News Roundup

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A collage of beauty products.Some of the articles of interest to working mothers that we’ve seen around the web recently…

  • New York magazine’s The Cut shares a list of eye creams that work.
  • College professor Sarah Summers writes for Working Mother, “I Wear My LuLaRoe Leggings to Work, and I’m Not Sorry.”
  • In its “25 Famous Women on…” series, New York magazine’s The Cut shares thoughts from 25 women about style as identity.
  • Working Mother looks at the parenting practices of 10 U.S. presidents’ mothers.
  • STAT News reports on  the dangers of Hyland’s teething products: “Babies had repeated seizures. Babies became delirious. Babies were airlifted to the hospital, where emergency room staff tried to figure out what had caused their legs and arms to start twitching.”
  • The New York Times’ Well Family looks at teen depression.
  • A doctor (who’s a mom) writes for Slate about which parenting advice is based on real science.
  • Parents has a piece about dealing with rude tween behavior.
  • For your Laugh of the Week: McSweeney’s gives you “Great Parenting Blogs Through the Ages.”

Also, do be sure to check out the news update over at Corporette!

On Corporette Recently…

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Soo … I’m not on Facebook and have never been approached by anyone related to an MLM scheme, so I’m admittedly a little puzzled by the furor that ensues whenever people talk about various MLMs on the main site … but those LuLaRoe leggings are actually a thing that people BUY? On PURPOSE? Man, those things are fug. I am just today seeing what a LuLaRoe product looks like and I can’t help but assume it all started as some sort of practical joke. Yikes. How is anyone making money off of selling those?