Nursing/Postpartum Tuesday: ExerSaucer Triple Fun Bouncer

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Evenflo ExerSaucer Triple Fun Activity Center Thank goodness for this thing. This bouncer was one of my favorite baby products, and I was so sad when my son outgrew it. Yes, it is enormous and and kind of an eyesore, but he could have easily spent 20 uninterrupted minutes in it — the eight-month-old-baby equivalent of about six hours. It adjusts by height and allows for some fun bouncing. It also swivels around so that the baby can see every angle. The music it plays is seared into my memory, and I’m almost nostalgic for it. We never used the other functions other than the exersaucer, but it converts to other configurations. Put your baby in it and throw in a load of laundry! Stir the pasta! Go pee! The world is your oyster. The ExerSaucer is $99 at Kohl’s. ExerSaucer Triple Fun Bouncer

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When did everyone start brushing your baby’s teeth? How diligent are you about it? Do you use special baby toothpaste or regular?

I have a just-1-year old with quite a few teeth and I’m embarrassed to admit we really are not good about this at all. I know we need to jump on this now but it’s one of those things that seems to fall through the cracks a lot.

Any recent recs for hotels in Puerto Rico? Traveling with grandparents, a four-year-old, and one-year-old. We would normally do AirB&B but no one wants to cook or clean, so we’re probably in the market for a suite and/or adjoining rooms for naps. We had heard good things about El Conquistador in Fajardo but apparently it’s closed till 2020 …

Please buy an exersaucer secondhand at a kids’ consignment shop, local mass garage sale, or through online sources like FB Marketplace or CL. Babies use these for such a short time, it’s not worth the money to buy it brand new!

Catching up on the thread from yesterday about clutter- I just wanted to plug Greendrop, it’s a free service that comes to your house and picks up your donations. You can choose what charity you would like to help. It is AMAZING. They accept almost everything, and it’s so so easy and great to not have to worry about listing something on a free website, or hauling it to goodwill, etc. It’s really helped us keep the clutter down- I have an ongoing pile of stuff to get rid of, and as soon as it gets big enough I schedule a pickup.

How do you keep your marriage positive when everyone is tired and stressed? We both get triggered easily and tend to snap at each other, which makes everything worse. It’s especially hard now that we have a baby and are sleep deprived and overwhelmed, but I want and need to change the dynamic. Easier said then done. I’m hoping for specific advice that has worked for your life.

I just got back from a work trip to a ‘fun city.’ A co-attendee brought his wife and two kids (roughly 6ish, not twins) because his wife couldn’t manage the boys on her own. (She’s been off work for about two years for mental health reasons.)

I have toddler twins and have never thought about bringing them and the family along for a work trip. Have any of you done this?

We used this one as well – loved the floor mat and exersaucer options, but I don’t recommend using it as the standing table they have for the third stage – it wasn’t very stable.

Any recommendations for jogger style pants to wear on the weekends that are flattering with a large postpartum pouch? I used to mostly wear leggings, but it’s feeling kinda dated so I’d like something that’s pants like enough I can wear to playground, errands etc. but as comfy as leggings. Thanks!

Our nanny has been with us full time for 3 months now and I’ve been back to work for same length of time (baby is 9 months). She was with us part time for a month before I went back to work and was great. But since going full time, she’s been late to work a few times (once by a couple hours, other times just 5-10 minutes with some regularity), and missed dayS because of a delayed return flights (she took a red eye back so didn’t really have much cushion) and also “food poisoning” (2x in 3 months which seems like a lot). It’s nothing egregious, just enough little things that are compounding and making me feel like she’s less reliable than I initially thought. On the flip side, she’s been fairly flexible with late nights, she gets our routine / has been helpful around the house and most importantly my daughter loves her.

My husband thinks we should stick with her and just see if it gets better after we have another talk with her. I agree we need to have another conversation with her but am wondering when you decide that it’s time to move on?

Another sleep question, this time for a toddler.

My son (turned 2 this summer) is taking an age to go to sleep, he goes down at 6:45 or 7 but doesn’t actually fall asleep until closer to 8 and has to be up for 6:15. He seems tired when he wakes up and often complains that it’s still dark (welcome to Scotland, kiddo). He naps in his buggy after lunch at nursery and they estimate 45-60 minutes although honestly, it’s a bit of a free for all over there so who knows how much he’s sleeping. Sometimes he skips a nap altogether if he’s gone on a outing. He’ll sleep until about 7/7:15 on weekends.

He’s still in his crib and is perfectly content – we do 3 books, 3 songs and pop him in his cot but he’s awake for another hour or more. It’s like he needs a super long wind down time – he’s chatting about his day, marshalling his loveys, and singing at top volume.

I signed up to be a room parent for my kid’s preschool (we are newbies, it’s a 2-yo room) because I felt bad that no one else did. I have been hoping that someone else would sign up once I did (there are three slots), but so far no one has. I know I need to finally get venmo (or is there something better?) since up until now I’ve been a cash/check person. Other words of wisdom? And I know I only have myself to blame for this.

This question gets asked a lot, but I’m bad with the search, so: holiday teacher gifts. It’s our first year doing this; public four-year-old preK with a teacher, assistant, bus driver and bus assistant. I’m planning to do gift cards for the teacher and her aide (Target?), but how much? And how much for the bus driver and his assistant (card with cash, or a visa gift card?)? There’s also a couple specials teachers, do you send small gifts for them, too? I know it’s early, but figured I’d ask while I’m thinking about it!

DD has been sort of potty trained for about a month. I say sort of because she’s still having a lot of bm accidents and an occasional pee accident. And we’re struggling with her protesting going to the bathroom. I’ll ask her if she needs to go or remind her to tell me and she screams no. Sometimes we have to pick her up screaming and put her on the potty (and then she goes). I’ve tried bribing with an m&m. Any tips to take the pressure off?

Sleep help, please.

My 5.5 month old was a sleeping through the night rockstar—started at about 6 weeks and had built up to sleeping from 730-6ish (when I would wake her to go to work). All of a sudden, we’re up in the middle of the night again, usually around 230 but sometimes as late as 4. (Which sucks since I get up at 515.) This has happened for the past 9 days.

It could be any number of things that I have tried to remedy—we implemented a dream feed, put on warmer pajamas in case she was too cold, then I finally bucked up my courage to move her out of the top-small PNP in my room into her crib. Nothing helped. She’s also been sick with a cold and is thisclose to crawling, which I know could cause the regression. (ENT checked her ears last Thursday while we were there for her sister and they were clear.)

I usually end up feeding her and she goes right back down—but I’m afraid that I’m creating this pattern when she doesn’t actually need it. (She’s 18 lbs and >28 inches long, in size 9 mo at 5 mo.) I have gotten her to fall back asleep once without feeding, but my patience for CIO is limited bc I have to go to work and I don’t want to wake her 4-year-old sister.)

So what do I do? Stick with feeding and hope it passes? CIO? Help me. I’m tired.