Washable Wednesday: Summer Wrap Dress


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Print Work Dress: Boden Summer Wrap DressBoden is always a good place to hunt for machine washable workwear, and this pretty wrap dress is even on sale. The neckline is low enough that I’d wear a camisole with it, as well as probably some Skimmies underneath for modesty (if not a full slip). The dress was $128, but is now marked to $76-$89 depending on size and color. Boden Summer Wrap Dress Here’s a plus-size option. (L-4)

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Shoot I hope I’m not too late to get input on this. Tomorrow is the birthday of the daycare director where my kid goes to daycare. This is the first such birthday I’ve been aware of. They asked us to write her a card for an art project, but should I also be getting her… a Starbucks card? Something else?

Making it weirder, the daycare is on site, through a third party, and I supervise their contract, so in a practical, budgetary way she reports to me. Does that change things?

Also, she is delightful, but I don’t think she has a ton of one-on-one time with my kid.

Car seats? Convertible car seats? That is what we did with a similar amount from co-workers.

I’m pregnant with my second girl and received a very generous $250 gift card from my officemates. What would you spend it on?

We need a new monitor (stopped using ours when kid #1 was 18 months and we broke it), I’m considering a double stroller, and I want a glider. I’m not sure I should get ANY of those things from babies r us, which is where the GC is to.

I’m also thinking of getting a new kid carrier- I have a Bjorn that I used a bit with #1 but I hear babywearing is the way to go when you have more than one. Plus, I’ll have a spring/summer baby vs my midwinter baby.

My 4 month old has always done a lot of extreme back arching. He doesn’t really seem distressed (and is in fact a happy, relatively easy baby), and it doesn’t seem feeding related (but who knows…).

I’m concerned it could be a sign of something developmental. I really should not have started Googling, and I now have wised up and made an apppointment with the ped to evaluate and discuss.

Anyone here with an extreme back archer have any insight? Again, I am seeing a doctor soon, and recognize that I’m stressed and exhausted, so just looking for any reassurance or things to ask about.

Thank you!

Anybody with boobs bigger than a C cup (at normal weight) have luck with Boden?

How many items should I have on a baby registry? I am fortunate enough that I am having a family shower and a work shower, so I want to have a lot of small/inexpensive items for people who can’t or don’t want to spend a lot, but I also don’t want to seem greedy.

Ladies, any toilet training advice? I am at the end of my rope. LO just turned 3 and still wears diapers. We’ve moved a bit to pullups, because she prefers them, but she still uses like a diaper so it’s really no different. I am beyond frustrated. I hear girls are easier and she is impossible. She’s in daycare and I really thought (expected frankly) they would handle based on my friends’ experiences. But no dice. They sit her on the toilet a couple times a day, but she does nothing, and then they put her back in a diaper. Do I just need to break down myself and do it over a weekend? Any resources anyone can point to? I feel like we’ve tried them all…

Sleeping advice. You’ve all given me advice before and it is improving but my daughter is tough.

She is 5 and a half months old. We have been doing sleep training but we are still having a couple of issues. First, if I am in the house, she will not nap unless she is exhausted. When I am home, she wants to only nap with me and will cry for 25 mins unless I nap with her, or we give up. If I am not home, she will nap without crying (and sleep anywhere from 30 mins to an hour and a half). Not sure what the solution is for when I am home on the weekends. I have a toddler who I also want to spend time with, and while I love sleeping with her, cannot do it all the time.

At night, we have made drastic improvements — out of the rock and play and into the crib, nurse and rock her for 20 minutes, rouse her a little, sing her a song and put her down drowsy and awake. She does one stretch in the crib with no crying until anywhere between 11-1, and then I let her in the bed. After nights and nights of trying to nurse her in her room and put her back down, and having her scream for 30 minutes, I’ve given up on this for now. Dream feeds also do not work for her. It is bizarre, but this just seems to make her want the bed and I cannot get her back after a dream feed.

She still will not eat a lot during the day when I am gone (12-15 ounces only), and nurses constantly when I have her in the bed, so I am assuming she needs the nursing and I should just live with this for now. Our pediatrician did sign off on sleep training and told us 5 months was the perfect time for it, but I’m not sure if there are more steps I can take to get her out of the bed. The book we used for my son says that night waking is different than initially falling asleep and she will get there eventually. Just let it go for now? Thanks in advance.

Triggered by the thread above on solids – did anyone ever experience their baby wanting lots of solids and not so much bmilk/formula? Baby is on formula now and around 5.5 months. Having trouble getting him to finish his bottles or sometimes even take his bottles though he seems to love his purees and sometimes cries for more when he’s had about 2-3 oz. Just stressing that he’s not getting enough milk calories during the day…

Any secret allergy-management tips for pregnant ladies? I’m dying over here. My congestion isn’t so, so bad but I get a lot of headaches and today it’s like I can’t wake up. Usually I’m on a pretty strict regimen of nasal sprays and pills that I can’t take and I’m just miserable!

Any advice for pumping while in a jury? No one in my large government office has that special experience. We currently have a private workroom in the courthouse I use (on a non-courtroom floor) and judges that let me use an empty chamber for pumping. I generally aim for every two hours and stretch to three when I really can’t get away from the bench. It takes me 20 minutes sometimes to letdown due to stress. Baby is almost 7 months and has been EBF.

Reading these comments about eating has me now thinking: my baby is on a different sleep schedule- is this okay or am I a terrible mother??

Baby is 4 1/2 months, we generally go to bed at 10/11, baby wakes up to eat at 5 and 7, then wakes up for the day around 8:30 or so. This means I get some solid sleep and get morning time to shower/dress myself/etc. Baby takes usually a short (90 min) morning nap and then naps for at least 3 hours in the afternoon in a row- often with another snooze later in the afternoon.

I feel like I should be putting baby down earlier, but right now this schedule is so nice because I get to spend awake time with baby and also have a long stretch of afternoon time to get stuff accomplished during. My instinct is that baby is happy, healthy and growing like a weed- why fix what’s not broken.

Thanks so much to everyone who weighed in on the six thread yesterday. Really appreciated the encouragement/honesty/perspective!!

I would also like to see suggestions on this topic. Our daughter is about the same age and has the same feeding schedule (but with a 7-7:30 bedtime). We haven’t started solids yet, although we would like to very soon (she’s a good sitter, seems very interested in food, and based on her more frequent night feedings, could probably use the calories).

We skipped Feeding Tuesday, but I have a question. When do working parents feed their babies solids? Baby HSAL is 5 1/2 months and we’re starting solids soon. Right now she nurses when we wake up in morning, takes 3 bottles at daycare, we nurse at her bedtime, our bedtime, and then 1-2 times during the night (she’s had some weight gain issues so I’m choosing food over sleep for now). I’ve read that you don’t want solids to replace breastmilk at this point, but I can’t figure out when we should give her solids. Evening makes the most sense for clean-up, but I don’t want her to eat too much and not nurse at bedtime. We get home between 5:00 and 5:15 and bedtime starts around 6:45. Morning would be nice because her first daycare bottle is late and she’s not always interested in nursing when she first wakes up, but seems like that’s asking for a mess. Thoughts? Eventually we’ll probably have daycare do some, but for the first couple months I want it to be at home