Nursing Tuesday: Maternity Nursing Top


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the best basic nursing topI’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: every nursing mama needs at least one or two proper “nursing” tops — but probably not much more than that. The best, most functional tops are usually pretty obvious for what they are, but they’re great to have for those times you know you’re going to end up nursing in public and want to do it as conservatively and comfortably as you can, like when you’re on an airplane, at a playdate, or more. (A note on those nursing ponchos: in my experience, unless you nurse every single time with a nursing poncho, the kiddo thinks you’re giving him a new toy and will fuss with the poncho more than your breast. Maybe I just had fussy boys…) As for the pictured top — this particular brand is well known and well loved for functional, simple, stylish nursing clothes, and I like the short-sleeved tee the best. It’s available in 16 colors, sizes XS-XXL, for $55-$62 at Amazon. Boob Round Neck Short Sleeve Maternity Nursing Top (L-2)

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Ugh it happened! We’re having our son baptized next weekend and my mom offered to pay for the food for lunch after. I said “great, let’s get pizza!” She said pizza wasn’t good enough. She asked if we had any good Chinese around. I sent her the menu of the Peking duck place. She then said “oh, what if B just makes lasagna! It will be so much less expensive!” (B being my stepfather.) B is a terrific cook, but he mostly makes Italian food and my husband doesn’t like Italian. Cooking is a whole thing for him, which involves buying lots of special ingredients from lots of different stores. Then we have all these leftover ingredients taking up space in our cabinets (I usually throw most of it out, which is wasteful, but our cabinets are overfull as it is). And he occupies the kitchen in its entirety while he cooks, getting flustered and asking for things we don’t have. Then my mom complains that we don’t have this kind of pan or that kind. And then sitting down to eat is a whole ordeal. My mom is a music person and she’s offended that we don’t have a decent sound system and therefore can’t really play “nice” music while we eat. She doesn’t like the lighting in our kitchen. She wants different linens than what I’ve put out and is put out when I say that that’s all that’s clean. When my son was born, she and B came down for a week and B offered to fill our fridge. He did. With food everyone knows my husband doesn’t like. And then every evening they wanted to open a bottle of wine, light candles, put on nice music and have this whole meal. WHen my husband and I hadn’t slept at all and could barely sit up straight. We just wanted to shovel something down and maybe grab a few minutes’ rest instead of having to have a lively dinnertime conversation. I’ve told my mom “no” to the lasagne, but it’s going to be a whole thing. I love my stepfather very much, but I wish he’d keep cooking to his own kitchen! I knew, knew, knew this was going to happen the instant she offered to pay for the food. Ugh.

So my breastfed 3.5 week old slept through the night last night (11:30 pm -6:45 am). Do I dance and thank Jesus or set an alarm clock tomorrow for 4/4:30 am? She’s been working up to this too: sleeping 3-3.5 hour stretches her first week, and since then, 4-4.5 and occasionally 5 hour stretches. Was shocked he did 7.25. Doesn’t seem sick.

Can I vent to Internet strangers? I’m 40 weeks, five days and still at work and I’m a mess. My husband and midwife begged me to take Fmla now, but it’s only 12 weeks and I feel like I’m cheating my baby bc every day home is a day he’ll be in daycare at less than 3 months old. A coworker who I’ve known for years insisted on helping me last week and instead stabbed me in the back. So my boss just chewed me out. Everyone is taunting me (omg! You’re still here!! Will you be pregnant forever?!) the possibility of induction/csection is becoming more and more real and suddenly, it’s terrifying. My husband and mom keep saying that all that matters is a healthy baby, but there’s little chance they’ll be strapped down and gutted while wide awake next week. I feel so broken and lonely. For whatever reason the baby seems so abstract and far away and all I can think about is how something really, really terrible is about to happen. Oh and I have a court appearance thursday in a county 3 hours from my midwife and hospital. Boss said her hands are tied and I have to go or take Fmla. Evil coworker will be there too. Im trying to keep it together but just spend my lunch hour sobbing in my car.

Right on schedule (twins recently turned two) I’m getting baby fever. Mr. TBK and I had a long chat over the weekend. In a perfect world we’d both love a third. But it comes down to bedrooms. We don’t have enough. We have one for us, one for the boys, and one for the au pair. We can’t give up the au pair (especially if we had baby #3) and we can’t afford a bigger house unless we’re willing to move further out from the city. And my commute is already close to an hour (sometimes more), and in part because of that I feel like I barely have enough time to give to household/family and to work. It’s completely reasonable to think that our income could double (or more) within the next 5 yrs. We both have jobs that, for various reasons, pay well below what we could make elsewhere, and we both intend to move to better-paying jobs down the line. But I’m 38. If I were 30, we’d just wait it out and if we had more money in a few years, we’d move to a bigger house and have another kid. But I’m not sure I want to be 40+ and having a baby. (We still have embryos from our IVF, so the age of the eggs wouldn’t necessarily be a problem. It’s more exhaustion. I already can tell I’d be less tired if I were 22 and chasing toddlers than 38.) There’s nothing for it. It’s just one of those things. If we both had our hearts absolutely set on one more, we’d just move further out, I might take a step back in my career to get a job outside the city, and we’d make it work. The truth is I don’t want a third baby badly enough right now to make the sacrifices necessary to make that work. But I wonder whether my 50 yo self will regret it. And it’s never easy to make trade-offs. I just want it all and no one can have it all and it s–cks.

Ladies, I need some advice/commiseration/something. I have a 7-month old baby, and I work full time. I love my LO dearly, and I am so grateful for him . . . but he is a challenge. He is a mediocre sleeper, and a terrible eater — he has fought nursing from day one (unclear why exactly), barely tolerates bottles, and has hardly any more enthusiasm for solids. He’s also just in general a fussy, hard-to-please baby. I feel like every day I spend with him consists mostly of battling him to nurse/otherwise eat, battling him to try to get him to sleep, and getting through the day without me melting down. I’ve started to dread spending time with him, and I cry on the subway on my way to work almost every day, having spent the morning with a baby screaming at my b**bs. I’m also exhausted from his night wakings (though incidentally those are the only times he nurses without incident). I feel like a terrible mom, a terrible employee, and a terrible wife/friend/person.

Please tell me this will get better? I love my little guy so much. . . but I just don’t like him much of the time, and it is just tearing me up inside.

DD has an extra-wide foot. (Not just wide, her poor feet looked like little sausages in the wide sandals I just had to return) and finding water shoes has been an exercise in frustration. Anyone have any ideas on wider than usual shoes that won’t fall apart in the water?
I’d prefer not to get crocs, since they don’t stay on her feet, but I’m beyond caring about fashion at this point.

My LO is a little over 3 months. I usually feed him around 6:00 when I get home, and then again around 7:30/8 when he gets sleepy. We often do bedtime-y activities before that like a bath, reading books, and/or lowkey play. The “bad” part is that after that we often keep him downstairs with us, letting him sleep in our arms, until we go to bed around 10. Then he gets a diaper change, put in his jammies/Merlin, and another short feeding, after which he quickly and easily goes to sleep in his crib in our room. He then will sleep until 6:30/7am with one wakeup for a feeding around 3/3:30am (after which he goes back to sleep in his crib easily).

This works well for me, as it allows me to snuggle him for an extra hour or two, and for me to get a good chunk of sleep before the 3am feeding. But I imagine this goes against lots of recommendations, and we should be putting him down earlier in his crib. The problem is that when we try to put him down at 7:30/8pm it takes much longer to get him to fall asleep in his crib vs when we do it at 10pm, and then he is up every 2-3 hours throughout the night (like 10:30, 12:30, 2:30, 4:30, then 7am), and seems to have really restless sleep inbetween. Granted, we often only try this for a night or two before we get freaked/exhausted and go back to our old routine, so maybe if we stuck with it longer it would work itself out, but it’s tough when the other way is so much easier.

So how bad am I messing up by not really putting him down until 10pm? Or is this an ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ situation? I know we’re approaching the dreaded 4 month sleep regression so figured we’d make it through that and then figure out a good routine, but could use some feedback.

I’m curious how many of you mamas had a similar labor to your mothers. My mom went early with both my brother and me (we were each 2-3 weeks early and still weighed 8-9+ pounds), so as far as work is concerned I’m attempting to have all my projects wrapped up early and thinking of my due date as June 30 instead of July 19th. My husband thinks it’s just wishful thinking. Curious anecdotally if women here have experienced similar or totally different labors to their mothers or if it’s totally luck of the draw. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I hope to labor under an hour like she did also!

Just got confirmation that yes, our youngest also has severe hearing loss in one ear, just like his big brother (and possibly me as well, although maybe not as severe).

On one hand, we kind of knew this was coming, as we’ve suspected for a while but he wasn’t old enough for a conclusive test (its harder to test with little kids when its only in one ear). But his has been fluctuating for a while, so I was holding out hope that it was more related to seasonal allergies and could be fixed with decongestants or maybe tubes in his ears, as the pediatrician suspected when he was 2-3. Nope. Round 2 of testing and hearing aid fitting and 504 plans here we come. At least the oldest was 5 and a calmer kid when we found out – the younger one is 4 and much rowdier and energetic.

At least we have the money saved in an HSA, because, joy of joys, insurance won’t cover it, and the older one probably needs a new one too. Maybe early intervention will, but I’m not holding my breath. Oh, and we may have to find a new audiologist and ENT as well, as the ones we used before that specialized in little kids have moved. Time to go bump up the HSA contribution and raid the vacation fund in case we have any more medical issues this year. Its crazy – insurance would cover a cochlear implant surgery and the CI device if he was a candidate (which he probably won’t be) for tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars, but not a hearing aid for a couple thousand. Sigh.

Hmm. I don’t have a single proper nursing top. I just wear tank tops or button downs and pull them down/aside. Oh well.

Question: my daughter has started to wake up more during the night (used to only wake up once, twice at most, to nurse and lately has been anywhere between 3-5 times). If I nurse her she goes back to sleep but she doesn’t really need to eat every hour and a half and obviously I’m not sleeping well through this. If I/Mr. AIMS try to just soothe her she’ll usually just cry until she is more fully awake and then I end up nursing her anyway just to get her back to sleep. But if we take her to bed with us she usually sleeps with no problem and will only wake up maybe one or two more times after that and sometimes not at all (so 2-3 times total). We don’t mind her sleeping with us and it’s a better arrangement for me than waking up every 1.5-2 hrs., but I’m wondering if this will make it impossible for her to sleep on her own later. For those that co-sleep, did you find the transition to getting your kid to sleep alone difficult? Any other tales of experience? For reference, she’s 5.5 months.

Good morning! It looks like I’m going to be induced in the next few days — I’m already planning on having an epidural but beyond that, any tips or words of wisdom? Specifically wondering if there are any good or bad “last meals” before going in. I find myself most concerned about how hungry I’m going to get!