Budget Thursday: Delicate Chain Extender

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I am putting this product under “Budget Thursday” because it looks like a smart way to make your existing jewelry work extra duty. This is a chain extender that lengthens jewelry so that it works for different types of necklines. I recently noticed that my favorite jewelry store now has most of their necklaces with this closure already built in, and I think it’s so smart. Today while getting dressed, I wanted to wear silver jewelry instead of yellow gold, but I was wearing a high neckline. Luckily, my new necklace had a chain extender and I put it on the longest setting, and voila, now the charm of my necklace hung over my shirt. This one is $10 at Baublebar.com. Delicate Chain Extender 

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Sales of note for 2/14/25 (Happy Valentine’s Day!):

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Up to 40% off your full-price purchase — and extra 60% off sale
  • Banana Republic Factory – 50% off everything + 15% off (readers love their suiting as well as their silky shirts like this one)
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 300+ styles $25 and up
  • J.Crew – 40% of your purchase – prices as marked
  • J.Crew Factory – 50% off entire site and storewide + extra 50% off clearance
  • Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – Flash sale ending soon – markdowns starting from $15, extra 70% off all other markdowns (final sale)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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I just started running again (my son is 3.5 years old) and … wow, I guess I have terrible stress urinary incontinence. I already have a rec for PT from my PCP (conveniently I happened to have a visit with her the day after it … reached a breaking point, so to say). Should I stop running in the meantime? I don’t want to make it worse, but I want to keep up my momentum of actually exercising and enjoying it. I was curious if anyone had any experience with this. Yesterday’s run was probably one of the most embarrassing experiences of my life.

We are hosting a super bowl party for a bunch of kids, and I’d like to make individual pizzas. Any ideas for the crust? I was mulling over bagels, pita, english muffins, pillsbury biscuits…any recommendations?

Can anyone suggest good online prenatal yoga videos? The only local place that offers prenatal yoga just canceled my class for lack of demand and all the other local yoga studios seem to focus on hot yoga which my OB said to avoid.

Talk to me about using daycare hours to do personal things without your kids. I’ve been thinking about sending kiddo early or leaving work early to workout, and I often want to take a Friday afternoon off to get personal things done but not pick him up. Am I terrible? Do others do this?

We’re going on vacation in 2 weeks and the plan is for 21-month-old to sleep in the pack-n-play. We have a suite at a hotel, so we will be able to make her room dark and we will of course be super quiet in the living room area while she sleeps and when we climb into the bed in the same room later at night. We did this exact trip when she was 11 mos and it worked fabulously.

She’s traveled a fair amount in her short life, and this is probably her 4th hotel stay. The last stay was at grandma’s house and PNP sleeping went horribly. The most blood-curdling screaming you could imagine until someone went into the room with her. We’re pretty rigid cry it out people, too, so the fact we ended up having to co-sleep with her should say something about how bad it was. We had all the stuffed animals, sound makers and other bedroom things from home to make the room as familiar as possible, but no dice.

Any tips for making PNP sleep work better or is this just a bad age for it? Any other tips? Are we terrible to institute CIO night #1 at a hotel, in hopes that the remaining 4 nights don’t suck?

Potentially an oddly-specific request. Recommendations for grocery store bagels that are higher in fiber? My preschooler happily eats a minibagel w/cream cheese as part of her lunch everyday, and I think we need to bulk it up a little (we also put fruit & veggies in her lunch, but she doesn’t consistently eat the higher fiber options and it’s starting to be a problem GI-wise). If you know of a minibagel that is high fiber and has toddler appeal, that’s great, but I also would get larger bagels and just send half. Seeking TJs, WF, or standard grocery store recs. Thanks!

Help me brainstorm physical activities for kiddo’s 4th birthday? We are renting space in a local gym and there will be a staff member to lead, but I’d like to give some direction. So far all I can think of is the hokey pokey and duck duck goose (and maybe a parachute for parachute games if they have one). Would prefer not to do things like musical chairs because some of the friends are really sensitive about losing.

In your experience talking to other moms and your own, do you think bedsharing is more common than most people think? I was in a new moms group yesterday with my 6 week old and we all somewhat sheepishly admitted to bedsharing, either with the baby next to us or on us, as the only way we were able to get any sleep. Most of us, myself included, had been dealing with continual wakings throughout the night and ended up bedsharing out of desperation. Our facilitator said that almost all moms she encountered ended up doing it, but just didn’t want to admit it since it goes against the guidelines. So, thoughts? If you bedshared, how long did you do it for? I’m ok with my decision to do it, but don’t want to do it forever as I find it uncomfortable. Also, it doesn’t solve the issue with naps!

Ugh, to the in-house attorneys. I’m in-house and not empowered to make these decisions but we are having issues with our outside counsel being incredibly expensive – and the costs are getting passed on to parties that can’t afford it. we’re looking to use different counsel and it’s all messy. i hate conflict! that’s why i’m not a litigator.

anyone else ever have to break up with outside counsel over their inability to keep costs down (this is for a series of transactions – we’ve done 3 now and no improvement)? the main partner we work with is old friends with our GC, which is how they got the deal in the first place. I’ve wanted to use different people from the beginning but i’m trying to tread lightly here!

Does anyone have tips and tricks for flossing your kids’ teeth? At our last dentist appointment, our dentist says I need to start flossing my 8 year old’s teeth, but a) it grosses me out a little – I mean sometimes even flossing my own teeth grosses me out, and b) her mouth is so small that it is really hard to get to the back teeth.

Ok, the latest blogger trend seems to be scanning in your kids’ artwork, uploading them to print sites, and having hard copy bound books of your kids’ artwork created to capture it for all eternity. I’m battling my guilt for not doing this and looking for some affirmation.

I mean, I’m in my mid-30s and do not feel my childhood was at all negatively impacted by the fact that no such book existed for me, nor do I wish I had one now as a grown woman. In fact, such an item would be just another “keepsake” I’d have to move between my many adult homes but feel too guilty to throw away. I know, I know, just delete it and move on. But I feel like it’s just another one of those “cool ideas” that ends up making moms feel guilty.

Ready to start trying again after our miscarriage last fall. First kiddo it took 1 month. Pre MC (2+ years later), it took 9 months. I’m not getting any younger, and Ava keeps popping up in my feeds. Anyone find it helpful, not helpful? It’s not cheap (but also well within my discretionary spending) and seems so much better than daily strip testing, notebook tracking, etc., which is the other option I’m considering to try and speed the process up this time. But is it all just pretty marketing? Pretty sure I ovulate late based on when we conceived the MC, but would like to get more clarity around it – with a toddler that doesn’t sleep (or only sleeps with us) and two very tired parents, the “every other day for two whole weeks while guessing what the window is” isn’t really our thing.

Does anyone else’s daycare occasionally miss feedings? DS is in the infant room at the same daycare his toddler sister attends and has attended since she was a baby. When DD was an infant this never happened, but the infant room has now missed a feeding twice for DS. I know in the grand scheme of things, it’s not a big deal – but it’s a pretty essential part of what we expect daycare to do. It’s a fairly small infant room (fewer kids than when DD was in that room) so it’s not even that busy. I’m disappointed it’s happened twice now but wonder if I’m overreacting?

Any experience or ideas as to what could possibly cause preschooler to have night wakings? My 3 year old son started waking up in the middle of the night, come in our bed, sometimes he falls asleep, sometimes he takes more than an hour to go back to sleep. If he did fall asleep he wakes up an hour or two earlier then usual. We are all exhausted. I am calling the school today to ask them to monitor him. He is a very sensitive kid. The fact that I’m losing my patience with him doesn’t help either.

What are your best storage ideas for kids art stuff – coloring books, markers/crayons, paint, playdoh, etc? I want it kid-accessible, ideally under 20 inches wide. I’ve been thinking about a Trofast frame from IKEA, but I’m looking for other options as well. Container Store had this great metal storage unit where the drawers swung out, but I’d rather not spend $200.