Weekend & Family Friday: Books to Bed Set

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Books to Bed Set Steam Train, Dream Train is my train-obsessed son’s favorite book of all time. He knows it by heart because we’ve read it so many times, and the pages are all ripped and taped back together. He loves to finish the rhymes as we read. For him, every dinosaur is either a T-Rex or Brachiosaurus because those are the two mentioned in the book. babyGap is selling the book in a set with pajamas with scenes from the story. I think I need to buy this for him just to watch his expression when he realizes he can wear the pajamas and read the book AT THE SAME TIME. Toddler excitement is the best kind of excitement. This set is $49.99, and three other book sets are also available (which you can scroll down the product page to see). Books to Bed Set This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!
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Ugh. The smug little 20-something new hire who just got her master’s in social work and is going to save the world is holding forth about how selfish it is to have kids. I did not like her before and now I really do not like her. And she is going to work for me on a project. I cannot stand having to overhear this conversation. Time to go get coffee.

Spring break planning advice: WWYD

1. Fly from Boston to Myrtle beach, stay 6 nights/7 days
2. Drive from Boston to Myrtle beach, stopping at Sesame Place (PA) on the way down and in DC on the way back, spend ~4 nights at Myrtle beach.

Relevant factors:
– 3 kids ages 2/4/6
– Good friends in DC that we’d love to see
– free lodging in Myrtle Beach
– flights are $2500+ for the family, and the only direct flight is on Spirit Air at 6am; indirect flights are going to take 6-7 hours
– we would need to rent a car if flying
– we just bought a brand new “fun” minivan with entertainment systems and our kids travel well by phone.

Do you buy clothes for your kids for next year in bigger sizes? I ask because Primary is having a big end of season sale, but I’m nervous about buying too much because I don’t really know what size my toddler will be wearing next winter or what she will like.

I think my breast fed four month old is reverse cycling – started when I went back to work. Pediatrician is also concerned that she’s not gaining weight as quickly as the ped would like. Anyone else been through this? Any way I can switch her back to sleeping a good chunk at night? Before I went back to work, she could go 7-8 hours without eating – but now I’m reluctant to cry it out because of the weight gain issue.

For those of you who have kids in OT for fine motor skills, how did you know your kid was behind enough that it’s concerning? Kiddo just turned 3 and is one of the older kids in her daycare class, but is definitely at the bottom of the class in terms of drawing lines/shapes, cutting, stringing beads, etc. Her teacher has brought it up a couple times and sent things home to practice with, but every time we try she just gets super frustrated and gives up.

Do we need to be worried about this or will she figure it out in time? Anyone have good at-home fine motor activities we could try on the weekends? We draw, play with playdoh, and do puzzles, but I don’t know if there’s something more I could introduce that would help.

Thanks to everyone for the Costco advice yesterday. I decided to go ahead and sign up for a membership just to try it for a year. I’m adding Kirkland TP to my list since that seems to be a popular item!

My toddler is moving into a 2 year room at daycare where they serve juice approximately twice per week. (We loooooove our daycare, but healthy eating isn’t their strong suit.) DD looks very normal to me, but is technically overweight according to our pediatrician (85th percentile BMI), and our doctor has been VERY emphatic about NO JUICE. We don’t serve it at home, except when she’s ill and we use it to get a medicine in her. WWYD about daycare? I’m sure if we ask them not to serve it to her, they will respect that, but I think she’s at the age where she will understand everyone else is having it and be upset, and I don’t want to make life miserable for her or her teachers. Plus, they sing songs about what they’re eating, and she knows the word juice. Is it crazy to ask daycare to dilute her juice, so while the other kids have 100% juice she’s having “juice” that’s actually 50-50 juice and water? Should I just let it go since it’s not very frequent?

How many hours of sleep do you need to function properly? If you wake up due to kids waking up can you easily go back to bed? What routines have helped you wind down at night? Also, is there some magical diet, meditation etc that would help me function with less sleep? I noticed I am short tempered and in a bad mood when I don’t get enough rest. And the more stressful my work day is the more sleep I need.

Has anyone here sent their kid to a child psychologist? Why did you decide to do it, and how did it go?

I’m a believer in theory that “mental health care is health care” and that everyone should go, even healthy people, and I myself go regularly. But for some reason I’m more hesitant to take my children, since nothing is very seriously wrong. Should we go?

Hello everyone – I may need to search the archives for this question, but has anyone found a good nutritionist and personal trainer who has been effective in helping new moms lose the “baby weight”? I am looking in the NYC area.

Posted this late yesterday on the main board, but hoping to get some more feedback here so I’m re-posting.
I’m in my second trimester with my first kid and have been feeling super sensitive lately at work. Part of it I’m sure is hormones, some of it is feeling insecure since I’ll be out for a quarter of the year. I never used to really think twice about asking tough questions or making observations about tasks, but lately I second-guess everything. And it’s lot of internal dialogue about is boss mad at me etc. I have pretty good seniority in my role and have been with this firm for several years so I’m not a newbie. It’s a lot like the impostor syndrome feelings I had when I started in this role years ago, like I am somehow now under a microscope because I’m pregnant.
I’m not sure what I’m asking here.. has anyone else gone through this? Any little pep talks you gave yourself that helped? Trying to reframe my thoughts to being as productive as possible in my shortened year, but doubting myself makes that hard.

Oh we don’t have this one! One to check out for my very train and book obsessed toddler.
Another book recommendation, we’ve been reading ‘There are no bears in the bakery’ every night and it still hasn’t gotten old for either of us. The language is just really clever and beautiful and I love the illustrations.