my kiddo’s wardrobe is 30 percent Brett shirts already but I may have to get one more. Nice find!