Pumping Tuesday: ‘Vibrant Paisley’ Infinity Scarf

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Tasha Vibrant Paisley Infinity Scarf | CorporetteI always think of infinity scarves as being a great addition to a breastfeeding/pumping mom’s wardrobe — you can use them for extra coverage while you’re pumping, a pattern (such as this vibrant paisley) hides milk stains and other baby stains (spit up, sticky fingers, etc.), and is an easy way to add color and variation to what may be a limited wardrobe as you work to get back into your pre-pregnancy clothes. I like this vibrant paisley scarf, available in blue and orange — it was $28, but is now marked to $18.75 (and it is machine washable). Tasha ‘Vibrant Paisley’ Infinity Scarf

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Just popping over to say that you mamas who have had to do weeks and weeks of bedrest are major champs. I am doing just one week of bedrest to recover from a knee surgery and it is so. boring. Also feeling major simpatico for the late in pregnancy not being able to turn over/be comfortable in bed/put ones’ own socks on.

I always assumed bedrest would be awesome – working in my pjs! no commuting! – but I am so seriously hoping I never have to do this again!!

Any advice to determining when/how to wean?

My baby is almost 8 months. I’m pumping twice a day at work, bf-ing morning and bedtime (and overnight, which we are working on) and throughout the day on the weekends. Baby usually gets one formula bottle a day right now, but I’m not pumping enough to cover daycare needs and the freezer stash is running low, so I expect that to increase soon. She is doing OK with solids, but I don’t think she is eating enough to get significant calories.

I think I want to wean. Or at least start weaning. Or…something. On the one hand I am pretty sick of pumping and of bf-ing all the time on weekends. But I do enjoy nursing at bedtime. I definitely want to night wean, and she was going 8-9 hours without eating at night, but then she was sick and we’ve had a regression.

Any advice on how to sort this all out and what to do?

Not sure how I feel about the thumbs up/down. I like them in theory – but the line of “reply/report” then “thumbs up / down” then collapse leads to a lot of visual clutter. Can you make the thumbs up down to the right instead, or not gray?
Also small nitpick – dislike has an extra capital I that looks a little odd.

Anyone have any encouraging stories about turning a breech baby at / after 35 weeks? Any exercises or techniques that worked? I am getting frustrated and scared. Thanks!

Ok, this is an embarrassing but serious question – does anyone know how Facebook comes up with the “Suggested Posts”? I ask because my husband and I are currently separated, and Facebook keeps giving me “suggested posts” about how to know if your spouse is cheating on you, how to know when it’s time to leave your spouse, etc. I didn’t really have any concerns about cheating, but I guess I’m trying to figure out if Facebook knows something I don’t. It isn’t a widely publicized fact that we’re separated, so I don’t know how Facebook would know, but after the stories about Target sending targeted pregnancy ads before women even told their spouses, I’m a little paranoid….I guess I’m hoping for people to chime in and say that everyone gets those same suggested posts, and not to worry.

Sleep question. My daughter is 3 and has never been a good sleeper. We made the mistake of cosleeping for a long time so she’s not used to sleeping alone and she seems to be a night owl who refuses to lay down and relax at night so she can go to sleep. Advice on getting her to stay in bed and lay down and go to sleep at night? I can keep walking her back to her room if/when she comes in ours, but how do I force her to stay in her bed and lay down at bedtime? It’s not unusual for her to be up past 11 pm and then she’s tired the next day. Or do I just not worry about the sleep issue and focus on getting her to stay in her room, regardless of what she’s doing in there?

I’m sure it’s fine, especially since when you’re nursing her she probably got a little blood in with the milk and is fine. I remember when I had bloody and cracked n*pples when nursing that the advice I received was to rub some milk on the cut to help it heal faster.
(This was meant as a reply to “pumping question,” obviously.)

This is pretty viseral, so apologies–has anyone had issues with pumping and bloody n*pples? I had the pleasure of getting a serious chomp while nursing the babe (her two bottom teeth are just coming in), hard enough to break the skin. That was unpleasant on its own, but yesterday when I returned to work and pumping, I noticed that the milk from that side was pink…from my not-quite-healed n*p cut. I am having some supply issues so I am loathe to chuck six ounces of milk (liquid gold! and I’m nearly out of my frozen stash!), but I was worried about getting the side-eye from daycare. I figured that she’d been nursing and getting the same since the bite a few days ago, but wanted to do a gut-check: was I wrong to not throw out that milk?