Finally Friday: Beast Leather Passport Case

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Coach Dinosaur Passport CaseI don’t travel internationally enough to justify an $80 passport case, but if I did, man would I be considering this one. I love the colors; Coach leather is generally reliably good, and I feel like my boys would get a kick out of it while they’re small, and perhaps could even use it themselves when they get a bit bigger. (It’s also available in black with what looks like greenish T-Rex to me.) It was $125, but is now marked to $83 as part of the Nordstrom Winter Clearance Sale, which ends on 2/26. We just did another major roundup of shoes for work still in the winter #nsale — tons of cute pumps, booties, and flats. Pictured: COACH Beast Leather Passport Case Psst: oooh: Coach has more “beast” products, including an iPad sleeve and a wristlet. Sadly none are on sale, but: good products to stalk on sale. This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Best clothing labels for daycare? I know this is regularly discussed and Name Bubbles and Mabel’s Labels stick in my brain. Preferences? Others?

Suggestions for a doula in the DC area? Thanks!

I posted yesterday about my son and CIO. I want to thank everyone sincerely for such thoughtful and supportive comments. We did a dream feed last night at 12:30 and he slept soundly through it – basically sleeping straight through from 7:30-4:45, without the intermittent 3-4:45 wakeups he had been having and no crying at all until he woke up. So we’ll try this for a few weeks and try CIO again when he’s a bit bigger. Just wanted to follow up and thank everyone again.

Any long distance runner moms lurking around here that want to talk about distance running and pregnancy? My first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. My second pregnancy resulted in my happy and healthy now 17 month old. I stopped running pretty much right away when I was pregnant with him out of paranoia. I’m now 10.5 weeks pregnant again. I was training for a marathon and found out I was expecting the day after my 14 mile run, which went very smoothly! Together with my doctor, I decided to keep running and just downgrade to the half marathon. Consistent with conventional wisdom, I’m trying to maintain the fitness I had and just not go past that 14 mile mark. I’m very comfortable dialing it back the days I need to, etc. Also, I binge on a lot of burgers and ice cream and am not some super-tiny pregnant woman at all.

I just got back from the doctor’s office and the nurse I had during the informational part of the visit acted like distance running was the most absurd thing she ever heard. I understand that, but I guess I would just love to hear from anyone who successfully ran distance through even the first part of pregnancy. I’m feeling alone on my little island right now!

I have been posting a lot lately! I guess that’s what two does for you.

Suggestions on toddler underwear? I know that sounds crazy. We are looking to start potty training probably next weekend and I want to have everything in place! I bought a couple potty books as well and two toilet inserts and a stepstool and one piddle pad. Anything I’m forgetting?

Yes, as a working mom I prepare by going to amazon prime.

We are very lucky to have found an amazing babysitter/ mother’s helper. She has asked for more hours and we have the funds to pay for it. She is comfortable doing the kids’ laundry and dishes. What else should we get her to do to make our lives easier? Assuming at this point we have extra hours where we don’t need her to actually watch the children.
I know this is an awesome problem to have, but I don’t want to ask her to do anything inappropriate (like I think having her do our laundry isn’t right). And being a new parent, I know I’m probably not thinking of things that would be painfully obvious to others. For context, we got custody of 2 under 2 with very little notice.

Spinning off of a thread from yesterday, are there any good outdoor toys if you don’t have a lot of space? We’ve got a patio that’s maybe 8×8, along with a shared driveway that she can run around in, and that’s pretty much
it. I’m planning on a water table but wasn’t sure if there were any other good options for a small space.

Are family passport cases a thing? We have three kids who are dual citizens. DH and I aren’t but that still means we travel with 8 passports. Has anyone seen a passport case that holds multiple passports? Even a case that holds 4 would be great.

I glamorously travel with them in a ziploc freezer bag right now. Sigh.

TK – I responded to your post about growth issues pretty late in the day yesterday, so you may not have seen it. I’m not sure whether it’s actually helpful, but we’ve gone through something similar with my daughter.

Water at night question. My toddler was sick a few weeks ago and I gave her a cup of water to keep in her crib overnight for several days, which we normally don’t do. Predictably, her diaper was very full / soaked through the following morning. If she has access to the water, she’ll drink it. She’s now healthy again, but still asks for a cup of water. On the one hand, I’m okay with giving her a cup – I would hate to wake up thirsty in the middle of the night without access to water – but on the other hand, I have potty training in the back of my mind. She’s not ready to potty train yet, and I know staying dry overnight is often just a physical readiness issue and could be years down the line, but I don’t want to be sabotaging myself/her. Thoughts? Is this one of those things where I should just give her the cup and worry about it later?

I hope your ECV went well! Was thinking about you.