Family Friday: Jo Jo Crossbody


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Jo Jo CrossbodyI held out on the crossbody trend for a long time but finally have realized that, now that I’m past the diaper bag stage, I want something to carry my wallet and phone and lipstick but don’t need something big enough to fit snacks and toys and diapers, etc. The crossbody bag is my new favorite because it’s easy to throw on and go, and if you’re shopping at the grocery store or elsewhere, you don’t have to worry about leaving your bag in your cart. If you don’t like the look of them for work and you’re only buying for the weekend (the playground, weekend errands, even a vacation where you’ll be walking a lot), this is a good bet — it has tons of great reviews, it’s sturdy, and it’s made from recycled materials. The bag is $25 at Zappos and $19 at Amazon (which has even more colors). Dakine Jo Jo Crossbody This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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I’m preparing a presentation for a national industry conference. This may be an elementary level question but it’s something I’d prefer not to mess up. I want to be able to use pictures in my presentation that are not mine. If I filter a Google Image search to show only “Labeled for reuse”, am I OK to use those photos in my presentation without citing a source?

How do you guys work treats into your lives? My day to day is currently a grind (typical stuff – job, commute, kid, pregnancy, random energy sucking life events), and I have been using food treats as a way to get myself through it, but it’s becoming unhealthy. What are alternative treats when you have no free time and very little extra energy, so the typical manicure/massage/yoga, etc options are out. I don’t mind spending some money, but on what? I was considering a subscription box of some kind, but ultimately that just sounds like extra stuff in my house that I will have to deal with. I’m just looking for a little hit of pleasure from something that doesn’t ask anything of me.

I’ve been pondering consequences lately — mostly the timing, and how to set boundaries without being disproportionately punitive.

Yesterday my kid (just turned three) hit her teacher. The back story was, Teacher A told her to clean up the mess she made outside, Kiddo didn’t, Teacher A said, “ok, if you don’t clean up, you can’t play with magnets when we go inside.” They went inside, Kiddo tried to play with magnets, Teacher B said, “you can’t play with magnets because you didn’t clean up when Teacher A told you to.” Cue meltdown and hitting.

Here’s the thing. Apparently — Kiddo is the only one who told me this — as a consequence for hitting, Kiddo was told not to bring a book for book-sharing time (which they always do on Fridays). Book sharing is like, her favorite thing, so this is a serious consequence. And on the one hand, I think it’s good because hitting is not OK. But on the other hand, if they/we keep taking away everything she likes, isn’t she going to be miserable and hav a harder time controlling herself?

Is a consequence that happens 24 hours after the bad act too far away for a three year old?

How did/do you structure your baby’s awake time when they are little? I’m on maternity leave and my daughter is a little over two months. I feel like I spend ALL of her awake time feeding her or trying to get her to sleep. On a good day, she averages about 14.5 hours of sleep, which is below the recommended amount and honestly she seems tired a lot but getting her to actually sleep is so hard. I feel like it doesn’t leave time for tummy time (which of course she hates) or reading or anything else. When are you supposed to do the activities?? Right when she wakes up from a nap? After eating when she is sleepy (but apparently not sleepy enough to actually go to sleep)? Why is this question driving me insane?

I am completely irrationally worrying about the size of house we are currently building. We deliberately chose to build a smaller house than we could have to not have a huge mortgage. We deliberately chose to pick a neighbourhood where smaller houses are the norm so my commute would be manageable. Logically I know these were the right decisions for us, but when I go see the house, I panic a bit. It will not be small: 1900 square feet. Family of 4. We were previously living in 900 square feet with 3 of us so again, I don’t know why I am worrying.

I’m not sure what the point of this post is, as I recognize it is completely irrational, but I feel silly worrying about it out loud!

Suggestions for best crib rail cover for teething protection, or is this a hopeless endeavor?

Would like to keep the front rail nibble free so that if/when we actually convert and use it as the foot board there aren’t gnaw marks all over it. It is a fairly wide rail, so needs to be on the larger side.

Ideally something more minimal / neutral, but if there’s a product that works, don’t care overmuch what it looks like!

Balance bike?
pop-up ‘castle’ (like what they sell at Ikea?)
Wooden train set?

My MIL wants a gift idea for my soon-to-be two year old. She has rejected my “experience” suggestions (zoo membership, etc).

Any ideas? She’d prefer to give a “big” gift (like, actually physically large) so I want to steer her towards something that’s at least somewhat useful (ie, not the easel that she was considering). We don’t have a huge house so not a lot of room. I was thinking maybe a beanbag chair? That seems pretty versatile but I have no idea where to find a good one. We already have a small play kitchen.

I have this same dilemma. My girlfriend, a mom of 2 says the upside to letting the tv run is they get sick of it, and then it doesn’t feel like a treat. That’s a plus, right?
I usually just get a sitter. Or ask dad to take the kids to the park down the street.

I’m hoping to get a necklace that is very simple and that I can engrave. I’m thinking stainless or white gold. I’d like to engrave my wedding date and my first child’s birth date on it but also have room for adding future children. I want it to be a nice piece of jewelry but also subtle. This is something I would likely wear daily.

One thought is a simple chain with two small ring-like pendant/charms on it, each engraved with a date. I am having no luck finding what is in my head, but I am also open to any other ideas you might have. TIA!

Fun plans this weekend?

We’re going on our first date post-baby (well, if you don’t count our trip to the grocery store followed by a cup of tea at the garden centre) tomorrow. Lunch and a show. And then Sunday is Mother’s Day so we’re going to brunch with my dad.

I’ve been really impressed by my Dakine bag. I have one that is a Longchamps shape and made out of recycled water bottles and that thing has worn like iron.