Washable Workwear Wednesday: Asymmetric Midi Dress


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It’s September and this dress epitomizes fall.

I often turn to & Other Stories for wardrobe staples with novel cuts or details. This collared, long-sleeved midi dress has an asymmetric, overlapping placket secured with hidden buttons and a self-tie belt (so no wardrobe malfunctions).

I love the moody and sophisticated chain link print. I’d brighten it up with some gold jewelry or even a red scarf or shawl.

This dress is $99 and available in sizes 0–12.

It’s selling out quickly — so check out these two options at Nordstrom from Loveappella and Fourteenth Place.

Looking for other washable workwear? See all of our recent recommendations for washable clothes for work, or check out our roundup of the best brands for washable workwear.

Sales of note for 12/30:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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What we’ve done for middle names with our boys is to pick a Saint whom we particularly like and he becomes a patron for that child (we celebrate his feast day with dessert, get kiddo a picture for their room and a Tiny Saints keychain for their backpack, etc.) You may have this covered with your first name, but if not, it’s become a very sweet tradition for our family. Most of the middle names we’ve used or considered have been named above…others include Jude, Joseph (it’s the year of St Joseph!), Thomas, John. We’ve also used Francis and it’s totally grown on me. I think the name (as well as Frances) is having a revival

8 year old loves journalism and reporting. Like, knows the names of the white house press corps and asks to watch Face the Nation on Sundays. Child loves creating their family newsletter and texting it to close family members.
What to buy for their birthday?

Any suggestions for what to send a three year-old who’s having ear tubes and a tonsillectomy? TIA!

A gift question: I have 10 nieces and nephews, all local. We still exchange gifts for birthdays, and I’ll confess that this seems to be getting harder as time goes on because of the sheer number! I’ve tried to “template” gift-giving — like one year, everyone gets something featuring their favorite cartoon character, everybody gets books, everybody gets fun pajamas, etc. Problem is, I am running out of ideas. Or it’s getting harder to accommodate the older ones, whose tastes are becoming very specific. I try to stay in the $25-30 range. This is a bigger pain point than I’d like it to be, mainly because 7 of the 10 have birthdays from September through December! So I need to get on top of it. Or maybe I need to drop the template altogether? Not sure if that would make it easier, or not.

Help with a baby boy’s name please. Looking for something classic that starts with an A or F. Bonus points for a name that is traditionally Catholic. Even better if you have a good middle name to go along with it!

Another Covid travel question. We’ve been invited to two weddings in October (3 weeks apart). We have one 7 year old who starts school next week. Would you go to these? We have to RSVP soon and my instinct is no for both, but then I feel like an antisocial curmudgeon. In non-covid times we would definitely attend both.

Wedding 1: Bride is a close friend of DH and I, requires a 90-minute plane ride to a low-vax state (not feasibly drivable in a weekend). 70 guests, with lots of small children. We will know maybe 10 other people there. Planning for outside but contingency plan for inside. We don’t have any local family or friends that we could easily leave kiddo with to go adults-only.

Wedding 2: Groom is a medium friend of DH’s, 45-minute drive. 120 people, indoors. We wouldn’t know anyone else there (maybe 2-4 people at most). High-vax city but bride grew up in a religious sect that is anti-vax (I don’t think she is still a member though).

Oops posted on the main page instead of here.

Neighbor kid is turning 9. He likes Minecraft and spongebob. Any gift recs? Budget is $20. Thanks in advance!

I posted above. DH is on business travel, kids are in school, and I am in an EMPTY home (no spouse grumbling at his office computer! No dual lunches to be made!) and it feels like heaven. I should add I have a local grandparent around for copious help, but even with additional responsibilities (e.g. the dog), it is SO NICE to have a break from DH and the constant togetherness of the pandemic.

Ugh, feeling saddened, anxious, and in need of diversion today. Anyone have any special plans for the upcoming long weekend? Bonus points if it’s low-risk and something I can copy with my toddler!

My kid is going to kindergarten and I’m feeling anxious about it. It’s a half day program, so the logistics of getting kid there and back to child care are annoying. But also, I’m worried about the expectations of school for parents and for kids. The supply lists! The acceptable lunches! The insane amount of PD days! It just seems that school is not set up for two parents who work. I know in my heart of hearts that it will be fine – my kid has been happy at every child care option they’ve ever been to, but I can’t shake the anxiety I’m feeling about meeting the expectations school has of me. Anyone experienced this?

Any tips on convincing a newly turned two year old to wear a mask? He will not even consider putting one on. Teachers and kids in daycare are wearing them and they are now mandatory. I sent in a couple and said basically said good luck this morning.

The late thread yesterday about the older kid at the in home daycare got me thinking – as a first time parent, as my son is getting older (almost 1) I’m thinking more and more about safety (in general but also grooming or related red flags like the thread mentioned). There are often things I don’t realize or consider until they happen (right now that’s mostly dangerous things around the house) or I read about happening to other people and think wow I never would’ve worried about that. Do people have any wisdom they can share about anything they’ve learned related to safety, grooming related or otherwise? I did read protecting the gift by Gavin de Becker which I loved.

for those of you on the more cautious side of the covid spectrum, how are you handling if work trips come up. DH just told me has to go on a team retreat in October to Arizona and that some vaccinated people from europe are coming in for this retreat. This summer pre-Delta I was totally fine with us being indoors among groups of vaccinated adults. Now with Delta and school starting, we have resumed only outdoor socializing bc we live in an area with high transmission and know quite a few people who’ve had breakthrough infections. we live in an apartment so we can’t really have DH quarantine upon return. ideas?

How do you know if your child is on the spectrum or is just socially impacted and shy from the pandemic? My nearly 3YO son is an only child and was home until March 2021, basically never interacting with other kids from when he was 1.5YO to 2.5YO. He’s been back at daycare since March 2021. The teachers check off the daily report boxes for “peer play” and “parallel play,” but when I’m with him at the playground he keeps to himself. He also resists taking turns with me and my husband, and he doesn’t do much pretend play, opting instead to figure out the mechanics of things. He is also shy when he meets new people. Will these social concerns get better as he is more socialized this coming year? Or should I be concerned about ASD? Important note: he had an expressive language delay and is now caught up on that but continues to receive therapy for his articulation.

My husband sprained his ankle and can’t put any weight on it and my kid has a cough and is home awaiting PCR results…I’m hiding in the kitchen while they watch a show about farms on telly.