Organizing Thursday: Wall-Mount Bike Rack

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Black wall-mount bike rack

My oldest just got a new bike — it’s making me think of getting one too!

This sturdy wall-mount bike rack will help me make the most of our single-car garage. It mounts your bikes vertically, saving space, and it has adjustable hanging hooks that accommodate a wide range of bikes.

It even has a small shelf and additional hooks for helmets, water bottles, and other bike accessories.

The Koova Wall Bike Rack is available at Amazon. In addition to a 2-bike rack, it also comes in 3- and 4-bike rack models.

Sales of note for 2/14/25 (Happy Valentine’s Day!):

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Up to 40% off your full-price purchase — and extra 60% off sale
  • Banana Republic Factory – 50% off everything + 15% off (readers love their suiting as well as their silky shirts like this one)
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 300+ styles $25 and up
  • J.Crew – 40% of your purchase – prices as marked
  • J.Crew Factory – 50% off entire site and storewide + extra 50% off clearance
  • Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – Flash sale ending soon – markdowns starting from $15, extra 70% off all other markdowns (final sale)
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Where do you buy boys’ athletic clothing from? I normally shop at Walmart but the quality is what you pay for. We’ve been given some under armour shorts that last but those are pricey. Any suggestions for in between? He’s a size xs, if that matters.

Thank you for all the responses re Early Intervention and private ST! HSAL and other poster, I did not take anything you said unkindly, it actually really resonated and is something I’m trying to work through.

Posting for further context – I welcome any thoughts, and appreciate folks reading my novels.

Further context: DS #1 was born full term, but low birth-weight. We had a new-to-us ped at the time (DS #1 was born in another state), and despite multiple red and yellow flags, I kept on with her due to the PP haze. She was obsessed with DS #1 being “on” the growth curve – despite him consistently gaining weight and hitting baby milestones, constantly referred us out to specialists, and gave advice I just found…not great as a second-time mum that had more context.

We switched peds, and although I trusted the second practice, their office staff/admin and the wait for even a scheduled appointment was always a nightmare (for a 9 AM checkup, I’d get out of there close to 11 AM). When DS #2 wasn’t walking at ~16 months they referred us to neuro, early intervention, and a developmental specialty clinic for eval. My gut told me this was overkill, but I also didn’t want to be a parent that just kicked things under the rug. We opted for the neuro, who was great and told us she didn’t have concerns. Since the wait for EI was so long, I enrolled DS #2 in private PT around 18 months, and he started walking somewhere between 18 and 19 months. The PT didn’t see any root-cause issue with his late walking, and after a couple months of 2x/week sessions, we stopped services.

Somewhere in that time, we had the early intervention eval – which was painful, per the posts above, I do not understand some of what they ask – and they said he had a slight cognitive delay that might impact speech, but not “enough” of a delay for speech therapy, and recommended 2x/month play therapy. We did it for a while and while the specialist was great it seemed…not like he needed it, and was better off just playing in preK/daycare. His last session of this was in November of last year, and then travel, holidays, etc. In January I let early intervention know we were interested in speech, if anything at all. For some time, we had an in-person therapist, but then she left, and now we’re working with a great therapist but only virtual until they re-hire.

That’s what brings me to this point. I feel like DS #2 would benefit from probably some finite coaching, but I see him getting where he needs to be eventually, just on the lower end of “normal”, which is FINE with me. I think the answer for him is probably private speech therapy for a period of time (if anything) and/or it could just be me and DH spending some more time with him on some speech skills.

But for me I still struggle with the line between over intervening and letting things be, I think as a result of the type of well-meaning but overly cover-your-a** medical care we received the first ~18 months of his life. Ironic because I work in health care administration, and should understand why practices like the ones we had before refer out for every little thing. Thankfully now we have a medical provider that’s much more of a fit, but I want to make sure we don’t “miss” anything, so I feel like I’m constantly issue-spotting vs. just letting things be.

Would love to hear anyone else’s experiences if you’ve navigated something similar.

Another, but slightly different, kid reading/writing question. My rising second grader generally reads well and above grade level, and mostly got 100s on her weekly first grade spelling tests. However, she occasionally will transpose letters when reading or phonetically spelling a word. For example, she’ll read or write something like “tired” as “tried,” and it takes mutliple prompts from me to try again, and specifically to check the order of the letters, before she realizes the mistake (if she even recognizes it at all). It doesn’t happen all the time, but enough that I’ve noticed it. Is this normal at this age? She does have ADHD, so maybe it’s related? Or is this something else?

I have a lot of trouble sleeping when I’m stressed or anxious or traveling for work…which is somewhat frequently! I sometimes use melotonin for a spell, and when I’m really desperate I’ll take Nyquil. But what else should I be doing? It’s not a chronic thing, so I don’t think I need to eliminate caffeine or anything like that (I drink two caffeinated drinks per day, max, in any case). It’s just very much tied to things like work deadlines and big projects. Short of quitting my job, I’m not sure what to do! It’s been especially bad this summer, as we’ve had imperfect child care coverage due to camp schedules, etc.

i know that beach vacations are popular. my parents were not beach people so i didn’t grow up going to the beach a lot. i’d love to know, where you live, the beach you go to and what you do while there (like do you go to the beach every day, other activities, etc.). TIA!

How much stock do you put in the exact delays reported by validated developmental screenings? My nephew just tested as quite delayed in fine motor skills, 13 month skills at almost age 3, but his mom and dad feel like the assessment dinged him for things he’s just never tried, like using scissors. We were talking about it and I got curious how valid the results are. It does seem odd to ding a child for not having a skill without asking them to demonstrate the skill, doesn’t it?

Any recs for a full-sized bed for a three year-old? The converted crib with a bedrail on it isn’t cutting it for the bedtime routine, which involves a prolonged cuddle sesh in what used to be the nursing chair and is now way too small for us both to get comfortable in. IKEA, maybe? Tiny bedroom in a row house.


We have to keep my 3.5 year old son home from daycare today because he has a cough (not too serious, and he tested negative for Covid, but we’d like to keep him out of crowded indoor areas). I work from home and have a big project going on that I need to focus on for at least most of the work day. My husband is currently between jobs, so he can stay home and hang out with our kid. However, our kid cannot understand why mom has to stay in the office and he’s flipping out about it. We’re going through some mom-preference issues anyway, and this is making it worse. Any suggestions?

Does the hive have any advice on trying to conceive?

My husband and I are going to start trying next month. I wanted it to be a laid back and fun experience (after wedding planning which got pretty stressful) but I’m already finding myself reading up on basal body temperature and ovulation test strips etc. How did you strike a balance between maximizing your chances without finding the process too all consuming? Advice on that or TTC more generally would be very gratefully received!