Nursing/Postpartum Tuesday: Baby Hairbows Set

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Baby Hairbows Set I am in a Facebook group of moms who all gave birth around the same time. One recommendation that has no relevance to me but I still found interesting was for these hairbows. They’re designed with a comb that promises to hold even the wispiest of baby hairs. This set of five bows is $12.99 at Amazon, and the colors will match any outfit in your baby’s wardrobe. I also think they’d make a cute gift. The bows are eligible for Prime and free returns (and are also sold at Baby Hairbows Set  This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!
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We are prepping for halloween (I know, it’s so early to be thinking of this BAH)

Kidlet needs something for school, daycare and trick o treating (realistically one costume will not survive without food stains so he needs two costumes or two of the same costume). Child has extreme sensory issues and is L3 ASD. Husband cannot actually dress child anymore and I do 100% of getting him dressed. The only costume I see working would be something like themed pjs (like doctor outfit or astronaut pjs) with a separate top and bottom. There are also some shirt costumes (like a pirate shirt or a police officer shirt) and my kid would wear those. He did something like that last year with zero problems.

Most costumes for three year olds are a jumpsuit style and my kid will not wear anything with a big zipper or snaps. He also won’t wear hats, capes, large things attached to his body etc. Is it a jerk move for me to just let husband buy whatever he wants and have a backup x 2 ready to go? Husband has his heart set on a parrot costume and our kid won’t wear the feathers, the beak, the jumpsuit etc. I’ve told him this and he says he can make it happen (I dunno how since he can’t get our kid to wear any clothing).

I realize this has been asked before but my search is failing me – what are some good books (or series, if that’s a thing at this age) for the 3-4 yo set? 3-yo DD loves having longer stories read to her, but also loves flipping through the pages and reciting what she remembers, so corresponding pictures are still a plus for her though I do think she’d sit through a no-picture story if just a few minutes. TIA

I am working on my calendar and just realized that I am going to have an entire weekend all to myself. This has never happened before in the 12.5 years since my child entered the world, and may never happen again. That is all.

Does anyone else’s daycare offer extra-curriculars for an additional fee? We got a flyer to sign up the two-year old for Tumblebus. It comes to daycare once a week during the school year and is a 30 minute gymnastics class for anyone who wants to participate for a monthly fee ($35). The teachers speak highly of it, but they have a vested interest right? The more kids who are at Tumblebus means a break for them? I’m not really that concerned about the money – we could certainly afford it, but its just one more thing on top of an already large daycare cost. And how much education in tumbling is really helping a two-year old who is running all day at daycare anyways? That said, dude is kind of clumsy like his mama so additional balance and agility training probably wouldn’t be the worst thing either. Just curious about how others might approach this.

I realize that it’s perfectly dumb and useless, but my goodness, do I love bows on babies. I think it was 98% of the reason that I had hoped to have a girl. So cute.

Piggybacking off of yesterday’s thread about “Baby Friendly” hospitals… We are TTC for #2 and I’m starting to reconsider the hospital where I delivered #1. While my L&D team was friggin’ outstanding the postpartum care still makes me very angry. I delivered at MGH in Boston for anyone that is familiar, but not a critical detail I suppose. For context, my ob & gyn are different people, but both at MGH. I also go to the Fertility Center at MGH where hopefully #2 comes to be.

What does it take to move to a new-to-me hospital for delivery? What should I be looking for to make sure the experience is what I need? I’m guessing I’ll need to find a new OB. I’m more concerned about the hospital/delivery experience than the individual OB, which I’m not sure if that’s backwards or not so check me on that…

I think my biggest issue was the rooming-in during her jaundice phototherapy treatment (similar to what someone described yesterday). I didn’t have to beg for formula for her thankfully but the way it all went down – very pushy lactation consultants, for one – left me feeling really not good. I was also admitted for only 40 hours from delivery to discharge. I know some of that might have been because of the timing of my delivery (4pm), but I could barely walk out of the hospital. Still, they I had a 3rd degree tear, five ours of pushing and then forecepts. I was in tears begging to not be kicked out because the pain was so extreme, but out the door I went. There are other issues, too, but I think those are the big, big ones.

A family member is a seasoned L&D nurse at another prominent Boston hospital and after describing everything that we went through (including the above and then some) she was appalled and said I should reconsider my delivery hospital for #2. Every hospital I look at seems to be “Baby Friendly” which I thought was the designation that required rooming in. What should I be g o o g l i n g or asking for? Objective #1 is to get pregnant, clearly, and that I will continue with at MGH but I can go anywhere for my OB and delivery right?

Potty advice? We’ve been using the little sit down kind with our toddler, which has worked great, but she’d like to use the big toilet. Do you recommend the kind with steps attached? Buy a separate little step and a cover? Any specific brands. My am*z*n-fu is failing on this. We have a one bathroom apt. so the set up needs to work for all three of us. Thanks!

How fast do antibiotics work on ear infection pain? My toddler started them last night and her fever is gone this morning but she still seems to be in a lot of pain, maybe even worse than yesterday. It’s worse when lying down, so last night was brutal, and just wondering if tonight might be any better.

Looking for recommendations for a camera for my 4 year old! Ideally, one without games or other bells and whistles. She’s starting to be interested in taking pictures but I really don’t want to be handing over my iPhone….

I’ve purchased some clips from this company and they worked pretty well on my then-baby’s fine hair. She could still pull them out, but they didn’t FALL out, and it didn’t seem to cause her pain when she did pull them out.

Ok random strangers of the internet, I need some commiseration… TTC and my period is normally like clockwork. Well today was supposed to be the first day of my period. Normally wake up with it and nothing this morning. Not cramps, back pain, or any of my normal symptoms. Took a pregnancy test, and it is negative. It’s even one of those extra early detection ones that are like 99% accurate the day of your missed period.
So I guess all this to say the only thing I can do is keep waiting to either get my period or test again in a couple days right? FWIW, this is our first so I don’t have any prior experiences to fall back on..

I’ve never understood little hair clips for babies — aren’t they choking hazards?