Washable Workwear Wednesday: Belted Double Breasted Jacket


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A woman wearing a  Belted Double Breasted JacketThis is a machine washable blazer by Calvin Klein. I would probably wear it as a blazer during the winter and an outer jacket/on its own during the fall, paired with a scarf. I like the grey-and-black herringbone type pattern — it lets me wear a black top with black pants underneath without having to put any more thought into it, or wear a pair of colored pants with it to add some interest. This blazer is $149 at Amazon, is eligible for Prime and free returns, and is available in sizes 2–16. Belted Double Breasted Jacket Looking for other washable workwear? See all of our recent recommendations for washable clothes for work, or check out our roundup of the best brands for washable workwear. This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 2/7:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
  • Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
  • J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
  • J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
  • Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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I am a junior associate in biglaw with an 11 month old and I’m 4 months pregnant with my second. I’m getting close to showing and would appreciate any advice on how to handle pregnancy in the office. With my last, I was a 3L which is obviously an entirely different – and simpler – environment to navigate.

Anything from how to continue to get work while pregnant/dealing with awkward assigning partners & senior associate/how & when to let people know I am pregnant (especially when it is not yet physically obious)/what to buy for workwear (esp. suits/biz formal) is very helpful.

I am a junior associate in biglaw with an 11 month old and I’m 4 months pregnant with my second. I’m getting close to showing and would appreciate any advice on how to handle pregnancy in the office. With my last, I was a 3L which is obviously an entirely different – and simpler – environment to navigate.

Anything from how to continue to get work while pregnant/dealing with awkward assigning partners & senior associate/how & when to let people know I am pregnant (especially when it is not yet physically obious)/what to buy for workwear (esp. suits/biz formal) is very helpful.

Any advice on flotation devices for my 2 year old? She’s 25lbs so too small for a puddle jumper. We practice touch-supervision (I.e. I am always at arms reach) in ANY water environment because she’s way too comfortable in water, but I’m just looking for something to lighten the load on my arms in the pool. She doesn’t seem to love life jackets.

Those of you with outdoor water tables, how do you keep them clean? Do you put a cover on them when not in use? Bring them into the garage when not in use (my garage is not the cleanest either though). A friend bought us one and we’re ready to start using it but I’m worried that isn’t going to get grody fast with all the rain and wind we have (Midwest here). And I’m sure my daughter will put all the toys in her mouth and try to drink the water, so I’m more concerned about keeping this clean than I am about keeping our patio furniture clean.

Kiddo is old enough for a real playset in the backyard, so I am starting to research them. Any recommendations? In my more rural area, if we want to have it installed, Gorilla is our primary option. Good or bad experiences with them and their playsets? Thanks!!

On the list of things you don’t need to hear on a very rough morning (at 33 weeks pregnant): “are you having twins? You look bigger than last time!!” ?

Kind of a open-ended question, but I’m curious to hear what you’re trying to do the same as your parents and what you’d like to do differently.

How do you deal with tantrums in the AM when trying to get ready/out the door for work? I have a 3 yo and a 7 month baby. Most mornings I’m on my own getting them ready. About 50% of the time my 3 yo is a nightmare. She is not a morning person so we try to let her sleep and wake up on her own. She cried, whined and screamed the whole morning today. I try everything – hugging her, special mommy time, ignoring it, asking her what’s wrong, nothing works. Then I have to get the baby up and feed her and the behavior gets worse. I finally get her downstairs this morning and she dumps a whole glass of juice on the floor because she didn’t want that kind of juice and refused to eat breakfast. Then tries to bite me when I won’t let her in the fridge to get a juice box and runs over to scratch her sister. As soon as my mom gets there (who watches her) she is a perfect angel. I have been so upset this whole morning because I just do not know what to do. I’ve read many parenting books and try the whole “I know you are feeling upset because xyz” does not work. If I send her to her room for a time out she just gets up and runs out. And my poor 7 month old gets basically completely ignored while this is happening. please help!!

DD has requested a princess-themed birthday party for her upcoming 5th birthday. She’s been generally into princess stuff like she likes to wear dresses, likes pink and purple, watches Sophia the First, but hasn’t seen any Disney movies. She also likes other stuff like soccer, space, and poop jokes, so she’s not super dainty. The princess stuff makes me cringe but I know it is a phase (I also had one when I was a kid), so I want to embrace it and for her to have fun. How do I throw a woke princess party?

I just saw something on line that said, “You can’t make everyone happy–you’re not an avocado.” I know that is supposed to make me feel better, but for some reason it doesn’t.

We’re driving from NYC to DC next weekend with our 15 month old, probably in the middle of the day. Looks to be about a 4ish hour drive. Any good suggestions on where to stop in the middle for maybe lunch, but definitely (weather permitting) a run around? Wilmington, maybe?

I’m trying not to scream-cry: Soon-to-be-ex (STBX) flaked on picking up the kids this morning and taking them to April break camp. As a result, I was an hour late to work and missed an important meeting. His excuse: “I’m sorry the power went out and my alarms didn’t go off.” I’m furious. This is his true colors, and I know that. He always says that he “wants to do more” but when it comes down to it, something happens and he has some excuse. He is not reliable.
I see that. I don’t know how to navigate his “I want to do more,” but if I attempt to rely on him, he flakes about 30% of the time. By the time he flaked, there was no alternative but for me to take the kids and be late to work. I feel like I can’t continue to rely on him, and I’m at a loss on how to set boundaries with him without acting like his parent (i.e. a big reason we are divorcing). Any and all advice welcome. (And yes, my mom is back in town, so I may ask her to take the kids to camp the next two days.)

Random thought on white noise machines: there was a thread on here a few weeks ago where a couple people expressed the worry that if they started using one, their kids wouldn’t be able to sleep without it. I meant to comment on that thread but forgot, so here’s my comment now:

I promise that’s not how white noise machines work! Both of my kids have used them since they were babies, and both have slept happily without them (including at daycare). White noise machines aren’t *necessary* for sleep; they’re just an additional helpful sleep cue. Think of them like the song you sing before you put your baby in the crib. It helps to cue her that it’s sleeping time, but if you forget to sing it she’s not going to be up all night.

In sum: white noise machines are one more sleep cue, like a lovey or a song or a special blanket. If you want to add it to your sleep cue arsenal, awesome! if not, then awesome! But I promise that even if you use it your kid will be able to sleep without it.

Ideas for night-weaning, especially with twins? They just turned ten months and the girl is eating once a night, the boy twice, and then they barely nurse at all when we wake up, so I think this is a good time. I want to stop with the girl entirely and go down to once for the boy (no issues with weight gain, she’s a much better solids eater than he is so I’m willing to give him a little more time to catch up). I know the standard suggestion is to send dad in, which we’ll do, but with two of them I’m not sure of the best approach. They’re in the same room but we have a pack and play in the living room we can dump someone in if need be.