Makeup & Beauty Monday: Unseen Sunscreen SPF 40

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Unseen Sunscreen SPF 40 I have been on the hunt for sunscreen that I can put on at the beginning of the day so that if I find myself walking around at lunch or caught in the sun, I can breathe a sigh of relief that I already have something on my face. I just wanted it to be non-greasy and to feel like I am not wearing anything. I bought this product and am really loving it. While waiting for it to get shipped to me, I did a little bit more googling about it, and people raved about what a good makeup primer it is. This actually makes my lightweight foundation stick to my skin better, and I find I can use less foundation and apply it with my fingers and still get a very consistent result. When it goes on, the texture makes you think it will feel weird, but it really disappears into your skin. I’ll definitely reorder this once I run out. It’s $32 at Sephora, and Nordstrom sells both sizes for $16 and $32. Unseen Sunscreen SPF 40 This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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This is spot on!

When did your kid give up their nap? Any words of advice? A quick google search advised me to both ease out of the nap gradually over several weeks/months and to go completely cold turkey to avoid confusing my kid so…I’d appreciate some anecdata.

does anyone know if i would be stopped by tsa for trying to bring a tv remote on a flight. my kid is obsessed with pushing buttons so i’m thinking this would provide lots of entertainment, but don’t want to try it if for some reason it would be forbidden.

I’m embarrassed to admit this but I’ve never left my 11 month old in the evening. We don’t have family and haven’t figured out the sitter thing yet, plus since he’s in daycare all day, I like the time with him and haven’t gotten really motivated.

Anyway, I have an event to go to that starts at 6ish with a dinner is at 7 or 7:30 (I can’t remember exactly). LO usually goes to bed at 7. I’m trying to figure out whether I should put him to bed early before I go or have the sitter do it. I worry the sitter won’t be able to get him to go to sleep, especially since I’m still nursing and that’s part of his nighttime routine. But on the other hand, if he wakes up while we are gone and only the sitter – who he’s never met – is there, I worry he might be scared.

I know I sound ridiculous, especially to moms of older kids (or those who are just better at these this) but I feel like a missed the parenting manual on a lot of things, including this!

A friend’s son was just diagnosed with cancer and will be in the hospital for some time. I don’t want to give details to respect privacy. What would you send to the child/family? I was thinking food for the family and a coloring book and stickers for the child to have in the hospital. Anyone have experience/insight about what would be most helpful?

Remind me why, exactly, I have a job? I am completely exhausted from running all over town to handle day camp logistics, entertaining friends and family every weekend to keep my extrovert husband happy, and a totally unnecessary trip last week. I am sick for the third time this summer. Now I am stuck working from home for the next two weeks because I have no child care, and my kid is already whining that she’s bored and refusing to do the work she needs to do to prep for the start of school. To top it off, a client has decided that it wants to manipulate the results of its project to suit its political ends and is accusing me of doing a terrible job, and now my boss is demanding that I fly out there and bring a senior colleague with me, which means that she thinks I screwed up and can’t handle the big leagues and my hoped-for promotion is sunk.

I hate being a working mom, and never more than during the summer. Why can’t I just quit my job and be a SAHM? My kid and my husband would be so much happier if I were just at home making everything happen during the day while they are gone.

If your kid was breastfed and had GERD, what did it look like? DD had it but was bottle fed and the symptoms were fairly textbook (arching back, refusing feeds, large amounts of spit up). Now DS is suddenly having large amounts of spit up and I’m unsure what is just lots of spit up and what’s not normal. I plan to follow up with ped later this week but just looking for any anecdata.

Some natural things to try:
*Magnesium Calm or any other Magnesium Threonate product
*More time outside, preferably in whatever nature really makes you feel good (beach, forest, mountains, lake, whatever). Try to think of a local natural setting that lifts you up and spend more time there.
*Get more sleep if possible

Also talk to your doctor about changing your prescription? Maybe something else would be better.

WWYD? I am a contractor, going on two years at my current gig. I asked about becoming an employee last week: boss said they love my work and I mesh really well with the team, but there’s no budget for making me an employee and he understands if I want to pursue other options. That last part was really a shock to me. Is it time to start looking?

Anyone have experience with the Wayne Pico car seat? Seen one in the wild?

If you’re a mom with anxiety, I could use your advice and coping mechanisms. Mine is flaring up badly right now, for a variety of reasons. Unfortunately, the general mess/noise/commotion of kids is further setting me on edge. I feel HORRIBLE. I’m so snappy and crabby right now, especially toward one kid in particular who is the … wilder sort, shall we say. I don’t want my kids to feel like they have to tiptoe around me. When I’m in this space, I don’t want to be around anyone because I’m easily agitated. Exercise and basic self-care is not cutting it right now. I’m on a low dose of an SSRI already.

My LO is close to outgrowing the infant car seat – we had the CityGo. I want to get a convertible carseat next that we can use until it’s no longer needed. It will stay in the car in the burbs and I’d get a separate seat for travel. What is best? My neighbor recommend a Britax?

I was starting to get excited about this sunscreen, but then I read the ingredients. Booooo!

But also, is the SPF really effective at noon if you’ve put it on at 6:30am?

rec for a baby/toddler hairbrush or comb?

I survived my first solo road trip with my two year old this weekend! No major injuries, although it was a terrible drive back with three puking incidents, and she didn’t get trampled or drown or any of the other calamities I was envisioning with a fearless toddler and wide open spaces.