Makeup & Beauty Monday: Vitamin E Dietary Supplement Oil
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Sales of note for 2/7:
(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)
- Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
- Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
- Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
- Boden – 15% off new season styles
- Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
- J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
- J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
- Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
- Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
- Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+
And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interest – working mom questions asked by the commenters!
- The concept of “backup care” is so stupid…
- I need tips on managing employees in BigLaw who have to leave for daycare pickup…
- I’m thinking of leaning out to spend more time with my family – how can I find the perfect job for that?
- I’m now a SAHM and my husband needs to step up…
- How can I change my thinking to better recognize some of my husband’s contributions as important, like organizing the shed?
- What are your tips to having a good weekend with kids, especially with little kids? Do you have a set routine or plan?
Cherry tomatoes or baby carrots
This may be too late in the day, but does anyone have suggestions for toddler snacks that they can feed themselves out of a snack cup? We usually default to goldfish or cheerios with maybe a handful of raisins, but I’d love to branch out. We do a lot of stroller snacking during long weekend walls when the weather is nice.
Question spurred by Mama Llama. I’m a first-time mom who’s 7 weeks postpartum and starting to think about pumping on my return to work. I have the Spectra pump, but have some questions:
– How many replacement parts for the pump do you have? (A full set, 2 or 3?). Did you get them from Spectra or from a 3rd party?
– Do you pump into the Spectra bottles or another bottle?
– Any other pumping tips would be most appreciated!
Pumping Veterans: I’m looking to get some reusable wet/dry bags to transport my pump parts to work and hold them in the fridge during the day. I’m currently using ziplock bags, but I hate wasting so much plastic. My only concern is cleanliness. If you have used wet/dry bags, how do you wash them? How many do you have in rotation? Can you recommend any specific bag?
I’m back at work this week, and the 3-month-old is refusing a bottle. She was taking a bottle maybe once a week or once every other week for the first couple of months, but then I got sick and my son got sick and life got busy and things just fell apart…anyway, I had to go to daycare to nurse her at lunchtime today. We’re trying super warm milk, different positions, every type of teat in the house, you name it. Any advice? Or just tell me: how long did your tiny bottle refuser take to get over it and eat?
As the parent of one of those “difficult” children, I wouldn’t be offended if you simply didn’t invite my child over for a one-on-one playdate, especially if your son isn’t interested in interacting anyhow. I would feel very differently if we’re talking about everyone else in the class except the difficult kids to a birthday party or some other activity.
This makes me feel awful, but I don’t like some of the kids in my 3.5 year old’s daycare room, and as we enter into the age where we actually are scheduling play dates, I find myself avoiding scheduling play time with these kids. They are two boys, and they are the classic “difficult” personality–I don’t know what the official diagnosis is (if any), but they are physical with the other kids, don’t listen to the teacher, are loud and demanding, throw tantrums, etc. I know this is normal and is largely based on temperament, and I don’t blame the parents. I really don’t. But my son doesn’t want to play with them, and quite frankly, I don’t really want to use my precious limited weekend time to moderate someone else’s kid.
We’re starting to make friends with other parents in the room and I find myself kind of avoiding the parents of these two kids. Is this awful? How do you all handle this? I worry that I’m being unfair to both the “difficult” kids and their parents. But . . . I don’t want to deal with it. Ugh.
Any tips for making my oldest like the baby better? I have a soon to be 3 year old and a 9 month old and while he loves her, she alternates between ignoring him and actively disliking him. I’ve mostly tried to leave this alone and give her space to have her feelings but I’m starting to feel hopeless about this situation improving, especially because we seem to be moving from more ignoring to more disliking. Does this get better? Anything I can do to help it? Anything I should avoid?
We are getting our daughter’s big girl room ready in preparation for new baby arriving this spring. We got her a dresser that is 4 1/2 ft wide and a little less than 3 feet tall. Because it is extra wide, the space above looks very blank. What do you think – would you hang a mirror or art or something else? I was thinking mirror but that is just how our bedroom is setup so that may be why. Not sure what a good option would be; I probably wouldn’t want something too heavy. The dresser is white if that matters.
Does anyone else have trouble nibbling their kids or other food during the dinner hour? Everyone including me is tired, hungry and whiny between say 5 and 6 pm and I find myself picking at chicken nuggets from my kids’ plates, chips from the cabinet, or an adult beverage. These are not choices I enjoy, but I clearly feel it as a response to this stressful hour. This is manifesting itself as too-tight pants! Any tips to get through?
I’m 12 weeks pregnant and waiting on the results of my NIPT testing. It is driving me crazy, so instead I’m assuming it won’t have bad news and trying to figure out when to tell work (Biglaw senior associate). I work with a large number of partners/counsel (7 partners/counsel in my group plus about 5 other partners outside my group on matters that are currently active and there are 2 partners I am just close with and have been mentors to me) plus all the associates. I think some members of my group will have a less than favorable reaction. I was thinking I would raise it at team meetings for my active matters and my group meeting mostly for efficiency sake and to eliminate the need 1-1 conversations with a couple folks that I don’t think will go well. At the group meeting there will be people who will be supportive but also people that will be less than happy. I have a group meeting at 16 weeks (but I my 16 week appointment is the following Monday) and at 20 weeks (but my anatomy scan is the following Monday). I’m just starting to show (still mostly bloat but there is a small bump). Would you tell at 16 weeks or 20 weeks or another time?
My last comment went into mod… has the mod issues from the main page made its way over here?
I’m 37 weeks pregnant and starting to get myself prepared for the finish line. My doctor doesn’t have a hard and fast rule about when to induce, but instead discusses it in an informed way with patients to jointly decide. Typically she says she usually induces around the 41 week mark, though. I’m reading up on reputable sources about the pros and cons of inducing at 41 weeks or waiting closer to or all the way to 42 weeks, but there doesn’t seem to be a consensus. The women in my family tend to have babies quite late– many have been born right around 42 weeks and all have been healthy. I’m leaning toward at least asking my doctor to wait until 41 weeks and 3 days, but can’t decide if the pros outweigh the cons of waiting until 42 weeks assuming everything is looking fine with the baby otherwise. I don’t want to borrow trouble, but I’d like to be prepared so I’m not making an emotional decision if/when I’m already past my due date. For any of you who have gone a week or more past your due date– how did you decide if/when to get induced?
I’d love some insight on this, when my almost 2-year old gets upset or has a tantrum she sometimes goes into the corner of the room for 5-10 minutes on her own, completely unprompted. We’ve obviously never put her in a corner and her daycare teachers said she did this there last week (it’s also of course not how they discipline). The teachers were shocked and let her have her space for a few minutes.
Is this normal? Just a kid-quirk?
Recs for hair clip brands for toddler hair? DD has very fine hair and the only bows that seem to stay are Wee Ones, which are pricey! Any recs for non-slip hair clips that are more affordable?