Weekend & Family Friday: Cool Mist Ultrasonic Humidifier


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Cool Mist Ultrasonic HumidifierNow that the weather is turning cooler, the kiddie germs are about to descend upon us. Last winter was my son’s first winter in daycare, and I don’t think I worked a full week from November to March. Almost everything he had was viral, and much of it was congestion in his nose/chest/ears. One of the only things we could do was buy a humidifier. There are pages and pages of options for humidifiers, and I think this was the second or third we ended up buying after not being satisfied with the first ones we purchased. I really liked how this has a huge tank that lasted all night, it was super easy to clean and refill, and it had a function that put the screen to “sleep” so it didn’t light up the room. Full disclosure: At one point it broke, but the company sent a free replacement. I’m not looking forward to bringing this out again for the colder weather and I can only hope my son’s immune system is up to the challenge of another winter in daycare! This humidifier is $69.99 at Amazon, where it’s eligible for Prime shipping and a $5 coupon. Cool Mist Ultrasonic Humidifier This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Anyone have success stories of working part-time? I recently negotiated a part-time position at a small company that I’m very excited about (not law). I asked them multiple times about making sure my work could really be completed in 25 hours a week and the insisted it could. They were very interested in having me on the team and really understood my desire to have more time for my family.

As i’m resigning at my current job, EVERYONE is like oh you will just work full-time and get paid part-time. Ugh. I knew that before I took it and thought it through and discussed it extensively, but am still so anxious.

Any suggestions on what to do to set boundaries early and often?

The actual job is fundraising but the imaginary job is part-time yoga instructor who works in a bakery and sells crafts to people who appreciate quality.

That was fun to write.

This has nothing to do with being a mother.

I hate calling the IRS. I’ve been on hold for an hour and twenty minutes of an hour and thirty minute phone call thus far. Why did I think being a tax accountant would be a good idea? I should have been a florist.

What is your actual job and what is your imaginary job that you think about when you’re doing your least favorite part of your actual job?

My daughter’s new daycare sent home homework yesterday. She is 15 months old. I wish I were kidding.

It is a project where my husband and me (okay, me) are supposed to put together a board that is “all about her.” It’s a cute idea, but I have zero interest in putting in the effort. I laughed when they told me . . .

I don’t think one study of moms with an average age of 23/24 that resulted in only a 3% point different and no changes to public health recommendations, ‘debunks’ anything.

But agree that risk of c-section wouldn’t be the biggest concern for me. I hated being hooked up to an IV and continuous montioring so I’d be trying all the acupuntre/’gardening’/long walks to try and get labor started on my own.

Speaking of feeding your baby. Anyone have any books to recommend on that? Everything i read before my babies were born was more about sleep and breastfeeding and didn’t really cover starting solids

Just found an amazing part time nanny for my kids, and am so upset at the world! This woman is bright, educated, has a strong resume and work history, and is recently divorced.

We’re in the Boston area, so on her $85k/year salary*, she cannot afford to both work and have her kid in full time daycare and afford a 2-BR rental in a safe neighborhood. So instead, she moved in with her parents (who live in my leafy suburban town), sends her 3 year old to daycare part time/relies on her parents to help, and nannies for $25/hr under the table. She commuted to the city for her old job but apparently after fighting traffic/transportation, she was out of the house 65 hours/week and it just wasn’t sustainable.

It just makes me so, so mad that this is the world we live in.

*she didn’t tell me her salary, but I know exactly what this role pays!

Any insight on working with your kid’s teacher to problem solve behavior issues in the classroom?

We are wrapping up week three of K and I am getting daily behavior report cards. He does fine about half of the day but is distracted and distracting the rest of the time. I definitely have issues with how the teacher is handling things and believe her expectations are too high for this early in the year. We have never had behavior problems in five years of full-day daycare/pre-school.

I don’t think what she is doing–frequent reminders, seating him next to her, daily reports–is helping but I don’t know what to suggest. She hasn’t been terribly helpful in how we can help at home other than reinforcing good listening.


We had a whole home humidifier installed last year and it cost way, way less than I thought it would and made such a big difference for us. My husband and I are the types that our skin cracks really easily if there isn’t enough humidity so having humidifiers only in certain rooms didn’t work for us. Also, cleaning these individual machines was a HUGE PITA for us and our particular whole home humidifier IIRC only requires cleaning/maintenance once a year. Hubby handles that chore so I don’t recall all the details though.

On humidifiers, I don’t like the ultrasonic ones because I find they are prone to leaving white dust everywhere due to my water makeup (and getting special water for the humidifier is beyond my level of life right now). My favorite by far (and I now have two of them – one for the baby and one for the adults) are the Honeywell HCM350B Germ Free Cool Mist Humidifier. Easy to clean, easy to find filters for and everything by the little cap is dishwasher safe, which means it gets cleaned about half as often as it should (as opposed to once a season).

I’m scheduled to be induced on Monday (due to my advanced maternal age!) I have a previous v-delivery, but labor started naturally so I wasn’t induced. Any tips on preparing for the induction or what to expect during the process? I am planning on an epidural if that matters. Thanks.

How much do you worry about fruit vs vegetables for babies/toddlers? I grew up eating cake or cookies pretty much every day, so to me fruit (or pretty much any food w/o added sugar) is healthy. My 8 month old has only tried maybe 20 foods so far (we’re still doing single ingredient introduction) and her favorites so far are fruits (bananas, prunes, apples, avocado especially) so we’ve been mostly feeding her fruits. We do offer vegetables, but not every day, and she really doesn’t seem to like any of the veggies we’ve tried so far. A friend heard this and was horrified – she said they consider fruits ‘desserts’ and only offer them as a treat once or twice a week. She’s convinced that giving fruit more regularly will create a picky eater that only takes sweet foods, but from my research (and my ped) it seems like the “fruit makes baby reject anything not sweet” theory has been pretty well debunked.
I’m guessing most people fall somewhere in between me and my friend, but curious how much people here give fruit to babies and toddlers.

Favorite non ankle length maternity jeans? Willing to pay for a decent pair. Full belly panel or stretchy sides? What’s your favorite. 19 weeks pregnant.

Do kids have teething pain after teeth break through the gum? My 7 month old just got her two lower front teeth. I didn’t really notice any fussiness before the teeth, but since I noticed the teeth, I feel like she’s been super fussy and we’ve had a lot of night waking (and not immediately going back to sleep, which is a bigger problem than the waking). Could this be teething? It seems to me like it’d be more painful before the teeth break through the gums but maybe I’m wrong.

What products are you loving lately?

I bought an IKEA solvinden solar lantern for my kiddo’s room – just needed a bit of light for when I put him down to bed but didn’t want something too bright or with cords. It looks toddler safe and gives off a nice soft light. I pop it in the window when I open his curtains in the am and it charges during the day.