Accessory Tuesday: Caroline Pump

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Michael Kors Caroline Mid Pump Shoes This pump is highly rated at Nordstrom and has the sort of grandma heel that that’s very popular right now, with patent leather and a cute little bow. It actually looks very much like the Ferragamo Vara pump that has a price several times higher. I think it’s a classic look and is especially good for not-so-great weather. Michael Kors shoes are always highly rated, and their Flex pumps are in our Workwear Hall of Fame. If you like the look of these, I would definitely give them a try, especially if you’re looking for a dupe for the Ferragamo. The shoe comes in sizes 5.5–10 in black and the pictured color, and is $115. Caroline Pump This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 1/16:

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Ugh, on my phone, so can’t reply-

I used the MA state licensing website to find mine. I’m at 495/Rte 3 (Carlisle/Chelmsford/Westford) and we’re going with an in home that I found on the website. In addition to checking her references I spoke to the state inspector that renewed her license most recently (a few months prior). I think someone on here suggested that and i thought it was a great idea.

For pricing I’d think our areas are similar. I found things to be cheaper than what’s noted above, so maybe you’ll find the same-

BH, Knowledge Beginnings, Lil Sprouts etc were all around $2K a month for infant.

The one independent center we toured was also around $2K.

The in homes we looked at were around $1300.

Hope that helps!

Or resource in general! I would like to calibrate our expectations before I start making calls and doing visits (which I realize needs to start pretty darn soon).

Can anyone point me to an old thread (assuming there is one?) about child care costs / options?

I’m in the Boston burbs, 12 weeks and looking for some anecdata re: where to start and what to expect, especially related to cost. TIA!

Out-of-touch PTO? Our PTO for my son’s school just announced their fall fundraiser (2nd year). It is a pre-k to 2 school. The fundraiser is that you pay the $10 entry fee, and then the “child” is supposed to cook/bake/whatever 150-200 bite-sized desserts in one of a handful of categories. Then, you bring the 200 desserts to school in the evening for a tasting contest.

These kids are not old enough to safely turn on the oven or stove! And who has time to cook this on a weekday?? This seems like a veiled cooking competition for SAH parents, and is really getting under my skin. I know the organizer who is SAHM extraordinare – head of the church Christmas fair, PTO president and seller of MLM products. Any advice on a tactful response to saying that this is not appropriate/ out of touch??

Comotomos were awesome for my BF babies since the shape was more familiar to them! We heated milk in a tiny metal pitcher (the kind used for frothing milk gor a latte—name is escaping me) in a bowl of hot water. It was pretty quick and the pitcher is fun for an older baby or toddler to practice pouring.

Kat, threading is still broken on my phone (running latest version of iOS).

My first baby was EBF, so all our bottles were Phillips Avent natural flow. My second is exclusively formula fed. He’s a month old and he has gas issues. We’re doing probiotic drops and gas drops but im wondering if it’s the bottle n*pple. Should I switch him to “non-natural”? The natural do look more challenging and he has no real incentive to have a good latch. Bonus points if you know if the unnatural work with what I have or if I have to buy different white topper pieces.

Reposting from the main site since I sometimes get more helpful responses over here.

Hive, I need some recommendations/help!

1) I have a few pairs of pants that are too long to wear with flats because they drag on the ground. I wear flats as I commute. What does everyone do to keep their pants from getting ruined in that situation??

2) I typically use the Laura Mercier oil-free tinted moisturizer but I am starting to need a little bit more moisture but don’t want my skin to become a total oil spill. Anyone have any recommendations?

Has anyone tried freezing cooked shredded chicken or cooked ground beef for use in dishes? I was scrolling through freezer meals and that suggestion popped up in a few places, but it never occurred to me to try it out. It sounds kind of gross for some reason, but if other people have done it successfully I’m willing to try it!
Also do you thaw it overnight first or something? or just throw it into your recipe?

My 7 month old has recently started waking up at 3AM, not upset or hungry – just wanting to play. I change his diaper, give him a bottle (which he’s not interested in) and then put him back in his crib 30 min later. He doesn’t cry – he just wants to be awake and hang out. His bedtime is 7PM (FWIW, Hubs thinks that’s “too early”). The only thing I have changed recently is stopping the dream feed at 10PM, because he’s drinking 24+ oz of formula during the day. Should I try adding that feed back in to get him to sleep through the night? Is waking up at 3AM to play normal? DH and I both work full time so this is a bit of a challenge.

I stopped nursing about 3 weeks ago after a slow wind down over a period of 2 months of increasing the amount of formula my baby drank. I made it to 11 months. I still feel completely off emotionally. I can go from 0 to rage in a second. Is this likely from the hormones? I am wondering how long this will last. I don’t remember being so quick to anger when I weaned the last time. Anyone else experience this?

What sort of “background checks” do you run on new sitters?

So far the people we’ve used have been vetted by other people (daycare, friends) so I didn’t call any references. I’m now looking through a local Facebook group for sitters and wonder what other people are doing.

I suppose my maybe irrational fear is that someone will give me a reference who isn’t a real reference, but a friend who is pretending to be another parent that used this babysitter. Logical me says that’s a lot of work to be deceptive, but paranoid mama me is a little bit paranoid.


Gift help – my nephew is turning 1 right after Christmas, so I need both birthday and Xmas suggestions. He’s the second boy, so has plenty in the way of clothing/toys (and his parents SO do not want more space hogging things in their apt.). Any ideas of cool/useful stuff that you would like for babies? My idea right now is some new board books, a cute hooded towel, and….that’s it.

This is in response to ifiknew’s post from yesterday about her baby wanting to eat frequently throughout the night — I agree with the people who said to space out her feedings during the day so she learns to eat more at each sitting. This was a struggle with my daughter…she preferred to graze all the time. Our pediatrician strongly suggested we slowly train her to eat every 3 hours during the day, and once we did that her sleeping (and my quality of life) improved a lot.

Does anyone know anything about/have any experience with comotomo bottles? They seem pretty cool. I want to register for just a few bottles and was thinking these might be cool to try. I know bottles are generally baby-specific, so I won’t register for many, but I’m struggling to think of smaller ticket items to register for since my instinct is to “wait and see” what I need and order from amazon prime

Can I rant about an emotional labor thing that has me super annoyed? My church hosts Wednesday night dinners for families participating in some of the evening activities. Church Lady Super Mom asks if anybody could pick up milk for the dinner. I responded sure, how many gallons do you need? She then responds: Actually, I think we have that taken care of. Could you bring 5 pounds of sliced apples instead?

No, Church Lady, I cannot. I was counting on stopping at the store on my way home to pick up milk. I do not have time to pick up my kids from school, go home, slice 5 lbs. of apples, and get them to church by 5:30 p.m. And I’m sure as h3ll not slicing 5 lbs. of apples before work. I’d have no problem telling her that in a private message, but of course this conversation is happening on a semi-public Facebook page.

This is why I’ve stopped volunteering to do much of anything. Not every mom (and it’s always the moms) has a flex schedule, and even something small like this is actually a big ask. Then I feel guilty for not contributing because I know it’s the same core group of moms who do most of this stuff.