Postpartum Tuesday: Dékor Classic Hands-Free Diaper Pail

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This is the diaper pail that we used for my son’s nursery, and now we’re just using it as a regular trash can for his bathroom. This pail uses a specialized roll of bags that’s basically one continuous open bag. You tie the bottom end off (we use little zip ties), pull the bag down, and when it is full you use the cutter on the inside of the can and tie off the top end.

I think it did a really good job of containing smells, and it holds a ton of diapers. The best part is that it’s hands-free, with a step on the bottom to open the lid.

We still have leftover rolls of bags, so we are using it as a regular can now and probably will use it for the foreseeable future, unless someone in the family wants a hand-me-down.

It is $39.99 in gray and $29.99 in white (which is unfortunately sold out online) at Dékor Classic Hands-Free Diaper Pail

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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In the midst of my first postpartum period. Based on pumping results and a cranky baby, my supply has dropped. It’s going to come back, right? Pretty sure this is normal, but I don’t really remember it happening with my first. Just need some reassurance.

Anyone have a personal finance blog they like that focuses on upper middle income families? Looking for thoughts on how much of our budget to allocate to groceries / day to day expenses, childcare, college fund, retirement, emergency fund, fun savings (vacation etc)?

Re: Diverse books for kids from yesterday– I added my recommendations late in the day!

Since someone mentioned the blog upthreat… Has anyone here bought the “kids eat in color” meal plan? It looks tempting but 37 dollars is not that cheap for what essentially seems like an ebook?

My one year old was diagnosed with egg and dairy allergies. Any other good resources for allergy (baby) meal plans?

I’m 39 weeks today and I’m ready for kiddo to get here. Just for fun, anyone have success with old wives tales to induce labor? At my last appointment about a week ago, I was a little dilated so there’s some progress.
I’m staying away from Castor oil, but I’ve been eating dates, walking, bouncing on an exercise ball. I’ve tried a couple exercise routines that involve deep squats, etc that are supposed to be helpful. Penetrative s*x is kind of out of the question at this point, because it’s too uncomfortable for me.
I know kid will stay in there until he’s good and ready, but I love hearing stories about what worked for other people.

I’ve been interested to read about what other schools are doing, so I thought I would go ahead and share mine:

Northeast, in a state that was hit hard early but has done a lot of really data driven response actions to turn things around. Schools can only open in person if the regional transmission metrics stay low. If things start to spike, there’s a shut off point, defined through data.

– All kids have the option to be 100% remote, particularly for medically fragile kids or families who just aren’t comfortable.
– K-6 are in person full time. Kids are split into cohorts of max 15 kids and so homerooms have the main teacher with them half the time while the other half of the class does specials/outdoor time/etc. To make this work, they’re taking over space in the elementary and middle schools so that there’s lots of room.
– 7-12 are hybrid with 2 days in person, 2 days remote.
– Special Ed kids are prioritized for in person.
– Masks and social distancing for everyone. Schools have already sent notes asking parents to help train kids in proper mask wearing.

Is it perfect? No. Our positive rate is less than 1% and testing is easily accessible with a 3-40 hour turnaround time. I still don’t know that I feel ‘awesome’ about sending my kid back to school, but this seems to be about as sane as I could expect.

My 3 year old would love love love a skateboard. Sounds like a bad idea to me, I just picture broken bones. Does anyone have experience with a toddler on a skateboard? Any tips or recommendations? He already has a scooter and a pedal bike.

Shoukd I have my housekeeper comeback once a month or so to scrub toilets etc that I can’t do? None of us will be home. We are in a hot spot though and Ive made it five months without a cleaner but ugh. Losing my mind. I know there’s no risk free actvitity but if we’re not home, chances seem to be very low?